Friday, August 28, 2009

RAGTIME...the Musical..........Coming back to Broadway!!!

One of the highlights in my life was seeing "Ragtime" on Broadway....I rank the experience right up there with seeing Pavarotti sing in front of the Eiffel Tower...
So when daughter called the other night and asked if I would like to go see it (my 5th time!!)
as a Christmas present I couldn't say yes fast enough....
It's coming back to Broadway on October 23rd. at the Neil Simon theater and I recommend that if your in NYC for the holidays that you don't miss this magnificent musical.......
I put the poor child through the ringer getting the tickets because I'm one of those people that has to have an "end" seat anywhere I go....You know the type....
She couldn't see the seating chart of the theater online and because she was pre-ordering the tickets the box office wouldn't help her.....
So thanks daughter for going that extra mile to get the Mom that end seat....
My favorite play of all time....I have seen it at the Ford Theatre in NYC.....and twice down here at the Fox...and the neighbor just reminded me that I dragged her up to a local production in Gainesville......
I have the movie version......3 variations of the book by E.L. Doctorow.....and two CD' for the movie and one for the play.....
I know "every word to every song" and told daughter the only way I would go is if she realizes ahead of time I will be singing along with the cast!!
The show at the Fox here in Atlanta was wonderful for the music but had next to none scenery on the stage......The Broadway version was unbelievable with it's visuals....and if you get the chance to see it try to rent the movie first then see what a wonderful job they did at turning the story into a musical.....It will not disappoint....
What I think they should have is a Senior Citizen version of
"The Make a Wish Foundation"
Hey, I'm a card carrying member of AARP!!
What I wouldn't do to be in the opening "group" scene singing my little heart out...just once....A Matinee show would be fine......
You know just an extra....if I missed a note who would notice....
I would even dress up like one of the "immigrants" instead of one of the "Upper Class"....after all Grandfather Augustin Lacki came thru Ellis Island in 1906....the same year that the play begins.
Oh well..... I can dream can't I........
Thanks from now Daughter's the best gift ever!!


  1. Don't forget you dragged me to Gainesville, Ga. to see a community production of Ragtime. The one where the grandfather looked like and spoke like Colonel Sanders. The production was lovely but a wee bit different from the original production.


  2. What a thoughtful gift. So is this one of those that was a movie before it was a musical?

  3. We'll anxiously await a report after Christmas. Your daughter is a real jewel. Sally

  4. I absolutely positively agree with you about 'Ragtime'... it is THE best. In my opinion the opening number is the BEST most EMOTIONAL number I've ever seen in any play..EVER. EVER.
    I haven't seen it as many times as you have but I've seen it a few times. The first, and best was of course in NYC.
    Your daughter - wonderfully thoughtful and generous. :)

  5. What a wonderful gift and I agree with you Sue, Make A Wish should have something for senior citizens. Maybe you should call them. LOL

  6. Now that's a Christmas present! What a thoughtful daughter you have, Sue. It's so much fun when you know it well enough to sing along.

  7. Only in NY can you see such a great musical and with a great daughter too. I read in Variety that they are casting singers who can sing and cook at the same time:) Don't forget to bring your camera.

  8. You have the best ideas! Make A Wish for adults! I adore that. I've never seen Ragtime movie or play. I'll go try to rent it this weekend. If we went to the theater together we'd have a problem since I'm an end seat sitter too. I'm too claustrophobic to sit in the middle. Also I think you should head up the committee for the National Blog convention. Let me know what I can do to help. Mimi

  9. I have never seen Ragtime, but I so love musicals, took my best friend to see Wicked for her 50th..when I lived in Ny, I would get those last minute tickets to matinees - it is always a thrill to see a live show! Your daughter is the best!

  10. I have a daughter who lives in NYC. I'll have to pass on your recommendation for Ragtime. I can't believe it but she hardly ever goes to Broadway shows... too many tourists, she says. Maybe if I go visit, she'd take me though... hmmm.

  11. Your daughter is not only smart and beautiful and funny but she is generous and one heckova girl. I wanna go too...: ) You will have a blast.
    LOVED Ragtime. YOu know, I don;t think I have ever heard or seen a Broadway musical I didn't love!
