Wednesday, January 13, 2010


It's another night of beautiful tablescapes from around blogland hosted by
Susan at I had over neighbors old and new for a little impromptu lunch on Monday....
I always get excited when I get to set a new table and this one turned out to be one
with a
special twist..............
Years ago when I was at the height of my diner china buying days I picked up some
Buffalo China plates with the name "Berghoff" on them......
Not knowing what the Berghoff was I liked the signature plate with the burgundy
I bought 8 of them and I have used them often over the years.....
Anybody owning diner china from the 50's knows how durable this stuff is...
You can literally drop it on the floor and it will not break....
It is truly indestructible....
So when I decided to do a red themed table for lunch I set out my cherry
dessert plates and new red handled silverware
And I reached for the Berghoff plates.....
In the mail the same day I set the table I received my monthly catalog from Book Club.....
And what do I see to my surprise...
A new cookbook untitled
"The Berghoff Cafe Cookbook"
by Carlyn Berghoff.....
the Great Granddaughter of the restaurants founder Herman Berghoff.....
The German-American restaurant in Chicago was founded in 1898 and Carlyn being a graduate of the
Culinary Institute of America is carrying on her great-grandfathers legacy.......
It was no nice after all these years of eating many a meal off of these
dishes that I now can put a face with a name......

I thought my cherry dishes went well with the dinner plates.....
I first found the little dessert dishes at our local
Old Time Pottery here in Marietta for only 25 cents a piece...
A few months later while shopping at a GW with neighbor Necie
I found the matching mugs.....,.$4.00 for 4 mugs.....

Place mats that I used during the holidays were also purchased at
Old Time Pottery....... $1.79 each. They are made of heavy felt....

How cute is this bowl.....
A Christmas gift from Necie....

Little burgundy banded salad bowls.......Also Buffalo diner china circa 1950's

red handled silverware....
$9.99 for a service for 4.....
Only bad point....No soup spoon....
Only....4 knives.....4 forks.....4 teaspoons....
This wonderful pitcher was found while I was up in Jersey
for the holidays.......$6.00 at the Second Chance Thrift Store....
Peapack-Gladstone New Jersey....

Used as napkins.......50 cent dish towels from IKEA....
Even the ladies were surprised by this one when I showed them the little
loop on one end to hang them from.....
I plan on stenciling a silverware pattern in a row using fabric paint one of these days...
IKEA has these as a regular staple all year.....
Where have we seen this name before???
I received this fabulous plate handmade by my dear blogging friend
Ellen at
You can see this wonderful plate better in this picture and see how it matches the pitcher....
If you haven't stopped by Ellen's blog it's a must as she is one of the most talented
people that I have ever met.....she can do it all.....I'll show you at the end of the week
some of her other talents.....
And we ended our lunch with a group picture.....
This is not the best shot as the Boss took it before all were prepared....
But I look the best in this one and after all it's my blog!!
This one is better and even the Boo Dog got in on it.....
He enjoyed hanging with the ladies and the ladies are left to right....
Sandie....Helen.....Me and Necie.....
Helen is an old neighbor from the cul de sac......Just like Knott's Landing!
Necie ofcourse lives next door.....
And Sandie is both a new friend.....a blogger......and a neighbor I never knew.....
We discovered after becoming blogging friends that dear daughter
and her son were in the same grade school class together......
It's a small world!!


  1. Fun post. Full of cherries (the best) and friends. Happy that you have a history behind your plates. Great post!

  2. Love the Berghoff dishes and the story that goes with. You and your girls look like you're having fun! Love your dog. --Delores

  3. Very, very cute & a great legacy for the Berghoff family to continue.
    I sure wish we had an Old Time Pottery nearby. :(

  4. Interesting story about your plates. Love the cherries!

  5. Fabulous!! What a great event you hosted!!

  6. Great table - How lucky you are to have those plates! I LOVED the Berghoff in Chicago. Was so sad when it closed. We have some glass mugs that would match your plates! :D Jewel

  7. Sue, I love the story behind your Berghoff dishes! Such a darling table and you combined everything in such an appealing way. Nice job!!

    How fun to have your friends over. it looks like you all had a terrific time. Happy TT!!

  8. Adorable tablescape. The cherries remind me that spring is around the corner (well one can hope).

  9. Beautiful tablescape, wonderful gifts and the very best of friends!

  10. I need to get me to that Second Chance Thrift Store. And...the Rue Mouffetard plate!!! It is OUTSTANDING.

  11. Oh sooooo cute - I'm totally envious! The Rue Mouffetard pieces are adorable:)


  12. What a gorgeous table and such a fun time with friends. I love the cherry theme. Everything is just gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

  13. Great plates and story! Buffalo China - another thing we have in common. About 40 years ago I was given by an aunt a Buffalo China milk pitcher. And, thus, began my search - but just for Blue willow Buffalo China. I think I only have 3 pieces, but I love the heaviness of the restaurant china. I also have a great book on buffalo china that is from many years ago. We'll talk later about B. China. Sally

  14. Lovely setting Sue, love those vintage Berghoff set quite the table my dear! Looks like a great time...

  15. LOVE the plates and how reasonable for such a cute setting... your the woman, Sue. Wish I was there.

  16. She likes it! She really, really likes it!!!

    I'm sure I had all those plates and accessories in mind when I was deciding on how to do your plate....not! So glad it fit in in some way. I had no idea how you would use it but knew you would figure something out.

    It was a fun project and I'm so glad you do like it!


  17. What a darling tablescape! It looks like you and your luncheon buddies had a wonderful time! What a great post!

  18. Nice gift from Neice. I love the plate that your friend made for you. Enjoyed the history lesson of the Berghoff dishes. Looks like you all had a fun time even your dog:) I have Mr. Vundervants all day today and I am so ready for a nap:)

  19. We had a wonderful time and the food was delish!

    Ellen, the Rue M. plate is priceless!!!


  20. Beautiful table and looks like you had a lot of fun... so what did you serve on those pretty dishes???

  21. Looks like fun and of course RED anything always works for me!
    Linda Q

  22. What a fun and pretty table! I am so jealous of the cute cherry dishes you found, we need Old Time Pottery up here in Michigan! Why are they only down south? How awesome to have the dish with the name of your blog on it!

  23. Everything looks so cute. Love the cherries and that plate with your blog name is absolutely fab!

    - The Tablescaper
