Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have never minded doing things and going places alone....I'm probably one of the few people that can actually sit in a resturant and eat by when I saw that there was going to be a
"Girls Night Out" event on Palmer Square I signed myself up......We love Princeton and we were thrilled when we heard daughter had bought a house there. In town babysitting the cat....see previous post, I went looking for entertainment for the week we would be here alone...Tonight was shopping fun "ladies style" was involved. Princeton is one classy place, as not only did they have pre-shopping goodies for all the ladies but they had SHRIMP!! Big jumbo shrimp, mini-quiche, pasta salad and lots of cheese, crackers and fruit......I got myself a nice plate of a little bit of everything and then chatted up some of the local women...because everyone knows that I will talk to anyone that looks at me crooked...The best part of the whole night was getting to spend the $100.00 gift card that I won from the merchants association after signing up online. I never win anything so it was a very nice surprise. After wandering all around the square I finally decided on a Le Crueset dutch oven at the local cooking surprise that I would spend the money on something to do with cooking...I have been wanting to try the New York Times no-knead bread recipe that is baked in a dutch oven..I now have to convince the husband to carry this thing back to Georgia on the plane, it must weigh the equivalent of 10 bricks. I do have to admit that I would have had a better time had daughter been with me but it was fun none the less........other news of the day I thought I lost the cat. She was MIA for about an hour. We looked everywhere..under every bed, every chair, every closet. She was no where to be found. I thought for sure she had gotten out the numerous times I went in and out of the back door as we had lunch "Al Fresco" today. After my blood pressure climbed to its boiling point and my head felt like it was going to expode she showed up at the kitchen door and looked at me like "What?"....................another reason not to own a cat.

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