Thursday, August 14, 2008


We flew in from Jersey last night and we already miss the girls....We had a wonderful 2 weeks babysitting Miss S. and seeing the daughter. During the week we went to Great-grandpa's house for him to meet our little lady. Long story as why it took a year for him to see her.......As soon as he saw her he remarked that she looked exactly like daughter did when she was his memory is still sharp. She behaved beautifully despite the fact that Grandpa does not turn on his air conditioning. Our time went by far to fast and we are already talking about when we will be returning.....We're hoping that on one of these trips the baby will recognize us when we get off the plane. It still takes her a few days to get used to us.....which is good considering that most people never get used to us....except for the cat.....the cat still loves me!!

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