Thursday, July 17, 2008


I received a very funny e-mail the other day from a wacky friend in Jersey. It was about Houston Congresswomen Sheila Jackson Lee complaining that there are no hurricanes with African-American names. It also said how New Orleans would have faired better during the hurricane if the news people had reported the oncoming storm in jive talk so the residents of the area could have understood the warnings better. I wanted to find out who Miss Lee is and why someone would make her a U.S. Congress person so I Googled her.....To my surprise Cobb County Georgia popped up in an article. Actually I wasn't that surprised considering all the dumb things that the residents of Cobb County do from time to time....This is what I read........

The racist nature of the message quoted above has cost the job of atleast one person who passed it along via e-mail. In 2005 a contract employee for Cobb County Georgia was fired for sending it through the county's computer system. Cobb spokesman Robert Quigley said of the incident

"Cobb County has been embarrassed by the actions of (name of employee) and apologizes for any offense."

I found this on and the e-mail message that the employee got fired for was the aforementioned e-mail that I received........Lighten up people...

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