Saturday, July 23, 2016

Peaches and Cream and Chocolate Pie....Oh My!

It's that time of the year again when I like to post my
favorite pie recipe of all time....
Although you can make this all year long....
using canned peaches...
It is far better using fresh ripe ones...
even though I live in the
"Peach State"
I actually prefer South Carolina peaches....
I think they just taste better...
The secret of the pie being wonderful is letting the peaches
ripen on your counter for a few days after bringing them
This is what you need to make this super simple summer pie...
1.) 1 Oreo cookie crust pie shell....
If you prefer using a ceramic pie shell you can crush
oreos...add a little melted butter and mold into the pie dish...
I just use the ready made because I can put this pie together
in under 5 minutes....
2.)  About 5 freestone peaches...ripened and sliced.
3.) 1 cup of whole milk
4.) 1 1/2 pint of Heavy Whipping Cream
5.) 1 package of vanilla instant pudding...
mix the pudding with the one cup of milk until thickened.....
Whip the heavy cream until thickened....
For ease of cleaning I usually will whip the cream first...
Then the pudding so I don't have to stop to clean the
mixer blades...
Heavy Cream whips better if you use a clean blade...
take the pudding and gently fold it into the
Heavy Cream...
Fold in using a rubber spatula until the two are
Mixed well...
Take your least pretty pieces of peaches and dice them....
place on the bottom of the crust....
Do not be tempted to "sugar" the peaches for sweetness...
This pie is a combo of tart and sweet plus you don't want any
juices that sugar would cause to make for a soggy bottom 
Using a damp piece of paper towel
Wipe off the plastic cover of the pie crust...
Take your nicer slices...I like a little red to show for color...
and place them on the inside of the cookie crust lid...
This is Only to make sure you will have enough peaches to
Cover the top of the pie....
Take the peaches that are left and dice them...
Then fold into the cream mixture.....
Place the peaches in a circle on top....
And it will take you no longer then 5 minutes to prepare...!!
Pop in Fridge for about a half hour before it's ready to
cut and can fold back the tin pie plate a little
for ease of serving....
It will come out....even that first piece....
Looking like you spent all day making it...


Santamaker said...

Even though the combo of chocolate and peach doesn't sound great to me, I am sure this is great...everything you make is delicious! It looks pretty too!

Chatty Crone said...

I am just the opposite - I think peaches and chocolate sounds and looks terrific!

Pondside said...

I passed by the peaches today at the grocer because they were a little hard. I'm going back to get some tomorrow and will leave them on the counter to ripen because I am going to make this for my lucky husband......and maybe, just a little, for me too!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You really are such a great cook! This looks yummy!

Come Away With Me said...

Oh my, my mouth is watering. Nothing quite so wonderful as a ripe peach, and whipped cream. I'm sure that touch of chocolate from the crust adds something extra wonderful.