Wednesday, July 1, 2009


It's the week of the 4th. of July and let the flags fly......
Another addition to the wonderful Tablescape Thursday hosted by Susan of
Stop by Susan's blog for all the links to all the great tablescapes offered up.....Is anyone out there going to do a table this week other then in Red...White....and Blue....
I bet not!!I happen to love the American Flag and it flys proudly inside and out all year long....
We'll start the tour at my front door before going inside to see the table....

an old flea market window painted very basically into a flag hangs next to our front door...

The wreath has hung between my front porch windows for years....hence that faded stars and stripes bow....look close a little bird lives in that nest right up front....

I couldn't decide this week to use a quilt or place mats on the table I went with the mats...

what's more American then my Hero.....
Miss Liberty....

For a touch of Whimsy....
Bugs Bunny in all his patriotic glory.....
One of my favorite cartoon characters because he's a real troublemaker......
Add a little touch of class....
this beautiful pitcher that daughter bought me one Christmas.....
From Tiffany and Co.
Large dinner plate with blue stars from "Fishs Eddy" N.Y.C.
They specialize in diner china and are featured in this months Country Living magazine.
dessert plates with 4 different flag designs......Target.

a different napkins were a gift from neighbor Necie that also came with place mats..

Flag design number 3......

And my favorite!!

I found these wonderful coffee mugs at a gift shop that was going out of business...I paid just a few dollars a piece for them and they are from
Waechtersbach of Germany.....
And to quote Vince from the Sham-Wow commercials
"You know those Germans make good stuff".......
and another thing...... where was he when Billy Mays died?
A shot from above......

Yes....her touch does light up....

another view of the Tiffany pitcher....
Thanks Daughter!!
She always gets me the best stuff....

and where else but Blogland can you mix up china from Tiffany's and these beautiful blue stemmed glasses.......$1.00 each from the Dollar Tree.......
These glasses are going to become as infamous at the Target bird salt and peppers....
Elsewhere around the house....flags in Milkglass and one of my favorite nutcrackers...

up the staircase.......

A bit creepy but she hangs around in our bedroom....

This fabulous Jasper Johns poster hangs in the living room and is from the Metropolitan Museum of's huge.

Gotta have an Uncle Sam....

Another version of Miss Liberty

Even my switch plate covers are flags......a bit much do you think?

You know I just had to have a flag quilt....
I was going to use this as my tablecloth but I thought it might be overkill with the dishes

Hope you enjoyed all my red white and blue and that you all have a great 4th..
I stay clear of being political on this blog but I was watching the news as I was writing this tonight and heard that with the new energy bill that is expected to pass in the Senate will raise every one's electric bills between $1,000.00 and $1,500.00 a year.....
That's an extra $100.00 a month or more.....!!!!!
I just got my power bill and was so excited that it was only $165.00.
Then I realized that we had been in Jersey for over two weeks so the bill was for less then two weeks of service.....we always shut off everything and unplug everything when we are gone....
I find this to be insane....what are your thoughts??
I think if it keeps up I'll have to change from the
Red....White....and Blue
to the
Red...Green and White!!
we are Italian after all.....but I have heard that they are no better then what our country is becoming.....But they have great food!!

And stop back for the 4th. to see a very special tribute to a very special couple who called the 4th. of July their wedding anniversary....
The "Folks"......... who would have been married 73 years this Saturday....


  1. Dear Sue, your table is gorgeous! I love everything. Plates are so loving! I understand when you say that you might have to change flag colors into red GREEN and white... but these are also the colors of Italian flag and I have to say that here is not too different from USA. Our flag is VEEEERYYYYYY GREEN right now! Kisses Eli

  2. What a creative table. I love your centerpiece. I am not a fan of all the new taxes coming our way, or the excessive spending going on in govt.

  3. Love your table Sue! Lady liberty is one of those American icons that make my heart swell with happiness. I love our flag and it's colors and all the touches of it you have around your home. As for the taxes, yeesh! Just as everyone is in such dire financial straits they are going to make our energy bills skyrocket!? Everyone still think Obama has all the answers?

  4. Sue, your post made me laugh, made me proud, then made me blue (over the taxes).
    Seriously, I love all your patriotic decorating. LOVE that Tiffany pitcher!!!! And I love that it matches your Dollar Store stemware - it is lovely, too! Thanks for the fun things to look at and drool over (so I don't have to think about heating this BIG old Victorian next winter!!!) :D Jewel

  5. You've given me some great ideas. We're having some folks over for dinner Saturday night. I think I'll go with a red and white quilt that I have. Thanks for all of your inspiration.

  6. I love the pitcher but I do not like the electric bill:) I heard it would increase by more $$$ then $100 per month. Now I know what to do with all those trees here..chop down and put in my fireplace this winter for heat. I love your Mickey post. He had a hang over that day:)

  7. Great post!! Loved it all especially the pitcher. Darling daughter really knows how to shop! Busy week here - I've already been out of town twice this week and we are taking the grandkids to an old fort and an Indian museum this week. I'm afraid it will be hot and dirty - not my type of thing, but oh! well. Enjoy your week. Sally

  8. You have some wonderful displays around your house! The table is just perfect. I think my favorite is the liberty jug your daughter got.

    Have a very happy Fourth of July!

  9. Where do you keep all this stuff? I dont think you can ever move unless you get a second house for all the stuff.

    And you never answered me. Where is the place you wanted me to look for the flag poster?

