Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Does everyone recognize this person's porch??
It's none other then the Diva of Table Design and the Queen of the Place Setting.....
Susan from Five of us had the pleasure of attending an intimate lunch hosted by the lovely Miss Susan...
Yes......the Porch is as beautiful in person as it is on your computer screen....'s Better!!
As one of the ladies was like stepping into your computer....
the table was set in pastel colors and ofcourse Susan's beautiful dishes...
and her Bee glasses!!

The table in the kitchen was set with appetizers when we first arrived....
I forgot to tell her how wonderful the little cucumber sandwiches were....
I heard the spread on the pumpernickel bread was cream cheese mixed with ranch dressing...
they were delicious.....I lost count on how many I ate...
Don't you love the vase filled with lemons...

the porch is filled with white wicker....
this wood topped table was my favorite

billowy white sheers.....beautiful floral quilted pillows on the swing and daisies...
All so perfect....

Ofcourse there was lots of food....We all brought a dish and I can tell you it was better then any restaurant .........We had beef and chicken kabobs cooked on the grill...all kinds of salad...great looking fruit.....roasted asparagus....a meal fit for a "Blogger".....

Here is Nola and Karyn from
Nola is from Nashville and Karin lives here in the Atlanta area.....
and they write a blog together....

Ready to eat after spending alot of time touring Susan's beautiful home.....laughing alot.....taking lots of pictures........and blog talking......Lunch didn't stop us from continuing our conversation on everything and anything....
My story about Jeff Smith "The Frugal Gourmet" didn't even slow things down even though the ladies weren't familiar with the perverted cooking show host of the 80's......
left to right....
CC Catherine.....Susan.....Nola.....Karyn.....and Rose from the Santamakers Journey...

a closer look at this great table....Susan has lovely china pieces all over the house

Mr. Max.....sound asleep and oblivious to all the partying...

Susan made this outrageous Peach Bourbon Trifle.....proving that not only can she decorate...she can cook too!!

A nice neighbor came over to take a group shot so we could all be in it...
Rose had already left for home......
Okay you can all be jealous was a wonderful afternoon...
As you can see by CC Catherine.....
I love this picture....she reminds me of Charlotte from
Sex and the City....
and she was really enjoying her time....
Between a Nap on the Porch.....


  1. She really does look like Charlotte!! What a great day. I'm always a little jealous when I see so much white decor. I could never do that in my home. But it sure is pretty to see and dream about. The food looked fabulous!

  2. What a wonderful bloggers get -together! Susan's hus eis so lovely and the food looked incredible!

    I remember The Frugal was a little strange.

  3. Sue, what a fun time we had. I'm just sorry I had to leave before dessert! Truly a feast for the eyes and stomach! Will see you soon. Gotta dish on the NYC divas!

  4. OMG Sue!
    This is so fabulous and the pics are so cute of all of you! I would love to be going to a blogger get together! And at Susans, how cool is that! Thanks for sharing all these gorgeous pics! Cindy

  5. Ohmigosh, you lucky girl! I'll bet you enjoyed every minute. I know I would've.

    Thanks so much for taking pictures and sharing them. I felt like I was there.

  6. Okay...when did I miss this get together? My invite got lost in the mail right???

  7. HI Sue,

    It was such fun meeting you yesterday! I have to tell you, I dreamed about your awesome bread last night! (I think I gained a few pounds too!) I am going to try to make it this weekend! I am so glad you liked the cucumber sandwiches, they are super easy to make and a great summer starter! Have a fabulous day!


  8. I agreed; being somewhere in person is so much nicer than a photo. Susan's home looks georgous on my computer I'll take your word that is more gorgous in person. The food looks wonderful.
    Susan will have to post that delicious dessert.

