Sunday, July 18, 2010

A LITTLE HEAT RELIEF........a story from the Motherland.

It's been so hot lately with temps in some parts of the country
in the triple digits that I thought I would bring you this
Cooling story straight from the Motherland....
Rahway...New Jersey...
Oh we are so proud of our hometown for this one....
This might be even better then the fact that we are also home to
The Rahway State Penitentiary
Remember the t.v. documentary Scared Straight.....Yup...that was our town!
But this story is more refined and cultural....
Think Museum quality.....
I give you....
The Venus de Milo....
In Snow...The picture on the right is Venus in all her naked glory......
That was before the police got complaints of
a naked snow statue....
Oh you have to be kidding....
Some idiots complained to the police that Miss "V" was in the Buff.....
So the Rahway Police made the Homeowner dress the poor thing....
Here is the Happy Homeowner showing off her sculpting talents...
It's pretty good wouldn't you say.....
She was quoted as saying...
"I thought she looked more objectified and sexualized after you put the bikini on her"
That's something somebody from Rahway would say....

Not bad from the back either.....
And it gets better....
We saw this story on Fox News but they did not say where in Jersey Miss Milo
was hanging out....
It seems she was melting right in the Big Boss' backyard....
That's right...
They live right behind Grandpa.....
Like I said....we are just so proud.



  1. oh! so funny. if the lady who made this and refused to dress the naked lady, i wonder if there would be any legal action.

  2. OK, now you've gone and done it -- I can't access your blog without typing in the password for the parental control thingie on our computer. You can't be too careful with a 13-year old around!!! What did the Big Boss have to say about it? I think she is a thing of beauty! The complainer should go to the Louvre, don't you think? I didn't know you were from a prison town. Our town is the prison capital of Colorado. We never worry - if they are going to escape, they are going to get out of the area. Take care, Sally

  3. That is just too funny! Love it and now isn't that stupid with so many really ugly and nasty things out there that this has to be covered up.

  4. That is so funny. The complainer must be a major pain.

  5. I think the sculpture is pretty cool (pun intended) and look at those abs! Ah the delicate sensibilities of some people.

  6. I am falling on the floor crying from laughter:-) Maybe next year the BIG Boss can be the model!

  7. Isn't that funny? Much of Europe would be in trouble and frankly some of our television could be labeled more provocative! Great story!

  8. LOL! With all those "See Alice "type commercials on TV, :) at all hours of the day, this seems mild!

  9. Only you Sue could have had this happen in your life - lol!

    The girl did a great job with it. Too bad she had to put the clothes on.

    And your father in law - lucky man! lol Got some views out the window.


  10. I saw this in a magazine a while back and wondered who in the world would complain about it??? How silly! At least life isn't boring around your town.

  11. LOl! This was a very cool and refreshing story, Sue! You always find the most humorous things!

  12. THUD (Me hitting the floor laughing)

    That is priceless and Oh so Jersey. I agree with her response "more objectified and sexual with the bikini on". You do realize if that was me I would have suited her up in a g-string bikini and made some snow nips to tuck in the top. After all, it was cccold.

    I can always count on you for a smile. Thank you for that!

    Your Friend,

  13. Someone complained about this?? Do you live in our neighborhood?? *grin* I can see that happenning here too. Strange folks...
    I think it is amazing! So glad it is forever captured in photos!
