Thursday, February 25, 2010

IT CAN ONLY HAPPEN TO SUE......................

My blogging friend Cheri from "Chez Cheri" always tells me I need to have a
feature called....
"It can only happen to Sue".....
Last night was one of those moments so in the interest of menopausal women
This one is for you....
Every night before bed......and about a dozen times a day.....
I have to get the Boo Dog a big bowl of water and ofcourse it has to have ice in it....
Even when he goes to the kennel I have to instruct the Ropers that Boo won't
drink water unless it has ice in it.... the Ropers are going to give the dog ice water....
So around 1:00a.m. I staggered into the kitchen...
the Boss was already asleep
and like a little ritual I washed his bowl.....ran the cold water and preceded over to the
Ice Maker....
Bowl under the spout I pressed......out came a flurry of ice cubes...
And a few of these....
Like little broken fingers.....Out came 3 pieces of a Hebrew National
Through the ice maker!!
Then came 2 more pieces.....
And one more piece....
The Dog just stood there looking very confused....
Now they didn't come out on a bun or with mustard.......Just
Frozen Solid....
I just stood like an idiot in the darkened kitchen and just laughed....
All I could think of was.........Fingers......
We are Italian you know....I wondered when the Boss joined the Mafia....
I'm thinking they fell from the little shelf they were on in the freezer right into the big
ice maker container and the rest is well......
"Something that could only happen to Sue"


  1. Oh Sue!! I went and looked at my ice maker, and there is no way that could happen here. Are you sure your refrigerator isn't haunted? You are right, it can only happen to Sue. How is your snow injury?? Take care of yourself. Sally

  2. Sue Honey I would have been laughing so hard I would have woke up the household. OMG that is too funny!!!

  3. Oh Sue, I needed to laugh since I have had to run to the bathroom all day. That is just too funny!!!

  4. That is so funny! Sue you are a hoot!!!

  5. I'm trying to envision how I would have reacted to such a thing. I have no idea what I would have done! I love that your dog requires ice cubes in his water. Hilarious!

  6. Now, Sue. You know you don't "join" the mafia. I wouldn't look to The Boss entering the fold. I think they wanted you and the "fingers" were a subtle message! Now there'd be an "It can only happen to Sue." Sue of Rue Mouffetard, first woman drafted by the Mafia.


  7. Well, I hope Bo liked the hot dogs in his ice. Maybe they were the doggie version of fancy ice cubes; you know how some people freeze fruit or flowers in ice cubes. You might have started a new food trend here!

  8. Now wouldn't Boo dog see that as a bonus in his bowl?

  9. How lucky for Boo! Frozen hotdog thinks it should be a new midnight snack for the puppy!

  10. From now on your dog is going to want a hot dogs to stir his drink!
    Only you:)

  11. I am so grossed out!! But laughing all the same! Yes- this sounds like you, and only you!
    Maybe your daughter can help you put together another book, titled, It Can Only Happen To Sue!!!

  12. I laughed so hard I almost spilled my coffee. Do you think it's a curse?

  13. Well I got my giggles for today Sue, because IT CAN ONLY HAPPEN TO YOU!!! Too bad you didn't have the cameras rolling - that would be a funny video for everyone to enjoy on YOU TUBE!! You are a crack up!

  14. Now that's what I call the midnight snack of all times!! So funny......I bet the dog is going to expect that every night.....mine surely would! Loved the story.....thanks for sharing!

  15. OMG, I have tears running down my face from laughing so hard!!!! Who would've ever thought...well, it could only happen to you!!! Keep 'em comin'.

  16. Someone needs to make a comedy for the big screen out of your life Sue:>) Did you figure out how the little hot dogs got into the ice?

  17. To quote my daughter...OMG!!!
    I am laughing so hard at your description..and I bet Boo was thinking, Forget the cubes Mom, toss in those dogs!!
    You are just wonderful!