  9. What fun .. blogger meets are always the best fun ..

  10. "...the perverted cooking show host of the 80's." HA! I remember him well. :-)

    I missed a mini blogger meet up last night for a sewing class. What a disaster THAT was. I wish I brought a video camera to capture the chaos in real time. Note: A two hour class is NOT enough time to make a baby quilt, fyi. Especially if you can't sew.

  11. Sue, How cute these pics are! AND, yes...I have been accused of looking like Charlotte with my bangs and hair grown out and longer. haha~ What a splendid time we all went way to quickly! My trip home wasn't too bad considering I had the rush hour traffic, I even squeezed in a quick stop at the GWill on Johnson Ferry Rd and found some little Italian appetizer dishes that I'll post about soon. Can't wait to MAKE that BREAD of yours! It was sooooo scrumptious! ;) ~CC Catherine

  12. Hi Sue,
    It was so nice to meet you yesterday. What a fun afternoon and a pleasure meeting everyone. I will now think of you each time I see anything Lily Pulitzer!!!! I too have not stopped thinking about the fabulous bread you baked and cannot wait to try your recipe. Your chocolates are divine as well...what a 'sweet' gesture.
    Have a wonderful day!
    Nola @ The Bloom Girls

  13. Sue, what FUN! Such a great group of women. I'm so happy you had a chance to meet up at Susan's lovely home and enjoy her awesome hospitality and the friendship of fellow bloggers!

    Thanks so much for inviting us to take a peek. xo~m.

    P.S. I remember Jeff Smith too, and still have his cookbooks... kept down below the other cookbooks ... behind closed cupboard doors.) Eeek. Some great recipes, but I don't like the reminder of his deeds. :(

  14. Lucky lucky you. It all looked so beautiful. You couldn't help but have a lovely time with great food and a wonderful setting. I bet you had lots of laughs. You all look beautiful.

  15. All of you southern belles (with a little NJ thrown in!) look beautiful on that gorgeous porch. What fun you must have had. Sally

  16. Oh my word! What a gorgeous porch. The meal looks superb. Looks like a wonderful time!

  17. What a lovely post, picture, meal, etc.! Thanks for sharing it! I know you had a blast! Linda

  18. Sue,

    How nice that you girls were able to get together; Susan has a lovely porch.


  19. The picture of Catherine says it all!

  20. HOW FUN!!! I can only imagine how wonderful the food and conversation was! And I'd love to see Susan's gorgeous porch in person.

  21. What a great time! I remember the Frugal Gourmet - so it wasn't just me, he was in fact odd? Thanks for stopping by, your chocolate sneeze story cracked me up. What a horrible affliction, I fear I would spend my life sneezing lol! Kathy

  22. Wow! That looks wonderful. That porch looks like it's perched in paradise........ahhhhhhhh........I can dream!

    Thanks for coming! Yes!!! That rock was just wayyyyy to cool. What a little rock miracle.


  23. oh that looks like so much FUN! its so wonderful you can all meet and play thru the computer, very heart warming! i loved seeing all your pics and smiling faces, thanks so much for sharing the food and fun, looks like you all had a ball!

  24. What a beautiful place...and the lunch looked divine. I'd love to put my whole face in that trifle!

  25. How fun for all of you-Can I move into this house - this amazing place with the beautiful porch - WOW!! The food looked great too-I hope you continue enjoying lunch with some blogging friends...

  26. What a wonderful blogger's get-together! The porch is lovely. Looks like a great time.


  27. The food & pictures are wonderful and it looks like you all had such a wonderful time! ☺ Diane

  28. That was great! What a lovely way to spend the afternoon. It is so nice to put a face with the name...I am on the lookout for one of the Bloom girls..I have a WmSonoma outlet I haunt, and she is looking for these glass napkin rings..
    Thanks for sharing the fun!
    Southampton, NY

  29. Oh wow...I am still swooning over the bread and now this?? Argh...gorgeous food, gorgeous setting, gorgeous table, gorgeous ladies...what more can you ask for??

    Sue, who is having fun catching up with you!
