Monday, September 29, 2008

THE PERFECT LOAF..................

Today I made the perfect loaf of bread...I don't know how I managed to do that but since I started baking this no-knead version this has to be the very best looking for the taste I can't say. I was very tempted to keep it and immediately upon removing it from the oven slather it with Plugra butter but this loaf was destined for the "K" family to the left of us....Big "D" was ever so kind to drive me to the grocery store yesterday as she had more gas in her car then I did. We are still in the middle of a very big gas shortage that they say will last until October 13th. Me and the Boss were able to fill up the Bug today after waiting in a very long line for 40 the heat......and had to pay $4.40 a gallon. This is $1.10 higher then friends and family are paying up in Jersey.....A few weeks back "D" said she has never met anyone who thought New Jersey was the Promise Land.....referring to me, ofcourse.......after today and it costing $49.50 to fill up a V.W. Bug I do believe it is the Promise Land.....and we weren't even on empty!


  1. This loaf of bread was truly a masterpiece. Yummy!

  2. Wow that bread looks perfect! I want some. Came across your blog by accident but I am enjoying reading it. I lived in New Jersey for a few years as a kid...Waldwick New Jersey..every heard of it. I have great memories living there.

  3. aha!!found a for the recipe......still looking....
