Wednesday, June 4, 2008

THE DISH NETWORK........Real Estates Newest Nightmare

When we returned from Jersey in the mail was a letter from BellSouth informing us that as of July 1st. cable service would no longer be available....At&T would be offering the "Dish Network" at a deal you couldn't refuse.......according to them. We have been very happy with the cable service, except every night at 7:00 it goes out, and we really weren't ready to get a dish. They assured me that my bill would not be going up, they would give me free installation and I would get a $75.00 rebate....Plus I would now get BBC America so we could watch Gordon Ramsey anytime we wanted... Given no other choice, since no one else services our area, the dish it was.....Scheduled for today between 1:00 and 5:00 they showed up promptly at 9:00a.m. The husband showed them around the house and the last time I saw them they were discussing installing the dish behind the house...I went about bread baking, my newest favorite thing to do, and didn't think another thing about it. The husband came inside and informed me that the dish installation was going well but there seemed to be a problem with the new garage doors being installed. I really should not have scheduled both on the same day as I didn't realize they would be in each others way, what can you do.....about 15 minutes later husband says "why don't you go outside and see how it's coming".....I should have known. Ofcourse, getting the blame for not being outside to begin with, I stepped out onto the front lawn to see two "boobs" in hard hats perched on the FRONT ROOF bolting down a large satellite dish with colorful words emblazoned smack on the front saying "THE DISH NETWORK"........I just knew when they plugged in the huge cables that were hanging from it neon lights would light up saying to the whole neighborhood..."We have finally lost our minds". The front roof of the house for all the world to see, it was hideous! Both men said in unison "your husband said it was okay"......the husband, who was standing along side me, just threw up his hands......I classify this as another "guy moment". I was mortified. I'm not one to ever get mad at anything but this was too much to take. They knew I was really pissed as I exclaimed "what kind of idiots would install that on the front roof of a house" They were quick to say that with all our trees there really was no other place to put it. You would think the satellite engineers would have figured that out before putting these things on the market. Oh, excuse me, there was one other choice......they could have installed it on a 4 ft. pole on the front lawn at the street.....yes, much better. Before getting down from the roof they did manage to turn the dish around so the advertisement could no longer be seen, it still looked horrible but it blended in with the roof color a bit better. I never like to be given no choices.....when I'm paying for something I should get what I want, not what someone else tells me I have to have....We have also been trying to spruce up the house with hopes of putting it on the market someday soon and I can hear the real estate people now......"Mrs. A. you have a lovely home and normally we could sell it with no problem...but we will have to list it for $50,000.00 less because of that satelite dish up on your roof."...............

1 comment:

  1. he actually is posing for the picture! It's like he's in the Sears catalog or something!
