Saturday, January 7, 2012

PRISCILLA......QUEEN OF THE DESERT.......Honest I had no idea.

This is one of those posts that's more text then photos.....
This is one of those
"Only can happen to Sue" moments.....If you have the patience to read it all it has a great
When daughter knew I would be visiting New York she asked if there was any play I might
like to see....She's very thoughtful....
Not a big fan of crowded theaters and being "One of THOSE people" that has to have
an end seat no matter where I go....
I thought "Sue.....don't be a Buzz Kill....think of something you might like to see and
Happily go and enjoy yourself".......
SO I suggested a musical called
"Priscilla.....Queen of the Desert"
You know you're
Getting Old when you can't put two and two together....
All I knew of the play was Disco music and fabulous costumes....
The fact that Bette Midler is the producer and "Queen" is in the title went right over my
Daughter buys tickets in the 3rd Row.......end seat for me....Thank you very much!!
I didn't know she bought three tickets.....Me...Her.....Miss B....

Here is "B" preparing to go to the show......I have no picture of her Get-Up after she
was done dressing included...
Black patent leather combat boots with big plaid bows....
a red velvet Bolero jacket over this adorable dress...
those Big Pearls....
and a Big black Feather in her hair....
That hat was the Theater she got at the gift counter a
Big Pink Feather Boa......

We go to the theater and find our seats.....Fabulous seats....Daughter did good....
Sophie is in her Booster seat that the theater provided...she gets excited looking up and seeing a Big Disco ball hanging from the ceiling......
The Lights go down.....then flashing lights go on and music starts playing and the curtain opens...And there it is.......A Transvestite Musical....
That's right......A Whole lot of Men dressed in skimpy glittery costumes......
Most in sparkly G-Strings.....
The two women in front of us turned around and said....
"Grandma, you had no idea what this play was about did you?".......
Me and daughter are humiliated that we have a four year old looking at half naked men....
And might I add......these guys were Toned.....I mean I have never seen so many
Good Looking Butts in my 61 years......
Costumes......Unbelievable......3 Over-weight Women kept being lowered on wires from the ceiling
to sing songs such as...
"It's Raining Men"
It was Fabulous.....but we decided at intermission we would leave.....thinking it was not appropriate for B to be seeing.....
Intermission comes and we tell her we are leaving and she says to me....Very Serious...
"You two can go....I'm staying to see the second half".....
That's My Girl!!!

Curtain goes up......the whole cast comes out on stage.....Alot of people maybe 30-40
Big Theater Right on Broadway......two balconies...Hundreds of people in the audience....
They start singing and dancing and then they come down into the audience and
They pick Miss B to go up onto the stage.....
How could they resist.... she was dressed like one of the cast.....
When that child hit that stage in Boa and hair feathers...and let's not forget the combat boots...
That crowd went wild.....Now they were a crazy bunch to begin with but they started cheering and Hooting and hollering.....Me and daughter just looked at each other and
we were speechless....
Our Beloved Miss B On Broadway.......
What Happens...... Grandma.......the idiot....who always carries a camera
Does Not take a picture....I have no idea why.....shocked I guess....
She dances around the stage with one of the cast members and then waves to the
Crowd before coming back down the stairs.....

We recommend this play was pure entertainment.....
Who doesn't love Disco Music and good looking men.....
Worth what ever the daughter paid for the tickets....
It was certainly a sight that I will have burned into my memory for a very long time....
Will I do a little research next time when asked what I would like to see....

Nah......would take the fun out of it...

Here's a Quick clip of the cast at this years Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.....
I figure if it was tame enough for a Parade
It was perfectly fine for a four year old....


  1. OMG, What a story Sue!
    I about pp my pants when she said you two can go, I'm staying!
    You know it's good to have some surprises left in life! lol!
    Seeing her up on stage must have been worth a million bucks! Thanks for sharing,

  2. Oh, Sue! How funny! You know, of course, they will be calling Miss B now and asking her to dye her hair red for Annie! It never ceases to amaze me how all these crazy things keep happening to you! Do you have any more New York stories you are saving to tell us?...hugs...Debbie

  3. I swear you are the only one I know that has "these" kind of stories to tell and you are right....this could only happen to Sue, I know too many stories that could only happen to you...God has a sense of humor.

