Sunday, July 24, 2011

MY LAST FIVE MONTHS............more or less.

Five Months go by slowly when your in New Jersey
This Sign on I-95 proclaims
"Welcome to New Jersey"
But they really don't mean it.....

But we were there for a mission and that included spending time with our beloved
Miss "B"
Me and daughter promptly hit up the Philadelphia Flower Show at Joyce's
The orchids were beautiful but between me and daughter we had little interest in the
whole Flower Thing..... didn't even smell good...
Speaking of smelling we had to clean out the Big Boss' house after he passed away....
No easy task as the man had hoarded food since the early 80's....
Hundreds of cans of "stuff" like sardines and soy sauce marked with a
Sharpie marker from 1986?
Don't Ask.....
We have no idea where this man shopped.....
he dated these 8/92
Shortly after arriving the Boss got sick of driving my Bug so treated himself
To what "B" calls the "Snake Car"
a Mustang GT500 Cobra....Oye!!!
I drove it about 20 feet and couldn't get it out of 2nd. gear....
A trip to Atlantic City was a must......
I had not been to the Steel Pier since I was a kid....
I'm happy to report that it's turned into a dump...
But I had to stop at Fralinger's for Salt Water Taffy
Thanks to daughter we stayed at the beautiful
Water Club....
And thanks to me I discovered in the food court at the Bellagio
Philly Cheese Steaks By
Tony Luke's...
The Best cheese steaks EVER!!!!!!!!
Daughter also treated me to a show with Kathy Griffin.....
Now I know a lot of people really dislike her but I have to say she was was two hours of Non-Stop laughter....
And then the Boss decided two cars were better then one......

And then it was Easter.....
and sleeping on an air mattress was starting to get to our backs.....
But we hung in there.....
because there were still important things ahead
Like celebrating my Best Friend Nunze's Birthday!!
her real name is Cheryl....
We got to share the joy of a friend's new baby.....

And then Mother's Day arrived.....
and I took the girls out for tea...
Where "B' acted the perfect lady.....
A special time and a highlight of our stay....
And then there was our version of "Storage Wars"
You will see this picture down below....I have a new MacBook Air
and for the life of me cannot figure out how to delete pictures...
So disregard... you didn't think the Boss was going to buy himself two new cars and
I was going to be left out....
My salesman "Steve" looked like a goofy version of
George Clooney....
Of course there was a trip to Seaside to see the
"Jersey Shore" house up close and personal....
Nothing says the Jersey boardwalk like a cheap Henna Tattoo
And Greasy Food...
We went back to Chester where we used to go antique shopping 40 years ago....
and ran into an antique car show....
How cute is this.....
Chester is also filled with wonderful antique shops....
You didn't think I traded in my Bug did you...
On loan to daughter for now.....
My baby will be trailered home when she is through with it...
We celebrated a 4th Birthday!!!
And Grandpa had to explain that she couldn't open her gifts the minute
The party started.....
I got to have a night out with the high school peeps....
Always a wonderful time....

And then came the renovations of the Big Boss' house....
Where the man didn't even paint a wall in 35 years....
we remodeled the entire house....
The hardwoods came beautiful....
And the kitchen came adorable....

We are happy to announce that the house sold in one month....
It closes on August 31st....
Mazel to the new homeowners....

Lot's more happened after the house stay tuned for a shorter
part two....


Ellen said...

Okay, five months in NJ and you didn't let me know!!!! So sorry to hear that you had to make the trip for a sad reason.

Next trip north, we must get together.

Sue said...

Oh my- You WERE a busy girl! I'm glad that you accomplished so much at your FIL's house. LOL Who buys Asian plastic wrap?! Looking forward to seeing more of you in the near future. :-) Sue

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wow so busy and yet so much fun! I know seeing your daughter and Miss B made the long stay much better. Glad you are back and can't wait for our next get together!

Chatty Crone said...

Whew - that was a world wind trip even for five months.

A lot accomplished - a new beginning - an ending wrapping up.

Love the cars.

Glad you're home.

Hope all is great now!

Cass @ That Old House said...

You have been a busy little bee, haven't you? :-)
You were in Chester? Do you know how close I am to Chester? ACK. Next time you are up in the dirty Jerz, come by!

BTW we northern New Jerseyans kinda think there ain't much of use south of Route 78. I was gonna say Route 80, but that would let me out! I live just south of 80.

HUGE congrats on getting your father in law's house sold -- and so quickly too. You clearly did an wonderful job on the rehab. I laughed out loud at the Asian Zip loc bags. Yeah, where DID he shop?

(And Miss B is getting more and more beautiful. Wow ... 4)

Salmagundi said...

Now that's the type of post I've missed from you over the last 5 months. Can't wait for the second part (even though I know part of what's to come). My mother & dad's cupboards were the same way - lots of old, organized can goods. Must have been the depression era from their childhood coming out in them. Sally

Lisa Pogue said...

OMGoodness, You had a full, busy five months!!!!! So glad to have you back!!

Neabear said...

Wow! Busy times! Thanks for stopping by and no I don't think your red washer and dryer and whatever else in red will be overkill. I would probably do the same if given the chance. So where is this new house you mention?


Yvonne said...

Love all the photos. What a very busy and sad time you had. You're a person who loves to have a lot of fun always being active...I like that. I would love to meet you and your husband, dinner sounds great; when Vic comes back for his vacation in November. We've been wanting to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway, so driving to Atlanta one day and to Johnson City the next wouldn't be too bad. I always appreciate the wonderful comments you leave on my posts.

Fairfield House said...


Five months seems like a long time but considering all you accomplished it must have flew by. You and the Boss did a wonderful job rehabbing your father-in-law's home. I cringed when I looked at it because I have yet to empty and sell my mother's home. Glad you got away in your new car when the police arrived after you and Snookie got into a drunken brawl on the boards. hehehe
I'm happy you were in the company of old friends and your beautiful daughter and Miss B.

Your Friend,

Come Away With Me said...

Wow, that was a lot in five months.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

No one had a busier, more eventful summer than your family. No. One. Oy!!