Wednesday, February 19, 2014

With a Little Help From IKEA!

How perfect is this Rug for a little Girls
Room.....Ikea.... of course... for a mere
Purchased for Miss B awhile back
for her NYC Bedroom....
with space at a premium....

and a minimum...
it was a bit overwhelmed in this bedroom
of a typical 6 year old...
So with Grandma in town for the week..
We decided it was time to
she has too much crap and it was time for a
Major Overhaul....
Major is an understatement....
This Kid owns more toys and "stuff" then
FAO Schwartz...
so it was time to purge while Miss B
was with her Dad....
Our Plan was to re-do the whole room before
She came home on Monday.....
Working last evening until 12:30
We were pleased with the results...
Kids... it seems... love to collect
tiny doo-dads...McDonald's toys..
Gumball toys....little plastic things..
Just general junk...
And we...the parents...and
Grandparents contribute to this

If she never got another toy or
Stuffed animal...I don't think she
would even notice..
It was time to get rid of the Pee Wee Herman
Playhouse plastic furniture...
The metal tiered rack which at one time
was thought to be a good idea for
the sake of organizing..
Dis-regard the luggage....That is mine..
We tried to get the Cat to read the Ikea
instructions....after all there are no words to read
Just pictures to follow...
We figure it was something the Cat was
capable of doing....
Here she is asking...
"I see all the screws...where's the Allen wrench?"
Her attempt at pretending she's asleep...
and ignore us...
Only she forgot to shut her
Left Eye....
So the Mom stepped in and assembled
From her new desk chair...
To a brand new girlie pink desk...
To an 8 sectioned Cubby unit...
Daughter has been building
Ikea furniture for years now
and is really an expert.....

But it's grandma who has the eye for
furniture first up....
After removing all the crap from the room
Was to move the bed against the window..
This opened up the entire space...
Next came the Cubby Unit....meant to stand tall...
For safety reasons we decided to have it lay
horizontally...two rows of four cubby holes...
We went with orange fabric containers for
Four of the spots...
We added the infamous "Dead Bears" because they
are so colorful and a few family photo's...
The Bears were daughter's....
Next up was new bedding......
Ikea also....$29.99 for the Duvet Cover
and striped pillow case...
We decided to keep the book rack...
and with so many stuffed animals...
We piled them in the corners...
But neatly inside of large laundry
like containers....
The pink chair was all of $12.00
The pink and White desk was $79.99
Above the desk is Sophie's Name
made with advertising letters
from signs in Europe...I showed you all the ones
daughter made us a few posts back...
She photographs interesting single letters off of
signs and then turns them into names..
The letters came from France and Amsterdam...
The large picture with all the faces also
came from Ikea...It's actually a fabric remnant
That daughter stretched over canvas..
We picked up the desk lamp...the shade is also
pink and orange dots...
About $20 for both...the base and the shade..
The top of the existing dresser was cleared off
(all the junk was thrown out)
making a spot for some more animals...
Our whole basic theme was...
Color...Color...and more Color...
We fit more stuff in this unit then you can

One of her favorite things when she first
saw the room was the big "B" bookend....
After all she is "Miss B"...
The room was not big enough to fit two of the Button
We found this very cool looking hooked rug
at TJMaxx....another $39.99 Buy...

I said we were going for a Color Theme!!
B loves having pictures of herself in her room....
Ikea mouse...


She spent the whole day sitting at the desk...
And yes...that's an I-Pad you see...
A gift from Grandpa...

The Whole Gang
What a difference
A little
Miss B approved!!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great job! Love the bright colors and as always organization is key in a child's room! Love the button rug and the name in sign cute. Good job Grandma!

Cheri said...

Very cute. Love all the color and it is a room she can grow into. Maybe some shelves above her dresser for those stuffed animals.

Babs said...

Great job! Love all the fun colors.

Chatty Crone said...

I bet she loved it - just loved it.

You did a GREAT job. I loved the white and all the beautiful and wild colors.

It looked so much different and you did a great job.

She sure does have a lot of toys - looks like my house - too much.


{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Awesome! What joy-filled space! Add a precious little girl and it's pure perfection!


Moms Musings said...

Beautiful and cheery room for a little girl

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Girl, you really, REALLY did a super job. Can you hear me applauding? I am!



Marigene said...

Cute, colorful room...♥ the button rug!

Anonymous said...

You guys did a great job. Want to come over and help organize my apartment?

Fairfield House said...

GREAT job! I just told my daughter I would help her do the same. I plead guilty to contributing to the mess. Miss B's room looks great!
Your Friend,

Anonymous said...

You and your daughter outdid yourselves!

Post another picture of how the room looks in a couple of weeks. Those stuffed animals can come to life and wreck a room after everyone in the house is asleep. :)

I have some rooms that need help. If I ever get past the "removing the crap" part, I'll send photos for your expert advice.

Anonymous said...

You and your daughter outdid yourselves!

Post another picture of how the room looks in a couple of weeks. Those stuffed animals can come to life and wreck a room after everyone in the house is asleep. :)

I have some rooms that need help. If I ever get past the "removing the crap" part, I'll send photos for your expert advice.

Come Away With Me said...

What a wonderful collection of color, many fragments all captured and harnessed for the delight of Miss B!

Peg said...

I noticed you had a new post and i just might try your bread this afternoon when I cook before the ice storm arrives tonight. Then I noticed that I'd missed Miss B's room makeover... how cute! The button rug makes the room; I love it! You do know that putting all those stuffed animals in one basket will cause them to multiply though... there is no other explanation for why little girls get so many. My son-in-law bought the baby a huge bear for Valentine's Day; baby's aunt told him he would regret that... "you'll be looking at that bear for a loooooooong time."

Susie Q said...

I am totally loving it!! Especially the Grateful Dead bears!! How could Miss B not love her new room! It's perfection! Good work Mom and Grandma!