Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Don't buy stock in this company........I enjoy shopping online and I adore free shipping and Zappos offers free shipping coming and going.....Oh, you do pay a little more so they actually are adding some shipping costs into the item cost but all and all they have a year return policy and that can't be beat......But.....there is always a but....Last night I ordered the daughter an extra Christmas gift....Excited to find it and excited that it was on sale I was surprised to get back an e-mail saying it would coming "next day air"...for no charge.. Sure enough today at 5:00 up pulls the U.P.S. guy and out flew a very large box. The U.P.S. guy, unlike the Fedex guy, comes up the driveway and with a flick of the wrist flings our packages out the door of the truck landing the box infront of our garage....God forbid he should get out of the truck and bring it up to the front door....Anyhoo, I brought it inside and opened up the box to find...........a pair of leopard skin earrings....I didn't order leopard skin earrings....Not even close. Now lets talk about "cost control"........Zappos should be out of business real soon if they continue their current habits....

1.) they sent an item the size of a pea in a box the size of a small t.v.
2.) they employed two people to inspect, pack and ship the item....and they even had the nerve to put both their names on the packing slip for "quality control" purposes.....
3.) they spent the extra dough to ship overnight.....I didn't ask for overnight, but they claim it was done because I'm a good customer...
4.) they have to go to the expense of having the item picked up and re-routed to the correct owner....
5.) But, and this is a big but..................they don't have the expense of sending me the correct item....Why? they don't have anymore ..............ofcourse.

I think need to put away my credit card and sit out the rest of the holiday shopping season.....
UPDATE ON THE ZAPPOS FRONT.......I just checked my e-mail and Zappos has put a $20.00 credit into my account for a future purchase so kudo's to them for following up and trying to make a bad situation better....thank you Zappos!


  1. Some things in life are just down right irritating, aren't they? Sounds like this is one of those. Next thing you know they will want to be bailed out for their stupidity! Sally

  2. Well...leopard skin is very....festive? :-)

    That is a drag that they used a box the size of a Studebaker to ship earrings. Stuff like that makes me nuts.

  3. Got a pair shoes right after a day I placed the order and of course I paid nothing for the shipping. Obviously, they are really catching my heart even that was my first order in Zappos.
