Monday, January 17, 2011

No I Didn't Die........FACEBOOK just killed me.

Incase anyone wondered why I disappeared from your
Facebook page.....
While away for the holidays
Harvey who I went to high school with.....
received an E-Mail from "ME" saying I had been robbed at gunpoint while on
Vacation in London and the message asked poor Harvey to wire
Needless to say I never left the country and someone found the need to not only
Steal my E-Mail address but then delete my Facebook account
Making me Disappear.....
Not Very Nice......don't you think?


  1. That is awful! I received one of those emails about a year ago, from a "friend" and of course when I contacted that real friend they had no idea they had been taken over!

  2. That's horrible. I got rid of FB a few weeks after I signed up for it. Too many weird things.
    Glad you're back though..missed ya.

  3. Are you home now (even though Facebook killed you off)? Other than that - how was your trip? Not much going on around here! Sally

  4. Wow! Your holidays were busier that we even imagined! What an exciting life - London, sabotage and death of fb! Only you Sue!!! Good to hear from you!

  5. Are you really YOU? Or is this an imposter PRETENDING to be you? Life is sure confusing, huh? Glad you are BACK...if is really IS you;>)...Hugs- Diana

  6. Are you kidding me??? That is awful, Sue! They were doing this on the blogs, and I received a message about a good friend. I knew to email her, and she had her account hacked.

    I'm so sorry you're dead. I hope like Lazzarus, you come roaring back. Seems you have, but we miss you in Blogville!


    Sheila :-)

  7. So you have been to Europe - no wonder I haven't heard from you! teehee Miss you. sandie

  8. I have heard of this happening to others on FB. Glad to know you are OK and home?? WE have missed you!

  9. Oh no Sue! That happened to my daughter-in-law once. She thinks it was a phony game application that stole her password on facebook. I never play games or accept "gift" tokens on facebook for that reason.

    Just to be safe change all your passwords.

  10. Horrible and just plain mean!!!!

  11. I was wondering where you were! I have heard some real horror stories about Facebook. People give out way too much info without realizing!
    I don't do FB, enough strange things in my life already! :)

  12. Uh oh. So sorry that happened, Sue.

    Just this morning someone wrote something on my personal wall and when I clicked on it, it was in some strange language. Needless to say I changed my passwords on facebook and my email.
