Saturday, November 8, 2008

NAME THAT MILKGLASS...............

Today we made the trek south of Atlanta to the Scott's Antique Market....We hadn't been in years because it was always very hoity toity for our taste....Alot of silver and crystal and more jewelry that you can imagine. Wonderful Lakewood Fairgrounds flea market closed last year and we missed spending a Saturday scouting for something we couldn't live without... So I talked the boss into driving down below the airport and after ten minutes walking through building "one" we were ready to leave. The prices were Park Avenue antique shop prices and once again tons of silver and oriental rugs....Not an animal head in site. Scott's is the show that I bought my beloved Moose head at years ago from Mr. Scott himself......We were pretty disgusted that we paid ten bucks to get in and it was the same old same old.....But!!! Scott's has two buildings. One on either side of the interstate. Building "two" used to be the also-ran building....Half filled with not such good stuff....Not today. We figured for our ten spot we should take advantage of both buildings and it didn't disappoint... Our kind of stuff...and lots of it. I picked up a Fenton bowl that I didn't have and then I came upon this beauty......I was dumb struck....which is easy for me. It was sitting on a huge antique hutch and it shouted out to me...."Over here...Buy Me".......I went back to look at it 5 times...Yes, 5 times. The Boss looked at it 3 times.....we left, we went back, we left, we went back.....We made an offer......we left, we came back....offer accepted. I was giddy. I packed it up myself paid the nice man in cash and happily lugged it to the Bug.......I have no idea who it's by or when it's from. If anyone has any idea of who made it please let me know....It's very huge and very heavy. The primary pattern is a pinwheel design and the ladle appears to be a Westmorland... It's very lovely and if I find out it was made last week in China for 20 bucks I don't think I'll be disappointed, it's that nice....... .....What do you think????


  1. To all my fellow Bloggers that have knowledge of Milkglass.....Would you please see if you can identify this punchbowl for me....Thanks!!

  2. Your set looks gorgeous. I don't have any knowledge of milkglass though. Sorry! Thanks for visiting me again.

  3. I don't know what it is...other than GORGEOUS! I'm with you...if you find out it was made last month, that still won't take away from the beauty of it. You love it (and so do I!) and that's what counts!

    I'll ask around to see if there are any milkglass experts in my "circle." Are there any marks at all on it? I know milkglass typically doesn't have but I figured I'd ask.

  4. Oh, that's gorgeous. I wish I could help identify it...I'm useless on that front...but sure can appreciate it!

    Congrats on your purchase!

    :^) Anna

  5. Oh Sue, that's gorgeous!!! I'm not really an expert, I just buy what I like. I have some pieces that are marked with the W for Westmoreland, and some that are marked E.O.Brody and Co. Most are unmarked, however. I know Fenton made some milkglass.

    Sorry I can't be more help. But congrats -- that is a wonderful buy!

  6. I know nothing about dishes....but it is very beautiful!

  7. It's beautiful! I only have milkglass vases so I really don't know anything about this. I haven't been to Scotts in years. I always went to Lakewood and was so sad that it moved. Have you been to the Lakewood Antique Mall in Sandy Springs (I think)? At first they had a lot of the vendors from the shows but now it's really more pricey antiquey kind of stuff. Thanks for the tip about the Classy Flea 20% off(my FAVORITE place) - I never made it over the weekend but I might pop in there tomorrow.



  8. Beautiful piece, regardless who made it!

  9. Sorry, I have no knowledge, but I wanted to agree with those who said how beautiful the set is... It really is.

  10. Thanks to everyone who's taken a look at the mysterious milkglass so far....I have had one thought that it was made by Fostoria glass but we're still unsure of the age and the pattern...

  11. I think it's gorgeous! I saw one this summer at a yard sale for $10, with all the cups, and not being a person who serves a lot of punch I passed it up. Doh! I have kicked myself ever since. I would go to ebay and search milk glass punch bowls, you might find some information on it:>)

  12. Hi Sue,

    No that little pumpkin turkey isn't TJ Max its from Hobby Lobby in Austell. All their fall stuff was 50% off last week (it should be 75% by now, Michaels is 75%).


  13. I know nothing about the milk glass maker, either; but it is beautiful. I've been negligent lately, and just now got caught up on your recent posts. The calendar is adorable. How creative!! Sally

  14. The mystery of the punchbowl continues....I spoke today to the lady that wrote the book on Fostoria and she confirmed that it was not made by Fostoria..??? She did say it's a "good piece of glass" and it was made during the 1950' she knows this I don't know but the hunt for the mfg. goes on..I do have to say it's the first time in internet "Google" history that I'm coming up empty....

  15. Sue - what a great blog! Thanks for visiting me at my new blog. You're right, it is addicting! You have a beautiful granddaughter in Sophie but I think we all knew Robert and Heather would create someone pretty special, huh? I know you're enjoying her on your trips up to visit. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving and Xmas - Shannon

  16. Hi Sue, Do you know what' funny! I was surfing for more Milk glass collectors last night and I saw your request. But I didn't have the time to reply. Sorry, but I have never seen this pattern before but it looks like something that McKee Concord would have made in the past. You also have L.E. Smith with the Daisy and Button collection. You could look also in Randall, E.O. Brady, Hoosier Glass and Randall. If I ever come across any more inf. I will let you know. Thks for dropping by!
