Sunday, November 23, 2008

MY LAST POST...............a disclaimer.

The "Boss" read my Culture Wars post and said he thought some people might be offended......It was meant to be Satire .......I made fun of people from the North as much as I made fun of people from the South....and I guess you need to be from one of those two places to get the joke......
And one more today's Atlanta Journal Constitution on page D2 in a section called the Vent is the following quote..........
ATTENTION, disgruntled Notherners!
We have I-75 and I-85 in Georgia, and both go north. If that does not work for you, go east on I-20 - into the Atlantic Ocean........
I make my point.


  1. I wasn't offended, but then I don't live back there either. Also I think that if I did, I would have gotten it anyway. Actually, I enjoyed reading it. Hope you have a great Sunday!

  2. Hi Linnea....Oh my word, I didn't mean you. The husband read the post last night and thought that if anyone from the South read it they might be offended by it. I forget sometimes that we have a somewhat sick sense of humor. If we really didn't like the South we wouldn't have been here for 24 years...Hope your having a good Sunday and recovering from your trip. I loved seeing the pictures from Disney.

  3. i think a little poking is all in good fun! most don't take themselves too seriously and get it! besides it makes for a more interesting blog than to always be neutral on all events.

    the dog? she's coming over tomorrow to test how my old dog takes it.
    we will probably get her- but we are going out of town and it won't be till next week.
    stay tuned!

  4. LOL...hey at least you were more subtle than they were! And I doubt anyone was offended...I'm sort of a Northener...well only cuz I have to be. And I laughed...but then I laugh at all the people up here too!

  5. Oh and my secret to get the dogs to look in the oven....I put a dab of peanut butter on the glass. They're actually licking it off not looking in lol

  6. I thought it was hysterical!! And if you come back to Jersey...there's Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Chick Fil A (though I can't replace your next door neighbor. ;-)
