Friday, November 28, 2008


While shoppers were going crazy over at the local mall today I took a little trip up to Kennesaw to a lovely gift shop that's going out of business...It's actually a "gift house" called the Rose Cottage....I hit the sale jackpot. Everything in the store and barn in back was on sale for atleast 50% off.....90% of the store had an additional 50 off the 50.....I purchased 22 items for $52.00!!!

The best thing, which is especially what I went to buy, was a set of 6 red Waechtersbach mugs from Germany. I had seen them a few weeks ago and they had only been marked down once. I was happy to see them still sitting on the shelf waiting for me.....I left with two huge bags of stuff and a true "retail high"........there's nothing quite like a good sale, add in a piece of cheesecake and I'm a happy camper.....But I have to admit that at one point in the middle of the ornament aisle I was so overcome with the discounts that my head felt like it was going to explode...The minute I got in the house I reached for the Imitrex.......


  1. Now this is a wonderful sale! The mugs are great...but I am sorry about your headache. My brother gets migraines and they are just awful. Hope the meds helped.

    I don't think Vincent D as sexiest man is crazy at all! i Love him! hey, I am the one who has followed Brian D for 32 years! *grin*

  2. Was it the math? Sometimes I have to resort to the calculator function on my blackberry to figure discounts... especially at Eileen Fisher and Loehmann's!

  3. Oh, you had a good shopping day!! My friends and I hit a newish antique center near Asbury and I miraculously walked out with nothing. I tried! I did, however, hit Michael's to buy glitter for a cheapie holiday craft project that has resulted in flakes of sparkles face, my food, my dog...Good times! ;-)

  4. A shopping high is a great natural high, isn't it?
    So sorry to hear about your headache. Hope you're all better now!

  5. Some great buys you got there. Cool to get things at a wonderful discount. How is the headache? Hope it is gone by now.

  6. Migraines are nasty - my daughter suffers from them. Hope you are better!! Good shopping day, though. Sally

  7. That was a wonderful sale! I didn't go - I went to the Classy Flea instead. A lot of the booths were 20% off and I found a table for my sewing maching at the Goodwill next door.

