Thursday, January 15, 2009

IKEA TOUR.............. part two.

Last week Manuela at The Pleasures of Homemaking took everyone on a tour of our local IKEA here at Atlantic Station in Atlanta......It gave me the itchies to take a short road trip today with my personal driver and the man that gives new meaning to the word "Bon Vivant" and see what new goodies they had gotten in...they were also having a sale...I thought you all might enjoy seeing what other treasures this massive store has to offer........ you know our first stop had to be at their cafeteria where both me and the "Boss" chowed down on their infamous Swedish Meatballs........2 dinners, 2 drinks.....$12.00.

We loved these wall units....what you see here cost around $500.00 for the units with the glass.

The "Boss" takes a break 5 minutes into shopping......One of these days this chair and ottoman is going to end up at our house. He loves this damn chair and ottoman....I do have to say it is comfortable and quite the bargain at a little under $300. for both pieces, the cushions are real leather.......
This almost did come home with us.....I loved the red color and they really have well made stuff...This piece was on sale for only $69.00

How cute is this little kitchen....

Manuela showed these in her post but they are so cute I had to show them again.....for herbs growing in your kitchen.....or for whatever Nikki *grows* in her kitchen??

This wonderful crafts table with saw horse legs in white was marked down to $240.00....

Some red and white for your home office..........just in time for Valentines Day...

Another piece I could have easily taken home with me....It came in all different colors and was a steal at under $99.00

A heap full of Hippos for the kids......

Great wooden bowls..............

Let's not forget glassware......

Ofcourse you could always use a whisk!!

How about a red one??

Maybe some red lidded storage containers. I bought a bunch of these...3 in a package for $2.99

I loved this big clock............

You can never have enough baskets and these were big ones.....

I grabbed up this package of wrapping paper on my way to the register for $4.99

and ofcourse the Swedish food specialties......don't forget that package of frozen meatballs!!

and ofcourse my last stop out the door..........I wish I had one of these at the house...You can blow dry your hands in under 3 seconds.....Ear plugs suggested. I hope you all enjoyed this little tour and thank you Manuela for putting the idea in my head to do a little shopping....and I hope your feeling better and can get back to bargain shopping real soon.....


  1. Oh my gosh!...I haven't even made it down to Atlantic Station yet! It looks like I'd better plan a field trip!!! Hmmm...I am going to need one of those little round tables when I finish my guest room. About the china...I think it just took waaaaay longer than expected! You better believe I'd be having a meal on those plates before I left, even if it was just mac and cheese! lol Have a great weekend...Debbie

  2. I LOVE IKEA. We usually get the meatballs too. Although my husband has tried the salmon and quite enjoyed it. If you're in a hurry I highly recommend the hot dogs at the snack bar. Oh and they have cute furniture too. Mimi

    PS Go look at my kitchen. The cabinets and countertops are from IKEA. GREAT deal. Mimi

  3. It seems like a shopping mecca! I have been trying to get hubby to take me to our nearest (about an hour and a half away) for years!! Those meatballs might just sway him, though!

  4. To view my unfinished kitchen go to my archives. Nov. 19 is the kitchen post. We still have trim to install so don't look too close. Mimi

  5. this is crazy but I love the hand dryer at IKEA, too! The skin on your hands actually moves as if you were going through some G force.

    I almost purchased that red shelving unit, but thought, red?

    I needed a buffet for the kitchen area and got the best deal at IKEA. For a mere $229 bucks, this piece is actually want I wanted. And such quality for the price!

    Did you ever eat at the Mexican restaurant at Atlantic Station? My advice, just order the guacamole for 2 and margaritas. You will be full enough!

  6. IKEA hasn't come to Colorado, so thanks for the tour! Looks like a fun place to shop; I must check it out the next time we travel somewhere!! Sally

  7. I love Ikea! We have one about one hour away, in South of Milan. My husband goes to Milano almost once a week and very often he stops there to have lunch: good food not expensive! I should go with him next week... so I'll post some shots of Italian Ikea, not very different from yours, I suppose!

    About my strawberry liqueur cake: first of all please forgive my bad English: I wrote liquor instead of liqueur, then I’ve found on Google these liqueurs sold in USA that might be very similar to mine: Hiram Walker Liqueur Crème de Strawberry – Dekuyper Liqueur Strawberry. Anyway a substitute could be any other fruit liqueur you might have at home, or you could add to sugar one lemon and one orange finely grated peel. I love this citrus combination in cakes. Another option is adding a couple or a bit more of tablespoons of cocoa powder. You will have a chocolate favoured and coloured cake!
    Have a great weekend

  8. I love it all! I've always wanted to shop at IKEA. One time while on a trip in the motorhome, we stopped. As I walked in the door they informed me that they were closing! Now they're opening in more spots, so I think I'll check one out soon! Love your picks!!!

  9. I have never been to an IKEA, but you and Manuela are sure making me want to go to one! So much neat stuff! Thank you for your compliments on my home. You are so sweet! Glad you visited me so that now I can bookmark you and visit often!

  10. I love IKEA. There used to be one here. One of the first in North America I think but it eventually closed because of lack of business. !!!!!!!!!!!!!! there was no Sunday shopping then and that was the nail in the coffin. I love their stuff!

  11. I haven't been to an Ikea for years! When I lived in upstate NY we had to drive to Philly to get to one. That was about a 5 hour drive. We would make a weekend out of it...

  12. There is an IKEA in Connecticut it's not that far from us. I've never thought about going but now I think I need to take a little road trip. I saw quite a few things that need to come home with me. And if I'm the Nikki you were referring to....I'm trying to figure out if you are insinuating that I grow some funny "herbs" lol...or if you know about the green fungusie stuff growing in my fridge!

  13. Thank you sweetie, I'm feeling a little bit better. Don't those hand dryers freak you out! I think it's so gross that they are so strong they move the skin on your hand around!! (I see Deb likes them LOL)!

    I Love Ikea. I've been thinking about going again but just having my husband drop me off (he kind of lags behind and is always sitting down)!

    I always buy a bag of meatballs and some lingonberry sauce when we leave. I like making it at home because you can have has much lingoinberry as you want. They give you such a little drop of it in the cafeteria!

    I forgot to ask you which Goodwill you went to for your Pottery Barn dishes - the Marietta one?


  14. Ikea is one of my favorites! I have been planning a trip for Sunday. Now I can't wait! Love that clock.
    Thanks for the tour!

  15. Yes, this was fun! And I loved that red cabinet, too. You need to go back and get that one.

    And pssst, Nikki. Gimme a call about what you grow in your kitchen . . .

  16. Oh my, what fun you had. I had no idea that Ikea was such a cool place, and had such neato stuff.
    Where have I been?? oh yeah...rural Indiana. There lies the rub!

  17. I love IKEA! I live so close to Canada, that it is closer to go to IKEA up north than in the States for me.
    One thing I love about IKEA is that you can wine with your lunch. Another, they have daycare. Another, every time I go I come home totally motivated to organize my home and life.
    Love it!

  18. Yeah! It is all in English and standard measurements. I didn't realize the IKEA shopping excursions were in the blogger air. haha. Thanks for showing me my first American IKEA.

  19. Helen said....Hi Suzanne - I loved the tour - where do you start and is the car big enough or do they deliver the goodies. Can't wait to see it today with you!!!!!!!!! Your friend & "beloved" ex-neighbor, Helen
