Wednesday, April 16, 2008


First..a big Thanx to the daughter for turning me on to those Wacky Real Housewives of NYC....Ofcourse last night was the season finale and I even got the husband to watch....He seems to be fascinated with Francois and his genius and the little bugger didn't disappoint..The kid is an idiot and it's not helped by the fact that they dress him like a little old man from "Boca"....what was with that leisure suit he wore when he went for the "genius evaluation".....Alex would probably tell you that it belonged to Grandpa Francois when he won the Australian Spelling Bee at the age of 2. Hideous.......and who lets their children sit under the table in a resturant like the 21 Club...Also who cares that they are teaching him French when they can't even teach him not to yell at the top of his lungs in public. These people should be ashamed of themselves. But more about them later....Then there's Betheny, how does she fit in? She's not really a housewife. Was this second prize for being a reject from the Martha Stewart Apprentice show. Ofcourse without her there would be no one to make fun of the other women. Ramona is just a flake who doesn't think before she acts. The Countess, well the husband pointed out that the "Count" probably has a family in every country he lives in. Luann is just his New York Tootsie. Jill is probably the most normal one on the show and she would fare better on a show called "The Real Housewives of Long Island".......and then there's Alex and Simon....If we were to find out that they were separated at birth and are really brother and sister it wouldn't surprise. They are, well, just plain creepy.......


  1. Are you watching the new season? Lots of creepy Alex and Simon.

    I wonder where they recruited these people - they are about as un-normal as you can get.

  2. Oh, Sue....I love this! Yes, I agree with you about all of these characters.... little old man from Boca takes the cake!
