Saturday, October 25, 2008


Tonight was movie night and to get through Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford is getting way too old to make movies......I had to cook up something exciting....What better then some fried chicken and fries....Did I mention that I did this at 11:30 p.m. We used to go to this great restaurant here in Atlanta called Mick's down on Peachtree Street but it closed under mysterious circumstances. Well, not exactly mysterious as we know why it closed but we would rather not put it in print....The food was fabulous. I would always get either their chicken pot pie or their chicken fingers with peach dipping sauce. I have managed to re-produce the fingers and dipping sauce....I'm sure it's very bad for you especially at 11:30 at night but if the movie didn't kill me I figured I was's how I make it.....

Buttermilk chicken strips with peach/honey/Dijon mustard dipping sauce and homemade french fries.....................

1 pound of chicken tenders with that white stringy thing removed. I do this with a scissor
soak them in 2 cups of buttermilk overnight.
dredge them in flour mixed with some garlic salt and fry in an inch or two of oil until golden brown.
dipping sauce..........1 cup of peach preserves, about a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of Dijon mustard, a sprinkle of garlic salt. Stir together and heat until warm...

I found an easy way to quickly cook up homemade fries. I cut a large russet potato into thin strips....One large potato is plenty for two people. I leave the skin on. I placed the strips on a shallow dish and microwaved them for 3 minutes. I heated up my oil in a large shallow pan and when it was hot, I always dip the end of a wooden spoon into the oil if it bubbles it's ready to go, and I cooked them until golden brown....This took a matter of minutes instead of the typical 15 to 20 minutes.....They came just as good.....After eating this I don't recommend going right to bed, it might induce nightmares.........


  1. This sounds good. Hmmm....peach dipping sauce. I like the sound of that.

  2. I didn't like that movie at all! They need to stop now :-)

    That looks really yummy!!


  3. sounds much better than the movie! I love Harrison Ford though....he can do no wrong in my book.

  4. Boy those chicken fingers and fries look great!!! Poor Harrison... I think the Indiana Jones rule is that every *other* installment is good. One was great, two was awful, three was great.... you get the picture. But, I bet you liked Cate Blanchett's haircut! ;)

  5. Mmmmm, good ol' fried chicken and fries. Sounds good, especially with the sauce!

  6. Boy oh boy, your plate of food is making my mouth water! Thank you for sharing the recipe!


  7. I've never had peach/honey/Dijon mustard dipping sauce before - I can't wait to try this out! Thanks for sharing! :)

  8. The peach dipping sauce makes just plain chicken "fingers" extra special...I buy Smuckers preserves as it has lots of big chunky pieces of peach...I hope you all enjoy it if you try it!! And I did have lots of sauce left so you may want to cut the recipe in half...But it's great to dip the fries in too.....

  9. Oh my goodness..this recipe looks soooo good. Better than that movie!
    Bill and went the day it started...oh how the alien thing left me cold. : ( There were moments but, for the most part, he should have hung up the hat and whip.
    Still, it was sweet to see how it ended...I love Indy and Marion together.

    Now, we will have tp make your recipe! It is a keeper!

