Monday, June 30, 2008

Williams Sonoma, McDonald's and a missing head.....

What do these three things have in common......dumb people. Found out this weekend that the crazy women over at the local W. S. has been passing herself off as the store manager.....better put...."the person in charge"......for years now. Always very self-important , she will actually tell you what your buying is no good and you should buy what she tells you to buy. After all, her husband is not only a lawyer but a master bread baker. How many times have we heard this story.... I would love to meet this guy to see who would marry this nut....Well, it turns out that she's just a plain old employee. Not even an assistant or maybe a supervisor over small's the kind of case where you would love to go in and say to her..."I knew it"......And to think I almost accepted her job offer back in November....The second dumb person was in front of me at the drive thru line at McDonalds this morning. Making a $3. purchase she paid with a $100. bill.......might not sound like a big deal but at 10:15 a.m. with breakfast coming to a close there had to have been a dozen cars lined up behind me. It seems the cashier had to get the approval of the manager to accept the bill.......And the big winner of the day.....Heard on talk radio news while in line at the drive thru........
"A 17 year old S.C. boy was decapitated over the weekend at Six Flags, an autopsy is being performed today to determine the cause of death."..................

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