Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lemonade on the Deck.........

It's that time of the week again for Tablescape Thursday.....hosted by everyone's favorite designer of the best set tables in the South...Lovely Susan at
Stop over at Susan's blog to see tons of other great tablescapes....the list gets longer every week...This week I thought I would take it outside to the deck.....inspired by these pretty flowers and a set of wonderful new place mats that neighbor Necie gifted me........a few good finds from none other then Goodwill and it's a table set for sitting out and enjoying the sun....
Our deck is surrounded by trees....they are everywhere....It's like sitting up in a tree house...
when the builder positioned the houses in the cul de sac he turned them in such a way that from the deck you can't see the house on either side of you.....a very nice feature....
What spells summer more then iced cold lemonade....
add some cookies and a little fruit and you have a nice afternoon treat...

Make sure the glasses hold alot of the cold stuff.....these glasses are the pub glasses from
Pottery Barn....

I got so excited when I got these placemats I knew at first sight that they would match these plates perfectly....

what a pretty color pink.....don't you think?

I got these plates at Goodwill.....Not as good as some of the other ladies that find incredible bargains I had to pay $12.00 for the 4 little dessert plates....
Not to be cheap but I thought that was a bit steep for the G.W.
It seems all the different Goodwill's do their own appears this certain location thinks it's Saks Fifth Ave.....
But they were too cute to pass up....

These colors are just great.....this is my favorite one..

And they are by April I guess I did get a bargain....

Gotta have the cookies...and these are the best....If you have ever flown on Delta Airlines and have been offered those great Biscoff cookies.....these are them....they are tasty cinnamon things and whenever I fly you always hear the people around you saying....
"Can I have two packs of cookies".......they are that good....

Always tempted to order a box from their 800 number on the package....even though they were a bit expensive...... I did one better then that.......

Is there anything that the Walmart doesn't carry......I discovered these while wandering around the cookie aisle and I got very excited......and even better they only cost $2.00 for a big package....

Thanks for stopping by and having some lemonade on my deck.....and you can have two packs of cookies to take home....


  1. I'll be over in about an hour. Love the plates.

  2. I'd say those April Cornell dishes are a great bargain at $12.00! Lucky you. Love those Zinnias, one of my favorite summer flowers. Your table looks gorgeous! Mimi

  3. What a fun summer table. We used to have an April Cornell store here, and I got several sets of placemats and napkins there on sale. Sadly, they are no longer open. Those plates are so cute.

  4. Thanks for the Walmart tip! My deck like yours is surrounded by trees..isn't that just the best ever?

  5. Those are cute plates! Sometimes, GW is whacky in their pricing; still that was a bargain, I would say. Must try the cookies if you say they are that good. You are my food guru, now, you know!!!! Sally

  6. April Cornell has a shop on Columbus Avenue in the mid-80s and I personally (I who never ever questions a price or even looks at them when its something I WANT) finds this shop over priced ... nevertheless $12 for 4 dishes that cute .... not so horrible

  7. Hi Sue - Your table setting on the deck is lovely. I wish I could sit there with you and enjoy a glass of lemonade and thank you in person for all your generous tips on how to bake bread and where to go in Paris.

    You are a gracious and wonderful hostess with the mostess.

  8. Sue, your tablescape is so lovely and very inviting! The view from your deck is fabulous! I love the placemats and the pretty April Cornell plates are so festive! The tall cool lemonaide looks so refreshing! Love the potted plant, very pretty.

    I know what you mean about GW. Most of the prices at the thrifties around are outrageous.


  9. Your deck really is the perfect place to sit and enjoy the beautifiul trees and outdoors. I LOVE your plates. They are so pretty and I love that they are each different. The placemats are just perfect as you say. So lemonade and great cookies, beautiful flowers and terrific landscape, what else could you possibly want. Love it. Hugs, Marty

  10. How inviting you deck looks... I'll be right over. LOL

  11. I love the plates, I agree, some of the thrift stores aren't doing any better on prices than you could do at Homegoods or Marshalls. But the plates are lovely! I have never had those cookies but they look so good, pour me a glass of that lemonade and I'll be right over:>)

  12. Those cookies look like a real find. I have never come across them..guess it's been a while since I've flown Delta! I'll keep my eyes out next time I visit Walmart.

    I envy you your beautiful Georgia woodlands! I've seen them with my own eyes and they are lovely.

  13. Beautiful Sue! Your comment about your GW's prices just made me chuckle! Cindy

  14. Sue--I think you and I are shopping in the same thrift store! Your zinnia are just perfect with the colors of your plates--I would have paid $12 for them too!

