Thursday, July 28, 2016

THE FIRST "HONEST" REVIEW OF "MY PILLOW".COM.....remember we're from Jersey!

Is there anyone out there who doesn't know who this guy is....
When your home all day his face pops up no matter
what channel your watching....
So after all this time the inevitable happened....
Le me say we are NOT shoppers of QVC.... and we have been very
proud that we never succumbed to their marketing ploys...
Until now....
While randomly changing channels the other night I came upon
Old Mike Lindell hawking his pillows...
Having a bit of a sore neck when I get up in the morning I was
In a few short minutes I heard from multiple people calling in
to say these are the BEST pillows God ever created....
They healed many a bad back and neck....
 For just a few short hours....
Mike would be selling these at a discount just for
QVC Shoppers...
Hey!! That could be me....
So in a frenzy over trying to get that "perfect nights sleep"
I ran and got my American Express Card...
I ordered a pack of two for a mere $85.00 plus $5.00 shipping....
This is very important for our Live
A Bit skeptical when both King pillows came in this box....?
 It appears big in this picture but it is only
Now... along with my very agreeable "Pillow Model"....
I give you the Infamous....
Here is the Boss showing you the firmness of the
"FIRM" one....
I followed the full instructions so this went into the
dryer with a damp washcloth for the suggested
15 minutes to "plump" it up...
 The Boss is "Plump"
This pillow not so much....
It's so "firm" that it can stand on it's own....
No...wait...that's the Boss...not the pillow...
It folded like a cheap suit....
 Let's have our model give it the
"comfort test"
Maybe it really will give you that sleep you have never
enjoyed before.....
Here is the Boss taking his afternoon siesta on the
ultra soft Pottery Barn sofa....
Wait....why is he wincing in pain???
Why does that pillow look like there is coal inside...
can you see all the lumps...
He wondered why it wasn't as comfortable as described
Until he looked underneath....
That explains things.....
He was lying on a Dime!
He was kind enough to now demonstrate my pillow....
I ordered the medium fill...
I like a softer more scrunchy pillow...
Let's see how he does...
Folds almost in half due to lack of filling somewhere
around the middle of the pillow....I guess this
might work if Two People were sharing it....
But wait.... filling in a good 12" of the pillow....
Once again this is After the "Dryer Poofing"
 For the Boss to fairly test mine...
Since it really wasn't fair to properly review it while on
the Ultra Soft Pottery Barn sofa...
We were more realistic.....
Nope...same wincing face....
AHHHHHH......that's much better....
I think he actually fell asleep for a few minutes he was
so Comfortable.....
But not being people Who Complain we wanted to give it the
Benefit of the Doubt....
So he tried it again....this time "scrunching"
it up like Mike recommends to get it just right under your head...
Promising that it stays that way all night...
Once again....feeling every bump and bulge....
No No...wait.... 
Just a large paper clip....but in all fairness...
It is a large paper clip....
 After all this "testing" and after sleeping on them
last night and waking up with a stiff neck....
We have decided to ship these things right back to where they came from.....
Thanks QVC for the shopping experience....
We hope that our research will spare others from the
pain and expense of My Pillow....
For now we will just stick to what we have found to
be the ultimate in comfort next to
Mike's Pillows....
The Boss and Wife say....
"Good Night and Sweet dreams"....


Linda @ A La Carte said...

You two should take this act on the road! Laughing out loud! Oh that is the wimpiest pillow ever and the price?? CRAZY! But it made for a very funny post!

Chatty Crone said...

I think you are sooooooooooooooooooo funny. I have seen that man with his pillow on his commercials. I wondered about it and was tempted! No more. That looks horrible. Now you have to go take it all back!

Cheri said...

Your model did a very good job...ha ha ha. Thanks for the review because Jay has been talking about getting these for us and now I know that won't be a purchase in our future, I appreciate the "real" low down on them.

If you ever need money (ha ha) or something to do, you would never have to be Walmart greeters, just take your comedy act on the road. You both are a hoot.

-Joan- said...

Thanks for the laughs this afternoon.
You two are quite a comedy team.
Kudos to your assistant, nice job.
No need now to try the 'not so best pillow ever.' :)

Marie said...

I almost ordered these pillows! I have three herniated discs in my neck, so I was tempted, but after reading your very entertaining review I will skip these pillows and stay with my tempurpedic. :)
Thanks for the giggles! Hope all is well with you all!

Terra said...

Your husband has a new career ahead, as a product model. :)

Come Away With Me said...

Well this certainly answers my highly cynical private thoughts questioning the wonders of this much-touted pillow! Thanks for the honest (and very funny) review! The Boss did a great job as your pillow model.