Sunday, September 20, 2009

BEST IN SHOW..........and more fun with those two crazy ladies....

Last week I took you to the Cobb County Quilt Show.....where I spent the day with fellow Blogger "Flour Power Joyce"...
If you didn't get to see all the beautiful quilts just scroll below for my last post.....
Today you get to see the "Best In Show" winner....
Here is....
"Metropolitan Garden"
Applique' Baltimore Album Quilt by
Jane Gorder of Marietta...Georgia....
Deserving winner of Best in Show!!
A reproduction of a Baltimore that is in the
Metropolitan Museum of Art...
The original quilt...... Presentation Quilt....was made around 1849 in
Baltimore Maryland...
look at these colors!!


I love the bluebirds and the blue bows....

Congratulations to Jane for winning the top prize!
And now for the rest of a fun filled day....
We went across the street from the Civic Center to someplace called
Garage Sale Mart.....
me and the Boss did a drive by last week and in his words.....
"I wouldn't take anybody back to this place".....
Such finds!!!
We know how all you ladies find great stuff at Goodwill and with just a simple can of spray paint you turn your bargains into treasures.....
I told Joyce I think this little gem was a lost cause.....
She did spot this quilt in a pile of linens and I quickly claimed it...
For $5.00 how can you go wrong......

Here she is with a plastic Bunny with a big light bulb in his belly.....
She was tempted to take this home......another $5.00 buy....
but she came to her senses and left without it....
Off to Big Lots to check out the silverware and dishes.....
We also know all you ladies get great stuff at Big Lots....
we weren't so lucky....
Here is our potential lunch...
Southern Style
A big bag of Pork Rinds and a Melon Soda....
Enough of Big Lots we went on to
The Classy Flea....
You know the Classy Flea...that's where Susan from
Between Naps on the Porch does all her shopping....
We did mention her name as we were checking out hoping to get a discount and we were
looked at like we had two heads....
This adorable toile pitcher was marked at $7.95 and the big canister was
Some cute pictures......

Lots of old family photo's....

Cute ruffled lampshades....7 for $18.00

I loved this little painted dresser.....
Perfect for Miss "B"...

A Halloween Tree filled with Sock Monkeys dressed for the occasion...

A close-up of Monkey Devil.....

This whole set of Fish dishes almost came home with me at only $20.....
The Boss would have sent me packing if I showed up at the door with anymore dishes...
We both left buying the same thing.....
Yes, you guessed it.....
The Sock Monkey ornaments.....
We decided on celebrating our roots and went with a nice Pizza for lunch....
Maybe we'll try the Pork Rinds next time....

We had such a fun day.....Joyce keeps you laughing from the minute you meet until the day comes to a close....
We already have our next outing planned...
a fancy lunch at the
Le Cordon Bleu Cooking School and shopping at the
Cake and Candy Supply store....
And here is what my new $5.00 quilt looks like at home in my Bent Willow chair along side
my beloved New Jersey pillow.....
Nice match don't you think....


Joyce said...

Now why oh why didn't I buy that Bunny:) Fun post.

Unknown said...

You picked up a darling quilt, Sue! It looks great on your chair with your Jersey pillow!

Looks like such a fun day! Great photos!

I always enjoy my visits to your blog!


Kathleen Grace said...

I think you got a steal on that pretty quilt! Can you imagine the hours that went into the Baltimore quilt? Wow, it was so spectacular but I don't think I will ever have that kind of attention span for a project!

Donna said...

Looks like you had a fun time shopping, Sue. Great quilt!

Peg said...

That beautiful quilt deserves best of show... gorgeous! The $5 one is very cute too. I have a "new" quilt too... one my mom pieced back in the 1930's... I got someone to finish it. Just put it on a bed and will have to take a photo soon!

Country Girl said...

I love that NJ pillow, too and your new quilt looks perfect next to it. That dresser was adorable for the little one.
Pork rinds! Ew!! But that melon soda looked interesting . . .
Gorgeous quilt that won the best of show!!

Mimi Sue said...

You two look like you had too much fun. I've never seen a more gorgeous quilt. Loved everything about it. How many hours would something like that take? Mimi

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Sue, your quilt is gorgeous! I can't believe the price! Wow! Thanks for the little trip to A Classy Flea. I love to go there, but it's rather far from my house, so I don't go often. Linda

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How much fun, Sue! That quilt was amazing!!! Isn't A Classy Flea a funspot? I checked it out, too, after Susan told us about it! Are you safe and dry over there? We are OK here, but I don't know when my squishy yard will dry out enough to mow!!!! I hope you are enjoying your week...hugs...Debbie
PS.. I LOVE pork rinds!!! lol

Come Away With Me said...

That is one gorgeous quilt - I love the colors and the design.

Susie Q said...

Oh what fun! I am envious that Joyce gets to spend time with you and envious that you have Joyce for a friend! I think I would like her!! I will have to go visit her!
That quilt is gorgeous!!
Oh I would have so loved those sock monnkeys too!!
I can not believe you did not buy that many headed dragon!! OR That poor incandescent bellied bunny!!
Oh well...
I am so glad you two had such a great time!!


Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You ladies had fun! The winning quilts were gorgeous. Good bargains too -- something I never have luck finding.

It was nice to see Joyce!