Saturday, October 31, 2009


It's a rainy rainy Halloween Saturday here in's about and the Boss have just gotten up which leaves me in P.J's and if you have been reading this blog for any length of time you know the Boss is on the couch "pantsless"....
The door bell rings.....the dog goes crazy....more so then usual....then the sound of someone pounding on the door.....really pounding.....I get up from the couch to peek out the window to see who is on the porch and what do I see......
A very tall man with those dread-lock thingies and dressed very colorfully.....I'm thinking some sort of Jamaican Costume?........after all it is Halloween......I go back and sit down and inform the Boss of my findings......Some sort of teenage Trick or Treater......and I am not answering the door....
It doesn't dawn on me that it's 11:00 a.m. and only little kids trick or treat in the daylight......
The pounding I'm getting nervous and the Boo Dog is going nuts.....
The Jamaican is gone off the porch and the dog has now moved to the side window of the L.R.
Barking like a Mad Dog.....I look out the window to see the man inside a car in the driveway....
This is Odd?
We have a very very long driveway and we frown upon people being parked so close to the house......
At this point the Boss.....who is more pissed off that he has to get up off the couch and put on pants......gets up and is going to find out who this intruder is.....In the meantime I am scrambling for a piece of paper and pencil to write down the license plate number and county......
Bartow County?.........we live in Cobb.....I see....he drove all the way from another county just to break into our home.....
He backs down the driveway stopping at the bottom near the mailbox....He gets out of the car confirming the Jamaican garb......he puts something in the mailbox and gets back in the car....
But he doesn't drive away......this gives time for the with pants on.....but head for the door.....Never one to hesitate confronting a stranger....I suggest he puts on a shirt.....and he grabs for "my" coat that is hanging by the front door......
In his very authoritative walk he heads down the front lawn......if your paying attention you know it's raining.......
He reaches the car....I see him stop for a moment then reach for something from the mailbox.....
He makes a brief comment to driver then heads back up the lawn......looking very calm....not like he just gave this guy a piece of his mind......
He reaches the front door.....I ask.....
Who is that guy.......and why is he in the driveway?????
The Boss says..............."I gave him a piece of my mind and asked what the ____k are you doing in my driveway"................still not knowing who the guy was "I believe" the Boss really said this...
After all he is from Jersey.....
and the poor guy......
daughter.....son-in-law and Miss B sent flowers for our anniversary.....

But let me say two things.......I don't answer the door for "Anyone"......NoOne!
dreadlocks......the Jehovah Witness's........the UPS guy....NoOne.....
and when it's's more a Boo thing.....can't put him outside in the rain.....and who wants to make a delivery and have a 135 pound growling animal staring you in the face......

I can't make this stuff up folks......
to see an adorable Halloween post stop by daughter's to see what Miss B was up to....


  1. The flowers are beautiful and what a story this guys has to tell. I am sure he'll never want to make a delivery to your house again. LOL

  2. You live the most exciting life! Remind me not to surprise you when I come to visit! Happy Anniversary. Love your wedding dress. Mine cost about $50.00. Times have changed. Mimi

  3. Lol, your stories are the best Sue! I don't answer the door for strangers either (although if they are holding a flower delivery I would, that's bad isn't it?) Answering the door for strangers is "mens work" just like killing spiders and other extremely dangerous responsibilities:>)

  4. How funny! Guess that's what you get when your anniversary is on Halloween! Hope you had a fun one.

  5. I think this story almost beats the little Walmart lamb!

  6. I know how you feel about people coming down your driveway. Happens here, too. Our driveway is 1/3 mile long, through the woods to a clearing where the house sits on a hill. Sometimes people drive down it only to pull in, look at the house and turn around.
    Don't blame you for not answering the door, though.
    Sweet gift~!

  7. The Rue Mouffetard image makes me homesick for another life... Quite a story about the wedding dress!

    (No Fellini's in Cobb?)

  8. I am still laughing....I can picture the same scene happening here, maybe that is why I am laughing, I just shared your story with my family. Thanks. Your flowers are beautiful and thoughtful.

  9. LOL, Sue! This sounds SO familiar. I am laughing thinking about your hubby in YOUR jacket going out in the rain to confront the burglar who brought you flowers. LOL!

    Happy Anniversary, you silly girl, you! Hope it was great. :-)



  10. I love your stories! I know what you mean about not answering the door to anyone. Too many loonies out there! Happy Anniversary! :D Jewel

  11. That is a funny story. Thanks for finding me and stopping by my blog. I'm going to have to check out "Real Deals" ~ it looks like a great place to shop! Your blog is very enjoyable to read. I'll be back.


    I deleted the first comment because of a typo.

  12. I don't answer the door for anyone either. Better call me and let me know you're coming. lol

    Who delivers flowers at 11pm Halloween night anyway?

    Beautiful flowers though and congrats again.

  13. Great story, my problem is I answer the door to anyone and last week spoke to a guy about investments for 15 minutes before my husband came down and said what the F---! are you doing giving our personal information (our phone number) to this stranger!!! We all have our weird stories about that damn door don't we??

  14. Wow, that was scary. The flowers are beautiful, and Happy Anniversary to you!

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