Monday, July 11, 2011

AN ARLINGTON NATIONAL FUNERAL........The Big Boss Gets Put To Rest.

I have been away from blogging for a very long time.....
Since February to be exact....
When the "Big Boss" became sick and we had to go to New Jersey.....
As most of you know the Big Boss was the father to "The Boss"...
My husband John....
The Big Boss passed away on March 9th. a few months short of his 90th. Birthday...
In the Shadow of the 9/11 Memorial at the Pentagon in Washington sits
Arlington National Cemetery....
With all of his friends passed away and no family besides us there was no funeral
service at the time of this death.....
We opted to take advantage of the wonderful Military Service that the Government
offers to people who have served in the military....
Corporal Michael F. Adivari
Served for four years during World War Two
and was awarded the Bronze Star....
On June 30th. His ashes were laid to rest in the
Columbariam at Arlington
A total of 19 Military personal honored his service....
6 Men escorted his Urn into a covered area on the grounds for a
Catholic service....
The Firing squad stood at we passed by
A flag was carried over to the service sight....
The unfolding and the folding....
Over the Urn.....
Done with such was amazing to watch....
For once I was speechless..
There was the "21 Gun" Salute....
And the Playing of "Taps"
Father Gabriel accepting the Flag...
And getting ready to present it.....
To the Boss....
A very Touching Moment....
Taking the Urn to it's final resting place.....
Daughter holding the presented Flag......
While they let the Boss place the Urn in the Niche.....
The Many that came before....
We were given a Lifelong special Pass to visit at any time.....When we pass away...
The Pass will go to Daughter....
And Miss "B" was a little trouper through the whole service.....

It's nice to be back.....I hope you all enjoy this post.....
It was a wonderful experience and we are all thrilled that we were able to
do this for the Big Boss....


  1. It's wonderful to have you back .. your post is amazing.

  2. What a wonderful service for such a special person. Missed you...welcome back.

  3. Glad you are back. Thanks for sharing the Big Boss's funeral at Arlington with us. Looking forward to hearing everything that has been going on with you. Looks like Little Cutie Pie has grown! Sally

  4. I'm THRILLED your back. I am sorry about your FIL. It was a nice funeral.

    What was he awarded the Bronze Star for?

  5. What a beautiful post, Sue. Glad that you are back.

  6. Glad you are back! Military funerals are wonderful and very special. See you soon!
    hugs, Linda

  7. Dear Sue, it is wonderful to have you back. Thank you for sharing with us about Big Boss' military funeral service. I was at a similar one in February and it was very moving. Especially when they played "Taps" and when they handed the folded flag to my dear friend (it was her husband's funeral)...Blessings to you and your family and, again, I'm so happy to see you back!

  8. Glad to see you again, Sue! So sorry about your father-in-law, but what an amazing funeral! I just returned from a week in Paris with my grandson and thought of you!...hugs...Debbie

  9. That was amazing to see. Thank you for sharing such a tough and emotional time for your family. Wonderful to see the respect for your father-in-law.


  10. Sue - What a beautiful tribute to the big boss...thank you so much for sharing with us.
    It's nice to have you back.

  11. I'm so sorry to read about your father-in-law, Sue. My dad passed away in February and I know how difficult it is. A military funeral is a very emotional experience.

    I'm happy to see you back in bloggie land. We missed you.

  12. Glad to see you back Sue. I've been a little worried that you weren't coming back. My condolences on the loss of The Big Boss. The photo of the flag being presented on bended knee tothe The Boss brought tears to my eyes. Those who have fought so bravely deserve this honor and respect.

  13. Hi Sue, you have been on my heart wondering how you were making out...God carries us thru the trying times...we have 2 more grandkids on the end of end of dec...please accept my condolences...your fil was a patriot. very moving ceremony!

  14. Glad to see you back Sue, been wondering if you would ever return.
    The funeral is very heart touching and I loved seeing the pics.

  15. Welcome back. I know the past few months have been difficult and you've been in my thoughts. Hope to catch up with you soon!

  16. I'm glad that you posted this, Sue. I'm glad that you had this service in DC. I'm sure it was a very moving experience. Glad you're back! Take care and hope to see more of you soon. :-) Sue

  17. Back to give you the link to the first of the Paris posts...
    It has links to all of the others at the end of it. Day five will be next! Welcome back, Sue!...hugs...Debbie

  18. Hi Sue,
    I too am happy to have you back. The funeral was so touching. The Bronze Star, what an honor. My son received one upon his return from Afganistan. There is always a cost to those awards, but something to be proud of also. Except my sympathy on your lose.

  19. Welcome back. Missed you and your posts. So sorry to read that your FIL passed away. I hope that your husband is doing well.

  20. so sorry to hear about your loss...I did have to read this twice to make sure it wasn't your hubby.
    When my father died, he had a military funeral which brought me to tears. I still have his flag.
    Glad to see you back....

  21. What a wonderful send off. Glad you were able to do this for the Big Boss. A memory to treasure.

  22. Beautiful and very moving service...your pictures are wonderful. It is good to see you back and writing again.

  23. Thanks for your visit. WOW this is some kind of send cool to be able to do this for him...I am sure he was very pleased! Hope all is well with you and that all the sofa troubles end soon! ;D

  24. Awwww what a beautiful post and such an absolute honour to the BIg Boss. Each photograph was stunning and made me feel like I was actually there with you all. Thanks for sharing. Sending big hugs! Al x

  25. Sue,

    For some reason I always thought those buried at Arlington died during service. Thank you for sharing this intimate moment.

    Your Friend,

  26. I know I have said it before but please know my thoughts have been with you all...thank you for sharing all of this with all of us. There is nothing quite like a service at Arlington.

    I cannot believe how much that sweet girl has grown!!

    Love you,

  27. There is no better way to leave this world than go with a military funeral. Precision and respect at the highest levels. Funeral Directors London

  28. What a wonderful post... particularly as we celebrate Memorial Day. God rest his soul....