  10. Sue,

    I love all your red, white and blue, but I agree with you on the lady that is in your bedroom, she is kind of creepy. Love the plates.

    Taxes... Spending... Obama... don't get me started and we'll just leave it at that. I will say I am very worried for all of us.

  11. Love all the red, white and blue! I can't wait until my daughter starts buying me things from Tiffany's (without using my credit card). I bought my son a Statue of Liberty desk chair from Hitchcock when he was little, he was so obsessed with it. Collecting is so much fun!

  12. Hi Sue - Your red, white and blue tablescape is perfect for the holiday. Love how you've blended special treasure with stuff from Target and the Dollar Store. Very creative.

    Have a wonderful holiday.

  13. love the patriotic decorating, the centrepiece is wonderful, the flags, mmm mmm

    oh and the quilt made me sigh!

    happy tablescaping


  14. Wonderful table for Independence Day!

    Happy 4th!

  15. that's awesome! I love your lady liberty collection!

  16. Sue, enjoyed your beautiful table. The Tiffany Miss Liberty pitcher is wonderful! I have a collection of Uncle Sam figures that reside on a shelves in one of our bathrooms, but during the month of July they cluster around the house in various spots. Of course there are a couple of Miss Liberty in the mix. It's fun to see a home with patriotic touches. Happy 4th of July!

  17. WOW! Love the plates and the pitcher...
    I try to be non-political-ish too...but geez...what's happening to this nation?
    For some reason this Independence Day seems different for us...I feel like we need to fight for our independence AGAIN!

  18. Tiffany and Dollar Tree side by side--I love it! Love your Lady Liberties and the painted window! Happy 4th!

  19. Sue, I love your collection and the way you have put it all together. Happy 4th!!! xo~m.

    P.S. Me too, I don't express my political opinions, but I ditto Michelle@Sweet Something feelings regarding the direction of our country.

  20. Wow! What a great collection of patriotic things!

    Love the quilt!

    I also have a 4th of July tablescape this week!


  21. I enjoyed your patriotic tour! Happy 4th.

  22. Great display of Americana girlfriend! I wanted to salute, Sing the Star Spangeled Banner and whistle
    God Bless America all at the same time! xoxo~Kathy@ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  23. I love all of the patriotic touches in your house!! And I loved that you quoted Vince from Sham Wow...haha.. You following me camera guy? haha I have that whole commercial memorized. Love the flag plates.
    On a side note... I can't believe more people are not in an uproar with the way Obama is handling things... this excessive spending is out of control... and all of the new taxes are unreal. He is acts like he is playing with Monopoly money. But we all know he can do no wrong in the media's eyes. I'm wondering if this is the change everyone was wanting to believe in... I'll get off my soapbox now. ;)

  24. * He is ACTING like he is playing with Monopoly money.

    That is what it should have said. That's what happens when you get your feathers ruffled... you lose your mind and your grammatical marbles go right out the window. haha ;)

  25. Lovely tour. I am inspired to dust off my Statue of Liberty cookie jar. Might just fill it up with cookies, too.

    One comment on politics...can we get some people with some common sense to make decisions in Washington. It is a constant circle of either the Dems or Reps doing everything except looking out for the interests of the citizens.

  26. Hi Sue! Oh my you have some wonderful patriotic accessories. I love your statue of liberty collection and all your red white and blue. I also shudder to see if we'll have any money left over after we support the ideas of this new administration. Ouch!!

  27. Hi Sue, this was so much fun to see.....just fabulous!

    Happy July 4th to you.


  28. LOVE, your statue of liberty collection! I think all your patriotic things in your home are terrific. We soon will be eating by candle light but until then thanks for the patriotic table.

  29. That IS a very patriotic home! I love your Statue of Liberty collection a lot! Have a safe and happy 4th of July!
    ~Really Rainey~

  30. Oh, kiss that sweet daughter! I love that pitcher! And the flag plates, oh my! Got me so excited seeing the name for the "diner china." I shall be visiting them! This is just really, really pretty! Happy 4th!

  31. I love this Sue. I too hold the flag and her colors very dear.
    Yo always have the most fun, lovely and whimsical tables and treasures!
    That Bugs is adorable and I am envying that pitcher BIG time!
    You have a gift for always looks just right!

    Happy 4th to you and to all your family!


  32. Switch plates, too much? There can NEVER be too much patriotism. I love your table and the wonderful assortment of red, white and blue decor.

  33. Wonderful table and great flag collection! I, too, worry for our country. Our electricity bill is already outrageous. I pray for our country every day. I also call and email my senators and representative to ask them to vote against new taxes and crazy policy and I vote. I'm not sure they listen but at least I know I tried!

    Have a safe and happy 4th!


  34. I was stopped by the first photo of the old window painted into a flag. That's one of the most clever ideas I've seen an old window used for. Great.

  35. You know I love me some Lady Liberty! I'm (finally!) posting your pillows today. Timing seems right and all. :-)

  36. I came back by to mention that I am hosting a Christmas in July Tablescape Party at my Playing Dishes blog. There will be one held each Saturday this month. Please come and participate or at least visit. A holiday tablecloth will be given away on the last Saturday, July 25. Info on signups is available by clicking my sidebar memes available on both my blogs.

    I am also having a weekly Christmas giveaway at my Christmas Memories in My Heart blog. Weekly entries are closed out a midnight on Wednesday for this.

    Hopefully some of you tablescape regulars will pull together a tablescape for CIJ or pull out some photos from last year to post.

    Happy CIJ!
