Saturday, January 10, 2009


The Boss loves to go to the movies, me not so much, my parents always called me an "itchy ass"....I don't think it was a compliment. I get very antsy and sitting in one place for 2 hours is not appealing to me...But we have to keep the Boss happy so when he suggested we go see Clint Eastwood's new movie Gran Torino I reluctantly agreed....I am not a big Clint fan, I think when you have that many wrinkles it's time to retire from whatever you do for a to prepare myself I got out the Vera bag....That would be one of my many Vera Bradley $42.00 tote bags that I sometimes refer to as my "picnic in a purse"......large enough to carry a full meal and cheap enough that if the coke explodes it's no big deal....Yes, I'm one of those people that sneaks food into the movies....We are also THOSE PEOPLE when traveling by airplane bring a three course meal for 2 inside a brief case....including Italian pastry for dessert. We are used to the strange looks and the glares and I always try to bring food without any smell, we don't want to offend....This trip I had my usual bottle of ice cold Coke Zero, a box of Cracker Jacks, a bag of Crunch and Munch, a jumbo Hershey's bar with almonds and 3 Nathan's dogs with mustard, hold the kraut, wrapped in tin foil to stay warm....Husband was even surprised at that one....

About two o'clock the husband suggests I go and buy tickets so we won't have to stand in line for the 4:00 show.....Was he kidding, he expects a crowd?? While standing in line behind an Indian family with two small little boys I hear the smaller boy, who was so excited, ask the ticket person for "4 tickets for Marley and Me"......he was so cute and you could see this was a big deal. He looked very upset when the ticket seller said "No show until 4:00".....the mother then precedes to argue that she saw online that the movie indeed was playing at 2:00......back and forth we go and they finally move away from the window......Both boys looked very disappointed. I bought our tickets, bitched about the price, then went to walk away when I hear the father come back and ask what time Valkyrie was playing.......Okay, Dad can't wait 2 hours to come back and take the kids to see a cute movie about a dog.....No, in typical man fashion let's take the kids to see a movie about Hitler.....That time didn't suit him either so luckily they left.....

Okay, I know your waiting to hear about the Clint movie.....Let's just say the whole audience applauded when the movie was over....we always get a chuckle when that happens but I guess it's just people saying "Hey, that was a great movie, what did you think".....I have to admit it was a good movie, I was very surprised..He plays a tough old guy who's wife just passed away and he basically hates everyone including his two sons......Hey, it kinda reminded us of "The Big Boss"....

If you get easily offended by ethnic name calling and insults this isn't the movie for you. But I have to say the audience seemed to love it......It was a real Dramady. Lots of laughs at the insults Clint throws around through out the whole movie...Two things I didn't like about it, it was very choppy. The editing of the scenes was very broken up and except for Clint all the other people in the movie seemed like extras. They didn't look like actors, they looked like people that could have been working at regular jobs the day before shooting began.....All and all it is well worth seeing and you will not be disappointed.....The wrinkles fit the part...One of the funnier scenes is when he takes his young neighbor into his barber shop to teach him how to talk like a's very cute....The ending was a bit of a surprise....

I forgot to tell you who showed up to see this movie.......Everyone. It was almost sold out and no one in the audience seemed to be under the age of 55....It was like an AARP convention....The husband further pointed this out after the movie got out when he tried to enter the men's room....... he said it was filled with all men over the age of 60............


  1. I saw the previews for it when I went to see both Benjamin Button and Slumdog Millionaire over the holidays and it looked great!

    And if you're antsy, DO NOT see Benjamin Button. It's nearly 3 hours long and although Brad Pitt is quite nice to look at, well, I'm just saying.

  2. LOL! I'll wait till it comes out on DVD - that way I can escape if I want to (I walked out of Iron Man into Borders where I had a much lovelier time reading magazines and enjoying a coffee).

    I always take food into the theatres too, but we do purchase drinks!


  3. See, I don't like Clint either. Just never been a fan. I, too, like to sneak a meal into the movies but my hubby thinks it is simply attrocious.
    And...are we only entitile to one day of sunshine? It stormed so badly last night, well, I slept threw it all, but my hubby said it was really bad.
    As for Clint...I'll pass.

  4. I'm with you all the way thru this post. After reading what you wrote, I may have to go see it. I think mom and I are going to see Bride Wars later this afternoon. (I have to find my picnic bag too!!)heehee

  5. You are too too funny. My daughter and I went to the movies last week to see "Marley and Me", I'll post about that soon, and we brought in water and Goobers and we thought we were bad. Now for me, I like Clint, Dirty Harry,Hang em High, all the old movies. Hey,I have 4 brothers. I had no choice.

  6. Lol somehow I think your post about the movie was probably way more fun than the movie itself...especially the revelation of the nickname "itchyass" lol I love Clint Eastwood but I don't like sappy movies. I like a little shoot em up and some blood...I know...weird for a chick but I can't stand movies that make me go AWWWWWW

  7. I love Clint Eastwood movies. I plan on seeing this one soon, thanks for the review!

  8. I followed your link from your comment at Kathys blog. I live near Reston! LOL! It's not me I SWEAR!
    I've heard a lot about this movie, we NEVER go to the movies...we wait for the DVD....maybe we'll go......My husband would love it.
    Love your dog! He's adorable....we had a Great Pyre about 12 years ago......they're beautiful dogs!

  9. I want to go to the movies with you bringing all those yummy treats-how fun, but I will pass on a Clint film, last one I liked was the one he was in about the girl boxer, having a senior moment, anyway, that was a good one.

  10. Clint is not one of my favorites either. I saw the previews, but I'm not sure I'd want to see the movie.

    All your yummy treats would make the movie worth while!


  11. Thanks for the visit .. pups are left lease to pole outside shops all along the Upper Westside where I live ... that one was especially unhappy to be left for a long time and he was letting all around know just how unhappy he was ...

    Love your review .. especially the age of the men in the men's room .. did your husband notice their age because they all took so long to go or ... ?

  12. I saw the trailers at the movies when we saw Yes Man with Jim Carey. BTW, if you like a good laugh and JC, then it is a go to.

    LOL about your movie experience and packing in the dinner. LOVE it! And AARP? You have me in stitches here!

    Congrats to Sally for the win!


  13. My husband dragged me to this yesterday and I did end up enjoying it too! I think I read that the other actors were first timers.