  4. Amazing! I would have loved to see your faces when you realized the kind of show it was but even more so to see Miss B on Broadway! What fun and such a great story. yes, Sue...only to you!!! Hoping to see you soon! Hugs, Linda

  5. HAPPY 2012 SUE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I was going to wish you much JOY but it looks like you received an overdose when Miss B took the stage. Just the way she dressed herself says she is very creative and destined for the arts of some kind. She is very beautiful.
    I SURE LOVE...LOVE...LOVE that EIFFEL TOWER she is standing by.
    Thank you for sharing
    sugar hugs

  6. LOL - hilarious! That tickled me greatly! I've never seen the west end show - but the original movie is fantastic and well worth seeing too! As for Miss B - what a starlet - this is going to stay in her blood forever let me tell you. Soon you'll be going to see her headlining such shows for sure!!! ;-) x

  7. Oh Sue. What a wonderful story. Glad it worked out in the end.
    I guess the only thing that could have been funnier is if they had chosen you to go on stage!!!

  8. Wow! Sounds like a blast! Wish you had taken pics. :)
    Sounds like your granddaughter is comfortable on stage with an audience...natural born star!
    Glad you had a great time.

  9. OMGosh, Sue! I would have died...or prayed for the floor to open up and swallow me whole. Can you imagine what a kick this will be for her when she is 16 and you tell her about THAT day? lol

    Good one, Gramma! Now...set her down and let her watch The Birdcage with Robin Williams- xo Diana

  10. Oh my gosh Sue - where is the picture - I can't believe it. I bet Miss B is going to be an actress or something. Great story and so precious. Way to go Miss B! You can leave, but she is going to stay. HAHA


  11. Well, of course you didn't take your camera. Remember the last show when you got in trouble for taking photos and they wanted you to delete them? Hopefully, Sophie didn't really get into the story line. She just liked the costumes and music. And she can now boast of being in a real Broadway show!!!
    Gotta tell you... my daughter took her Brooklyn born husband to Professional Bull Riding at Madison Square Garden today on the 7-year anniversary of the day they met. Seven years and she is still trying to make a southern red neck out of him!!!

  12. Oh yes, I can see it happening! Love that you had another "experience." Miss B must have made you proud up there on the stage! LOL- I have to be on the end everywhere we go, too. If I'm in church and someone wants to get in the pew, I politely step into the aisle and let him/her go into the middle. I figure, if I took the time to get the seat I want- that late person can be cramped in between everybody else! Not me- I want an end seat! Kindred spirits we are....
    xoxoxox Sue

  13. This. Is. The. Best.

    Even daughter didn't know it was about drag queens?! Oh you sillies. :-) I saw Priscilla in London this past's at the Palace Theater there, which is aaammmmzzzinggg...and I really liked it. I was by myself, though, so imagine you ladies had fun together (it's a good group outing for sure). And good for Miss B for standing her ground, lol. What I would have given to see her up on that stage -- AMAZING.

  14. Hilarious!! Happy New Year Sue....I saw the movie and actually loved it so I would probably love the show as well. You may have a budding actress on your hands with little Miss B.
    ♥, Susan

  15. What a funny story. That little girl looks so sweet next to the Eiffel Tower.

  16. Hahaha...that sounds like a wildly fun time! I saw the movie a few years ago and really enjoyed it. Seeing little Miss B up on stage was an experience of a life time.

  17. I was laughing a bit reading this post. What a fun crazy time you three had. I've seen the movie, so know what it's about. Your Miss B is precious.

  18. Sue,

    This was a great story and made my morning! I adore your Miss B.

    Your Friend,

  19. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  20. What a hoot! So sorry you didn't take a photo. You know, the play is good fun and four year olds get that - especially ones with born in sensational style and the gumption to tell mom and grandma to go on without her. Wonderful story. Love your blog!

  21. It's Helen again - after checking out other posts on your blog I HAD to become a follower! Can't wait to see more. Come say Hello sometime.

  22. love the dress...good lesson to investigate before buying!

  23. O...M....G!!!! That is the FUNNIEST story I've ever heard. I bet you were about to die the entire time. I've never heard of that play, but then again, I don't really keep up with them either. I bet you felt like you were in the movie "The Birdcage"! Your granddaughter is adorable. Sounds like she's a spunky kid that likes to have a good time. Some kids might've been scared by all of that. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting me too. You should probably name that new "head" over your fireplace since it is now part of the family. Ha!

  24. Brilliant I am lol here at 1.15am as I cannot sleep. What a great story. My hubby and I were talking about this show last week and one I would love to see.

  25. Hello, Sue :o) I`m already following your lovely blog. Miss B sooo sweet! Love your calendar and all pictures of NY!
    P.S. Please, came to enter my giveaway :o)

  26. That is too funny! I didn't know what it was about either! I guess they don't have ratings for shows like they do for movies.

  27. I'm glad you all had a chance to see this musical, Sue! Sadly I think it's closing soon. What a fun memory for you all and especially Miss B!
