Saturday, June 21, 2008

Easy Chicken Cordon Bleu.....

Tonight on the menu we had one of my new favorite things to whip up. It's easy, it's delicious and we actually call it "Chicken Cordon Boo"....after the dog, of course. It starts with simple chicken breasts dipped in egg and Italian bread crumbs and lightly fried in a combo of butter and extra virgin olive oil.... As it's cooking spritz some lemon juice on the chicken. When it's completely cooked remove it to a large baking pan, one you would bake cookies on, and season it with kosher salt. Spread some Dijon mustard onto each cutlet. Fold a thinly sliced piece of ham, I prefer Boars Head tavern ham which is like a mild baked ham, onto the chicken. On top of the ham place a piece of Provolone cheese. Pop under the broiler for a few minutes to melt the cheese....I always serve this with Uncle Ben's chicken and wild rice and it's extremely tasty. On the schedule for the upcoming week will be Hungarian "Boo"-lash and for breakfast one morning husbands favorite......."Boo"berry waffles.......

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