Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Yesterday I met Joyce from www.flourpowerjoyce.blogspot.com
where else would two nice Italian girls meet for lunch but at a pizza parlor....
Not just any pizza joint....a New York pizza place....
I met up with Joyce at her beautiful fancy schmancy Condo down in Atlanta and then jumped in the bug and drove over to Vinings....
The pizza was very very good for Atlanta standards.....a good pizza is hard to find down here.
Joyce warned me that it was a little noisy as the building sits right next to the local train line...
But she didn't tell me it was THIS close......
See that CSX sign through the 3rd. window....
That's no sign....that would be the freight train that went past about every ten minutes!!
It didn't stop us from talking and laughing for over 3 hours....
We discovered that our two wacky husbands both have a thing for
Nat Nast silk shirts....
What are those you ask?
Those are those big blousey bowling shirts that Tony Soprano always wore....
Yea....that's right ladies....we are married to two real "style setters"....
Eat your heart out!
And here is Joyce.....not a staged photo....she really didn't want her picture taken....
I had the best time and Joyce is a real hoot....
I told her she is very Diane Keaton-esque.....minus the wacky wardrobe.....
Ofcourse being real Italians we swapped baked goods.....
She got a loaf of my Rosemary-lemon Artisan bread...I was luckier to receive a wonderful strawberry jelly roll and an adorable dish towel that proclaimed
"Eat dessert first"...
Thanks Joyce and lets do it again real soon.....


  1. I wonder if there is a blog reader out in the world who can read my palm from this photo? I had to fight my daughter today for the piece of bread left on little Finley's plate. Your bread is AMAZING! THANK's for a fun JERSEY girl day.

  2. In some ways you make me wish I was 100% Italian! I am Italian and Irish which in my opinion is the next best thing.

  3. And did you consume any wine? LBeau and I have decided that there is no bad wine in Italy.

  4. What a FUN day! Thanks for sharing it with us Sue, and Joyce! :)

  5. How delightful ... I love Atlanta and I love Vinings.

  6. Jealous ... I am so looking forward to meeting Joyce when she gets her Italian butt up to NJ ... which reminds me .. you too .. why dont you two take a road trip up here and have some REAL NY pizza w/o the freight train noise

  7. Holy cow that train was close!

    I know the Nat Nast shirt thing. My DH has a couple, one of which I spilled an espresso martini on while on a Caribbean yacht cruise. Fortunately for me, it came out. :-)

  8. What fun to meet a fellow blogger. I hope to meet several in my area over the summer.

  9. Looks like fun! Getting good pizza and cheese steaks was my brother's complaint when he first went to college in Atlanta in the very early 70's. When ever he comes home for a visit, one of the first things he does is get a cheese steak and a zep (what we called a hoagie where I grew up).

    Hope to meet you and your daughter on your next trip north.

  10. sounds like the two of you had a great time. as for the NY pizza...this girl is from Chicago and well, you know, doesn't quite have the pallette for NY pizza. bring me a deep dish chicago pizza and i am in heaven!!!

  11. Sounds like you had a wonderful day. Hey even if the pizza wasn't the best....three hours of laughter makes it all well worth it. I want a loaf of your artisan bread all to my self :)!


  12. Isn't it fun to meet people who live in the computer in real life? I love that part of blogging. Loved your post on Continental. After I retired from my real job I worked for Delta for a couple of years. Free flights to see the grandgirls is a great perk. Anyway, I think all airlines need some serious counseling. Mimi

  13. Annoying noise with the train but it looks like a cute restaurant:>)
    Rosemary lemon artisan bread? i'll let you know if I'm ever in your neck of the woods and we can meet for lunch ok?:>)

  14. ....huh? Oh, it's just me swooning over the aroma of the bread.

    'N I wanna be a Jersey Girl too!

    Gosh but your posts are such fun...

