Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Today's shopping tour is of the Viking Cooking School and Shop in downtown Atlanta on Peachtree Street...This is Maria, the Store Director and general "nice person"........Maria let me and Necie go crazy and take pictures all over this fabulous cooking school/store.... Well, I went crazy, Necie is a Southern Lady, she doesn't ever go crazy............Everyone has heard of Viking appliances but unless your lucky enough to live by one of their wonderful shops you might not know that they also carry a large selection of cooking tools and they have a cooking school.....Here are some great shots from inside the store...I hope you enjoy the tour!
This is the cooking "arena" where they have demonstrations.....They often have famous chefs and t.v. personalities.....We saw Rachel Ray give a demonstration and cookbook signing a few years back and it was alot of fun.....She is super cute and tiny in person. She had just gotten engaged the week before to her now husband John and she was extra bubbly that night..........if that's possible.

You can buy their wonderful stainless appliances and they have a large selection of their stainless cookware. The Boss treated me to a piece awhile back and I have to tell you, it's like All-Clad on steroids.....I love it....
Range tops and cooper cookie cutters.............

Stainless cookware sets...............

Miss Necie perusing the whisks and spatulas.......

lots and lots of kitchen do-dads...............anything you could want.

an overall view of the store.......

One of their kitchen displays.......I would kill for a kitchen like this.....

Actually.....this is the one I would kill for. How great is this blue porcelain. Hey, better sleep with your eyes open!!

cookbooks.cookbooks and more cookbooks...........

You all know I love a good whisk......they have plenty of whisks.....

One of their "working kitchens"............I really need to sign up for one of their classes...They offer a 3-day extensive class on all sorts of techniques....

Big mixers just waiting to be used....

A bakers dream.....if you don't bake, this will inspire you to open up a cookbook and give it a try.

and every cook needs a good cutting shortage here. I just got a bamboo one and I love doesn't show knife marks....

I hope you enjoyed the little tour. If you want to see if there's a Viking School near you go to


  1. I wanted a Viking range for my kitchen. Or a Wolfe. I cook and bake a lot. I deserve one. I didn't get one. But I'm saving up for one. It'll fit where my range is now. Maybe someday. sigh Mimi

  2. PS We have a daughter that works for Lowes. She's going to school and works part time as a cashier. We love the discount. Mimi

  3. If you like to cook...that place looks like heaven. Cooking gives me hives so that place would kill me lol. And isn't it sad that I design kitchens for a living!!!

  4. Loved the tour. I'd love a Viking range too!

  5. Well, you know I how I feel about cooking!! All of that fancy stuff would obligate me to cook more and better. I'm with Nikki on this one. It was fun to see how the other half shops, however. Sally

  6. I dont cook but I sure would love to wander that store .. I love shiny things!

  7. This is an evil evil place. I bet it steals your money right out of your pocket.

  8. Oh my. It's a store we could spend hours in. How fun. That's what I get for living in the sticks. There's nothing cool like that around here unless we drive for 3 hours. (Which I hope to do in the next week or two!)

  9. Oh my! I got excited just looking at your pictures, I can't imagine being there! Thanks for stopping by, love your blog!

  10. Sue, this really looks like you had a GREAT time! And it was so sweet of them to let you take pics. I would love a fancy range like that, but my cooking ability is so limited I guess it would be silly of me to covet one. But hey, with a stove like that, I would feel obligated to improve!


    Sheila :-)

  11. Hi Sue, how exciting to have a viking school so close, and the store is fabulous! We closed our cooking school about a year ago. Viking did supply all the equipment, it was very nice! We do carry Viking products, small appliances and cookware. You have inspired me to do a post of the cooking store that I work at. Your pictures are wonderful! Hope you get that viking range!

  12. p.s.
    Love, love, love, that white viking kitchen!

  13. I thought Williams SOnoma was the place-but this place is kitchen heaven, WOW!! I hope they have one of those around here...its like a kid in a candy store.

  14. Wow! I am so jealous. I think you should go for the three day class and blog the experience. We'll all live vicariously though you!

  15. can't go wrong with a viking it makes everything taste better!

    fun tour.

  16. Excuse me while I wipe the drool from my keyboard........

  17. What a cool place and I can't imagine Rachel Ray "more bubbly"! That place looks like the place to go if you like cooking!

