Monday, August 18, 2008


I have made Giada's ravioli before and they were good but not great. Your typical cheese ravioli with not much taste. Even after seasoning the ricotta it fell short on flavor. So tonight I tried something new and it was a hit. I did make my own dough, something Giada doesn't do. She uses wonton papers and I think that's cheating. And believe me I love to cheat.... I saw one of her shows where a relative in Italy made the dough from scratch and it looked very simple. It's just flour and water, how hard could that be??......and then I decided to make a meat filling. We love veal and I was lucky to find just a half pound package of ground veal at Publix on Sunday. This is what I did with it........
butter and olive oil to saute the onion and veal
1/2 pound ground veal
1/2 medium onion finely chopped
1/4 cup of Parmesan cheese
1/4 cup Italian bread crumbs
1 egg
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup of very hot water
saute the onion for about 5 minutes and then add the veal until pink color is gone, do not brown.
Remove from heat and add the egg, cheese, bread crumbs and salt and pepper. Pulse in food processor until a smooth consistency, set aside.

add 1 cup of very hot water to flour and mix until it forms a dough, I used my Kitchen Aid with the dough hook. Form into a rectangle and cut into 3 individual pieces. Work with one piece at a time and keep the rest covered in saran wrap. I formed the piece into a log shape then, on a floured board, I rolled out the dough horizontally first until it was about 18" wide then rolled it vertically until it was about 8". Drop a heaping teaspoon of the veal mixture on the middle of the dough working evenly from left to right. You should have room for 7 or 8 ravioli. Fold over the dough from top to bottom and use your finger to make an indentation between each veal section. You can now use a ravioli cutter or a pastry wheel to cut your squares. Place the ravioli on a corn meal dusted plate. You can freeze them at this point if your not going to cook them all. Bring salted water to a boil then slip in half the ravioli at a time. Cook for 5 minutes, they will float to the top. Serve with your favorite sauce........These are really tasty, Boo even enjoyed them.......
One more thing.....the original recipe for this can be found on the Foodnetwork site under the name Ravioli Caprese.


  1. Oooh! Look at that picture, those look like some mighty tasty ravis!

  2. Thanks Sue! This look good and not too difficult.
    I need a week of Eat Less, Move More and then I'll try your recipe.
