Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I have been tagged by SimplyDecorated@blogspot.com and since I am a computer idiot I have no idea how to "link" things up...so that's the best I can do today....Somebody let me know the secret of including links.....Alice wants me to share 6 quirky things about me or 6 things I collect and list 6 other blogs.....well since I mentioned Sue isn't a linker I'll just go with the first 6 things...

1.) This is for sure the big one.....when ever I eat out I ALWAYS....have to either get alot of ice in my glass or get an extra glass of ice....This drives Miss D. to drink.

2.) Another restaurant quirk....I did make a spectacle out of myself once at Commander's Palace in New Orleans.....I have to be sitting in just the right chair. I have been known to switch seats multiple times in order to be "just right".....or to have a good view. Hence Commander's....I ended up with a great view of the gardens out back.....another instance when I embarrassed
Big "D".........

3.) this is more a fast food quirk.....can't stand ketchup, mustard or Mayo on anything....This has been driving the husband nuts for 40 years.....Especially when ordering burgers for me at White Castle up in Jersey where he would be in line with "bikers" who had no patience for special requests.....I can't tell you how many fights this has caused over the years....Hey, I hate gooey stuff......

4.) I can't eat with a ceiling fan blowing over my head.....it makes the food cold and what about falling dust?

5.) I can't stand to food shop in the same week in multiple stores....I feel you just don't get the same stuff for your money...I always feel cheated....It's like going through the express lane a few times a week. Your money goes much further if you spend it all at one time...I know that makes no sense...

and ...............6.) I have an unusual attachment to the state of New Jersey.....

I did just speak to daughter and she said one of my quirks is that no matter where I go I always have a coupon...for everything. This reminds me of the time me and the Boss were vacationing in Charleston S.C. and we went into the Le Crueset store in town....He seemed shocked that I had a 20% off coupon......Hey, I read those free magazines they have for tourists at the rest stops on the highway!


  1. Sue, Thanks for stopping by and giving me the idea of an apple strudel with ice cream! Do you have a good recipe for a strudel? I love love love strudel.

  2. It was nice to learn more about the person behing the blog. I also enjoyed the "tour" of your house several posts ago. What fun stuff!! Sally

  3. Hi, Just getting to know your blog. I also have a strange attachment to new jersey ( and I always said that I am a New Yorker, but have lived in Jersey much longer). I will return and read more. Susan

  4. Whoop, whoop -- New Jersey! And...someone has quite the food quirks, n'est pas? ;-)
