Thursday, October 16, 2008


For the past couple of months I discovered and have been enjoying baking the No-Knead bread.....but just how much bread can a person eat. The Boss loves the cinnamon raisin and I prefer the seeded rye so we always have more loaf then we can consume. I do love to cook and bake for other people so what could be better then giving them bread.....everybody loves hot bread straight from the oven. The bread is so simple to make you actually make it in your sleep. It sits and rises all night while I doze and it's ready in the morning to be baked. When I make it for Necie to the left of me I just walk it over on my Boo's Block....but the other day I was meeting Mrs. Duval for lunch and needed to package it for traveling. A little parchment paper, some cord and a sprig of rosemary with a dried lemon wedge let Mrs. D. know what to expect.....I thru in some Plugra European style butter because what's a good loaf of bread without really good butter...She always appreciates everything I make and she always makes me feel like I do have some bit of talent in the kitchen...........I hope her and Big Charlie enjoyed it..........


  1. I like to freeze half my loaf before the final rise so I dont make more than we can eat. I dont know if your no rise recipe would be able to be frozen? You are right though, everybody loves warm bread:>)

  2. I can almost smell the wonderful aroma through the computer. Homemade bread. Yummy! Unfortunately that is something I don't really do. I wish sometimes I enjoyed cooking. I admire those who do. Once in a while I will get in the mood to try something and have fun. Thanks for visiting me. My mom and my daughter both like to watch the dog shows when they can.

  3. Hi Sue! First off, thank you for visiting my blog! You are so sweet and perhaps Ralph Lauren would like a handsome Scotsman for a model, aye? tee hee.

    I think it is wonderful that you make bread for gifts. What a warm gesture and everyone LOVES food! Great wrapping, too!

    Happy day to you,

  4. Oh I love the simple packaging! That is beautiful...I wish I could eat it right now! I am going to use that idea for Christmas presents to friends. Love that.
    Thanks for your sweet comments about my soon to be granddaughter. I hope I can be there for the birth as well but even if I don't It will be so much fun just to see that little pink puff and hold and squeeze her. I am just giddy!

  5. Mmmmmm fresh bread! Now that's something I haven't made in ages!

    I'm glad you enjoyed my little bit of the beach today! Have a lovely weekend!

  6. Yum.

    Well, I published it as an ebook with which is a publisher. So that automatically copyrights it the same as any major publisher. Or at least that's what other self-publishers tell me.

  7. OOOOH can I be your friend! Home made warm out of the oven bread....dang is there anything better!!!

  8. I've been wanting to make that bread and just couldn't bring myself to heat up my kitchen during the summer, but it's on my fall list of activities!

    That's a beautiful presentation!


  9. Hey Sue...thanks for visiting my blog...nice to meet you!

    I love love LOVE your dog, Boo...what a sweetheart. I will definitely be checking back to see what Boo has been up to and what YOU have been cooking in the kitchen. My husband bakes bread favorite food in the world!

  10. Yum. YUM! I love the way you've packaged your bread! Anyone would be a very happy recipient. I love to bake for others...and I'm equally happy to be on the receiving end.

    I fogot to leave my email address on my last comment -- it's: shorehousechic (at) gmail (dot) com -- I'd *love* to see your Asbury Park photos!!

    -- Laura @ the shorehouse.
