Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Okay let me first say I do like Martha Stewart, first because she's a Jersey girl made good, she's Polish (I'm half and half)and the women is very talented............but poor Martha is becoming a caricature of herself.....I was just watching her daytime show when she announced that Rosie O'Donald will be on tomorrow doing Halloween crafts....and she actually said she will be doing...."Dee-Cu-Paj" she kidding? I've always been confused when she pronounces "Marinade"....because she says "Marinod"....I always wonder if she's referring to two totally different things? Can someone clear that up for me....and then she was on with Neil Cavudo yesterday talking about the election and the economy...Neil wanted to know what she thought about raising taxes on people making more then $250,000. a year and should a young couple where both people have good jobs be put in the same category as a "Martha Stewart".......her response...."They are just going to have to suck it up." This kinda puts into perspective that there are people who are well off and then there are people who are RICH.........he then asked her who she supports for President.....She said.."Oh, Obama ofcourse." I don't have a problem with that ofcourse but the women is a felon, they took her right to vote away from why is her opinion important? That's just my opinion......No booing from Martha supporters.
So we discussed this tonight and I did Google about felons and voting....It seems in New York state they can vote if no longer in jail or on I'm sorry Martha....but you still pronounce things funny.......


  1. Oh, Martha, Martha, Martha. Actually, I should be saying Neil, Neil, Neil – what Martha doing as a guest talking about the economy and the election? Was Bill Clinton busy making cream puffs and “marinod” on another show? :-)

    And...I would like to add Martha’s pronunciation of the "h" in "herb" (the garden spice, not the man of the same name who you would pronounce the "h" for) to you list, hahahaha!

  2. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog for a visit. It gave me a chance to come over and meet you!

    I am off to read some of your past posts. I hope you stop by to visit again soon.

  3. Do you think she would mind sharing her wealth with all of us, like she is willing to share in the taxes? HeeHee

  4. LOL I love this post...especially the last line...and she DOES pronounce things funny.

  5. I think she might still not be able to vote since she was convicted of a federal crime, not a state crime. I think that NY's voter/felon rule would only apply if you were convicted in NY. Just a bit of federalism. ;)

  6. Looking at your old posts I came across this gem. I thought you might like to know that my late father-in-law was her high school French teacher in her "beloved Nutley, NJ." Whenever you would mention her name, he would lean in and in his wonderfully soft voice (which I could never figure out since he had 11 children - I would be screaming all the time) he would tell you "you know, she was a former student of mine."

    I always tell my husband that "nuts" come from Nutley - I think she fits, although I do find her entertaining. Albeit a bit snooty for a girl from Nutley.

  7. Oh yeah, my husband's a Nutleyite. In fact, I thought he'd never leave. E-mail me and I'll fill you in.
