Saturday, May 9, 2009


Happy Mother's Day!......the best day of my life was the day I became a mother...the second best day was when I became of grandmother......
here are my beautiful girls and I wish the daughter a Happy Mother's Day and thank her for giving us Miss Sophie.... And this is what I got in my e-mail this morning all the way from Italy.....
My friend Eli sent it......she's a wonderful artist and you if haven't read her blog you need to stop by and say hello.....She's a working mom of little Andrea and she still finds the time in between all her painting to write in both Italian and English.....
Happy Mother's Day Eli.....and thank you for the beautiful card....

And to all you other ladies out there.....Have a wonderful day on Sunday!!


  1. Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful Sue - and that card was so nice to receive too. Happy Mother's Day

  2. Beautiful, Sue! Your card, your daughter and your beautiful Miss Sophie. Happy day to you!

  3. And Happy Mother's Day to you! You have built quite a legacy in Heather and Miss Sophie. Congratulations on the many blessings in your life.

  4. Such a beautiful daughter and granddaughter. What a talented friend you have also. Enjoy your special day.

  5. Your girls are beautiful in this picture! Many thanks for your words in this post and in your mail. You touched me a lot. Talk soon by mail. Hugs Eli

  6. Happy Mother's Day, Sue. I finally put your blog back on my blog list. I swore it was there. You remember the horrid erasing incident.
    Your girls are beautiful!

  7. Happy Mother's Day to you!!! I love the picture of your two girls. you really should do a generational pic with all three of you!!!!

  8. All are just gorgeous - card, daughter and, of course, granddaughter. Aren't they just the absolute best! I loved visiting your blog. I'll be back:)

  9. Happy Mother's Day, dear Sue!!!

  10. Beautiful girls, just like their mother and mimi. So far our theater has been spared of rotten kids. Hopefully it will continue! Redbox is good too. Have a great Mother's day. Mimi

  11. Sue,
    Beautiful daughter and adorable granddaughter. Happy Mothers Day to you~ Cindy

  12. Happy Mother's day to you and your cute daughter and that Sophie is adorable!!!!

  13. Just stopping in to say Hi! And wish you a Happy Mother's Day!

  14. You have a beautiful family:>) I hope you had a blessed Mothers day!

  15. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day Sue! Your daughter and Miss Sophie are both beautiful!

  16. Your girls are lovely, Sue!

  17. May be it a little late.But I still want to say: Happy Mother's Day

  18. your daughter is beautiful;
    her face is so fresh.
    and little Sophie too.

    i hope your moms day was the best in every way.
