Monday, October 10, 2011

Great Neighborhood Halloween Idea!!!

For 26 years the only person I knew in my old neighborhood was my good friend
Next Door Necie....
Well I did know Jerry the alcoholic next door on the other side.....
And let me not forget the religious fanatics across the
Cul De Sac that seemed to be running a Half Way House
For strays.....and I'm not talking cats.....
On any given day the entire cul de sac was filled with pick-up trucks with
Campers on the back....
For years we thought they could be those
"Traveler" people from the Carolina's.....

We finally move into a sub-division where it appears the people are
And after last weekend I am sure of it and very very happy to be here....
What a great idea someone has come up with to
celebrate Halloween....

I stopped by my new next door neighbor's house last week
And on her front porch sat a Halloween Bag....
When she opened the door I asked her if it was Coming or Going??
She had no idea what it was or how it got there....
So she took it inside.....

Fast forward to this past Saturday Morning when the Boss went outside and hanging from our
Gate........the same Halloween bag....
And this was the note inside.....

Okay......I was excited.....People that actually interact with each other.....
Even if it's "secret"
I thought it was the cutest Idea I have ever seen....
Inside the bag were these goodies....
pumpkin napkins.....Paula Deen cheese straws....and a cute pumpkin with a crow....
Not knowing the rules of the game....... I of course..... took all three things....
Oh.... I had to they were all too cute....
Plus I adore cheese's a Southern Thing!!
And I added four things to the bag....

And in the dead of night......and in my p.j's......I wandered the streets looking for a
house that did not have one of the "Ghosts" in their window....
Mission accomplished......right around the corner....

Now this might be a Halloween Tradition that you all know about.....
As I have been hiding in "Unfriendly World" for the past 26 years.....
I wish I knew who started this so I could thank them for
making me feel part of this wonderful community....

In any case I cannot wait for Halloween to see how many little children come to the house
to Trick or Treat.....
We finally plan on buying lots of candy to give out as I have a feeling
"if we buy the candy they will come".....

Much different then many many years in the past where the only kids that came around
were 16 year old thugs dressed in street clothes.....
We got to the point where we would just
shut the blinds and shut the lights....

Happy Halloween a few weeks early....
Do you have any Halloween Traditions that you celebrate every year....
Please Share!!


NanaDiana said...

Sue-What a great tradition. The only one we had that when everyone was done Trick or Treating they would pile back to our house for Sloppy Joes and chips before they ate any candy! xo Diana

Yvonne said...

Sorry to say, I'm one of those that closes the drapes, turns off the lights and watches tv in my workroom. Halloween here is much the same as your old halloween. Your new halloween sounds great. Wonderful idea. If I did that here, I don't think the bag would make it to the third house...sad.

Pondside said...

What fun! I miss the fun of Hallowe'en as we live in the country and the houses are way too far apart for kids to come trick or treating. What we do is nearly as fun - everyone goes to the firehall where there is a big bonfire and wiener roast and treats for the kids.

Julie Harward said...

Hi Sue, thanks for your visit. I have had fun catching up with you...a pool, wow! And Disneyland, our kids were there at that same time. This neighbor idea is awesome, I think I will start it here fun! ;D

Fairfield House said...


I've heard of this and similar neighborhood traditions for Christmas and Easter. I grew up in Toms River and Halloween is a three day event -- 2 days before is "Mischief Night", the day before is Trick or Treating and Halloween Night is The Annual Halloween Parade -- one of the biggest in the nation.
The Fairfield House doesn't get any trick or treaters since homes are approximately a mile or more apart.
Enjoy your new friends, just remember you can take the girl out of Jersey but you can't take the Jersey out of the girl!

Your Friend,

Cheri said...

I have read where other bloggers have this very same tradition going on in their neighborhood too. I think it is cute but we have too many very old people in ours that don't seem to participate in anything or else I would do this here. This probably would have worked in my old neighborhood.

Chatty Crone said...

Now this is one thing our neighborhood does and we have around 200 families. FUN! I am excited for you - you sound so happy there.

Maybe you should do one and put it on Nece's door and start one there.

Can't wait to see you.


Sue said...

What a fun idea! I'm not sure how many people would participate in our neighborhood. Sure, they might say they want to get cozy and chatty with the neighbors, but I don't think they would act on it. Glad you found such a great place to live! ~Sue

Jennifer said...

Isn't the south grand?

ain't for city gals said...

I don't have any Holloween traditions now but gosh did I love Halloween when I was a kid! I was a gypsy 9 years running!! I had to leave you a comment ater reading your daughter is a lawyer..

Come Away With Me said...

Wow Sue, looks like you moved into the right neighborhood for sure! I've never heard of this tradition but I love it. My neighborhood sounds a lot like your former locale...we keep the front of the house dark on Halloween here.

Kathleen said...

Yes, they do that where my son lives. Lots of fun!
Here, nope. Only 2 people on my block after labor Day.
We often run to the window off season and yell, "look, a car!". Makes our day, lol.

I am glad you moved, yikes, that sounded BAD!

No trick or treaters here, but we go in to see the g kids. 100's in there, seriously, I was shocked!

I always leave a basket of candy out while we are gone just in case. I don't think deer eat candy, but if you see any with bad teeth you know they are from my neighborhood.
Enjoy your new beautiful home!

Marianne said...

I could think of dozens of pithy things to say, I could go one and on about this and that,but the only real thing I can post here is ......................................................................................................SUE, I WANT YOUR LIFE.