Wednesday, May 6, 2009


When I was in Jersey last week I visited with my high school good buddy Nunzie......she had just had major surgery for a tumor where a tumor should never be but that didn't stop her from being at the kitchen island frying up chicken cutlets when I got there for dinner...
She did order out for her favorite thing to eat and that is Cavatelli with Broccoli....
I think if she was given a choice between Cavatelli and Filet Mignon she would take the Cavatelli!!
It was so tasty that I had multiple servings... When I got back home I had to try and re-create it.
I have to say it was a big me and the Boss have decided we each need to lose an extra person we are attempting to eat a little healthier.....I said a little!
Here's how I made it....
I took 1 small shallot and 1 clove of garlic and diced them very small....
I then sauteed them in a little olive oil....when they were softened I added a half a head of broccoli....just the florets...we don't like any part of the stem.
I let that cook a bit then added about 1/2 cup of chicken broth....
While this was cooking I boiled salted water and cooked a 13oz. package of Celentano Cavatelli according to the package directions.....
I heated up the grill and cooked 3 thinly sliced chicken breasts.....I have an indoor grill but a grill pan will work just as well....I also marinated the chicken in a little Italian dressing before grilling....
when the pasta was cooked I drained it then added it to the broccoli mixture also adding a little bit more chicken broth....
Let this cook about ten minutes for the broccoli to become soft and the pasta to soak up some of the chicken broth.....
Season with kosher salt and freshly ground pepper....
slice the chicken breasts into thin strips and add to the pasta and broccoli....
Add some freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano cheese and if you like a tad of lemon juice.....
Stir all together and enjoy!!


  1. Sounds delicious. I think we all need to eat a little healthier.

  2. And you'll be making this for me when? Move back to NJ so we can hang out!

  3. Now that is definitely the cure for the Swine flu! Looks colorful and looks just like Grandma use to make. Your friend looks wonderful considering her surgery..God bless her!

  4. Try them also with grated pecorino cheese, instead of Parmesan, and some fresh thyme. I think it is more tasty. Hugs

  5. Except for the chicken it sounds delish ... I pigged out last nite on the most devine homemade biscotti and chocolates ... today I should be fasting to even out the calorie intake .. xox

  6. Sue,

    That sounds yummy. I am always on the look out for recipes (since cooking isn't my favorite thing to do I do get excited when a new recipe comes along that looks delish. Thanks for sharing. Have a great Mother's Day!


  7. What fun to visit a friend...and the food sounds yummy! Glad Nunzie is on the mend!
    The "stemware"...yes, my's glass not plastic! LOL Ok, I might use $1 stemware but not sure I'm ready for plastic on my tablescape. LOL Besides...I think the Dollar Tree stemware may be cheaper than plastic! :-)

  8. Hi Sue, thank you so much for that comment on my daughter's Germany pictures --- how many exits can one town have? Oh my goodness, I laughed OUT LOUD --- and believe me, today was a day with few laughs. Thank you!
    My Italian friends are always correcting my pronunciation of "cavatelli" --- umm, those cutlets look GOOD.

  9. Mmmmmm...I love both chicken and cavatelli so this recipe is a winner with me!

    I'd like to lose a lot of weight hard to do!

  10. Hi Sue! This looks yummy! I am waaaay behind on visits. Between hail damage and a yard that needs attention, I seem to spens a lot of time outside now. I'm scrolling down to see what I've missed!...hugs...Debbie

  11. Sounds wonderful. I love healthy dishes.
    The bowl you sent to Sally is just beautiful...and YOU are beautiful for sending it.
    Happy Day...

  12. yes please. can i have two helpings?
