Tuesday, September 2, 2008


As I have said before I have had to start walking the Boo out front since his leg was getting worse by the day....I got the brain storm a few days ago to bandage up the leg with the infamous "Ace bandage" and it seems to be working. It keeps his leg from buckling under his own weight. What does this have to do with buzzards......nothing. Except I was bringing Boo into the house today and as I was walking up the front steps I see out of the corner of my eye something very large sitting on the grass on the side of the house. I mean large....really big. I try to distract the dog so he doesn't rip my arm out of the socket and take chase. Like I said he's getting old, he didn't even see it. I pushed him into the house and ofcourse ran for the camera. Back outside the thing was still just sitting there. It was the biggest bird I have ever seen. The size of a small child. I got closer and closer....no zoom lens on the camera. At first I thought it was a wild turkey, as my good friend Crazy J from Jersey has wild turkeys in her cul de sac and I thought maybe that's what it was.....So I then go and do the next best thing. I go next door to Big D's house to get her opinion because by this time it had flown up into her tree......She is my mentor and expert on everything Southern......I thought for sure it was some strange bird indigenous to this region.....although I have lived here for 24 years and have never seen anything quite like it.... "D" follows me to the side of her house and with pure disgust in her voice she says....."That would be a Buzzard and they have those all over the world"........

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