  15. Beautiful dishes -- beautiful flowers - beautiful setting! And I love your choice of cookies and lemonade!

  16. Sue, Your patterns are so cute and the flowers compliment them so well! Great job!

  17. Sue, I love the mix you used on this table! It looks great, and you're right... the placemats are perfect for your plates! Love the zinnnias you used, too. It just speaks summer. And that's not a bad price on those plates for so much cuteness! Be sure and save some of the biscotti for me! :-)

    I'm impressed with not only your sewing (Laura's cute pillow) and cooking abilities, but your tablescaping as well.

    Happy 2T (I wrote TT earlier and just can't do it again!) ;-)


    Sheila :-)

  18. Love your flowered plates. And how refreshing to be able to eat out there with a great view...Christine

  19. Those plates were a great find. I love the pattern and the colors. The flowers look great in center too.

  20. I've noticed that same thing with the pricing too! Drives me crazy! At one Thrift Store something will be 25 cents and the same exact item at another thrift store will be $2.00...
    Very pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Sue they are all beautiful.. I too claim the yellow as a favorite. The Zinnias were a perfect match.. Loved it!

  22. I love these colors together. I covet your zinnias! and your plates.

  23. Clever builder. The table looks so inviting.
    I saw something "stolen" on your sidebar and wondered if I may steal it from you too? May I?

  24. I think the plates are worth it! Beautiful colors!

  25. I'm a huge April Cornell fan, but never saw those dishes before. They are great! - The Tablescaper

  26. Hi Sue

    I saw those pretty pillow you made for Laura ...gosh girl, how do you do everything so well?!! This sis a beautiful tablescape too!

    Sorry I haven't visited your blog in awhile ...summer is keeping me busy outside and it's a miracle I can keep up with just posting blogs these days ..that is why I'm up at 2 AM!

    I'll come back soon and catch up!

  27. What a lovely tablescape! Love the diskes!!

  28. Hi Sue, your table is lovely! I really like how fresh the presentation is.....delightful!!!


  29. You did a beautiful job...and those cookies are the best. I'll be visiting Walmart soon. Thanks for the info!

  30. Everyone I know seems to find great buys at the Goodwill store. Do you go to the one in Roswell?
    I love your table setting. It just oozes summer!

  31. Nothing says summer like LEMONADE!

  32. So real and sweet.

    This is the first time to your blog -- i think its lovely.

    You dog is gorg!!

    TTFN~~Claudia ♥

  33. Love your flowers, love your dishes, love the pics of your grand daughter. What a cutie in her tutu.
    Enjoy your day.


  34. What a gorgeous outdoor setting you have there! Yes, the plates are great. I don't think our GW is that good either. I've kind of given up on it. I'd come have some lemonade with you under those shade trees any time. Beautiful tablescape! And the zinnias are perky and sweet as well.

  35. What a great place to chat over lemonade! The zinnias are so of my favorites ,too. They're so cheerful!

  36. Everythings so cute!

    AND, I just was on Delta last week,and so agree that those biscottie cookies are the best, I must agree!!!..they actually reminded me of the Windmill cookies I got as a young child. YUM!

  37. The plates are lovely...I knowa bit steep for GW. Out here in Southampton the Thrift Shops charge more than when it was new, LOL...I rarely find anything..I do better at the WSonoma and Pottery Barn OUTLET.
    A happy, summery table, Sue!

  38. What a pretty tablescape, Sue!
    I love anything April Cornell!

    Gotta try those cookies, they sound yummy.


  39. Beautiful deck setting for a beautiful table. I love the plates. It is amazing that some things at GW are much more expensive than others. I finally asked at our area stores what a yellow line object meant. They told me that it was the code for new items. I had been noticing that the things they called yellow line were more expensive. I can find these items that obviously were donated by local stores and find prices as high as the original store or much more than I found it in the store on clearance.

    Nice table.

  40. Those plates are very pretty!

    I love those cookies too!


  41. Hi Ladies, This is Erika over at April Cornell Online. You can find more of April's dinner wear at! New the season we have the Primavera and Duchess prints. Plus everything on the site is 30% off. Table scape away...

  42. This is really lovely Sue. I wish I could sitthere with you and just drink it all in...along with that good lookin' wet stuff!: )

    LOVE April Cornell's things...


  43. Pretty summertime table, Sue. April Cornell plates are great colors.

    And thanks for the cookie tip, I always love a good cookie tip!

  44. What a pretty setting amongst the trees and on your table! I think quite a few years ago fewer Good Will employees knew what was an "antique" or knew about as many name brands as they do now.

  45. I need a ride to Walmart, come pick me up and we will go crazy and buy all they have! lol Oh, I love to have one now!
