Friday, February 13, 2009


Looking for something good to eat this weekend?? Is it cold, is it rainy...Heck even if it's sunny and warm....Nothing is better then a big bowl of spaghetti. Add some oven roasted sweet Italian sausage.....or hot, whichever you like...Just roast the sausage with a little olive oil drizzled on top, sprinkled with a little garlic salt and cook in a 375 degree oven for 25 minutes...

add a nice salad and some Italian bread.....Now that's good eating......


  1. Hi Sue "the other rue" ;)

    That looks so good I want to lick my screen LOL Something tells me that'll be on my grocery list this week ;)

    Thank you so much for your visit! I'm having trouble keeping up these days, but please know that I was thrilled to hear from you :)

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. I'm making chicken parmesan and pomodoro sauce ala Longhi's in Lahaina, HA. Brings me right back to the most beautiful spot on earth...Ahhhhhh...

  3. Looks delish Sue!
    Have a great Valentine's Day!

  4. Happy Valentined day Sue! Just catching up on posts and friends:>) The spaghetti looks great!

  5. yummy-ola. and the meatballs! who could forget the meatballs? happy valentine's day, sue!

  6. Happy Valentine's Day Sue! Four tires and a battery is soemtimes better than roses --lol!

    Spaghetti with a good sauce is the best meal of all! :-)

  7. Hi, Sue!

    Just finished eating and wanted to drop by to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you're having a great evening!


    Sheila :-)

  8. YUM....and to think all I got for lunch was a grilled cheese sandwich :(

  9. Yummy! Hope you had a great Valentine's Day.

  10. Hi Sue, me again, this time I wanted you to know I'm trying the spaghetti suggestion you gave me a couple of weeks ago. I bought the Bertolli sauce and have all the extras the throw in. It's cold here in Missouri so I thought it sounded exceptionally good. I'll let you know what the hubby thinks later!! Thanks for telling me about it. I should know, Bertolli makes an excellent alfredo sauce we use with Talapia

  11. Hi Sue. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the sweet comment. I'm glad you enjoyed the "Love' photo.

    It's always nice to meet another GA native and photographer. I am looking forward to meeting you on Marcha the 2nd. I hope your weekend was filled with lots of sugary blessings.

  12. I tried your spaghetti. We have a winner!! Hubby was pleased and so was my mom. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention!!
