Friday, July 29, 2011


We have been looking at houses for the past 12 years......
Yes...that's right people.....12 long years....
We are known up and down the EAST COAST as "those people"
from the Jersey Shore to Atlanta I don't even know how many houses over the years
We have looked at.....
In anticipation of this Day........
We were ready for "House Hunters"....
I mean any two Smucks that have looked at houses for that long deserve to be on
So the minute I knew a new house was finally in our near future I contacted the folks at
I filled out the extensive application including the requested "photo" of Us.....
Perhaps using a picture of me and the Boss where we resemble
Carmelo and Tony Soprano was not such a clever idea....
Leather jackets......sunglasses and a Fedora....
Perhaps Overkill but I wanted us to appear HIP and YOUNG....
Not Old and Stodgy....

I heard back from producer Lori Hirsch within two days......saying that as soon as we
had an accepted offer and we had a closing date to contact them....
We were thrilled.......our Realtor....Anet Granger of Tina Fountain Realty here in
Atlanta was ecstatic.....
I mean me and the Boss on House entertaining would we be......
and the House we bought was gorgeous.....T.V. eye candy..
Now we all know in Blogland that House Hunters is a bit on the fake side....
The new Homeowners already have purchased the home and the other two
"Choices" are just made up all that gushing is pure
But Hey......we didn't have a problem with that..... we can say
"Oh look Dear it has windows".......Or
"We might consider this house but I really don't like the color of the paint in the Bathroom"
With the Best of them....

But it wasn't to be......Lori Dissed us and we were shocked to say the least.....
Her reason was two fold.....
You need to be in both your old existing home and be in your new home at the same time....
Okay....No problem with that....We are not at this time selling our current home...
They can't film around "renovations".....
The house is 2 years old.....No renovations needed Ms. Hirsch.....
We are putting in a pool but I said we could wait for that work to begin after filming....
Never heard I figure it's only one of two things.....
We are either too OLD or Too Ethnic.......
How about a New Reality Show???
"The New Italian House Owners of Cobb County"
I think it would work....
Bravo and Andy Cohen Are You On Board????

So to Hell with House Hunters......Here is our own version for your
Viewing Pleasure.....
Three decide which one we picked..

LOWERED TO $700,000.00 back in October of 2010
on the market now for $559,900.00
4800 sq. ft.
5 bedrooms.....4 1/2 baths.....two laundry rooms...
Bad feature.......located in West Cobb County....only bad because I was never fond of
the West Side of Town....

Massive Master Bedroom.....I was thinking......"Snore Barrier".....
I mean in a room this large with that ceiling surely the Boss' snoring might be muffled....
But look at where all the air conditioning would go.....

For a minute I thought this was a shrine to the Homeowners Baby.....
Portraits were everywhere....
But it was the living area off the Master Bedroom.....
Nice fireplace though.....a very large master bath off this room.....a big walk in room
As your Closet....

House #2
Great side of town in the Fancy Schmancy "East Cobb"....
Heck these people even have a Facebook page called the
"East Cobb Snobs"....
which I am a member.....only because I live in that Zip Code....
No Fanciness at the current Manse...
Sold a few years ago for over $800,000.00
currently on the market since last August at $669,000.00
5 bedrooms/4 1/2 baths....
a bit less square footage then house #1....

A "Great" Room with vaulted ceiling and antique recycled wood built ins
a wonderful backyard and a brick floored screened in porch.....Lovin the screened in porch....

Magnificent Kitchen.....The Main Thing on my Wish List was a fabulous Kitchen
And Anet didn't disappoint.....
My other request was a built in pool......No Jersey Way of the "Above Ground"
Oh and it has to be heated....maybe throw in an attached spa with waterfall.....

House #3.....
Roswell Georgia with low Cobb County Taxes....The best of both...
beautiful all brick and stone home and Huge.......
The house has an elevator.....but don't get too's a handicapped one in glass
that sits right in the middle of the Family room....
Selling at $679,000.00
A great river rock arched fireplace in the "Keeping Room" off the kitchen....
Big kitchen but nothing fancy......GE appliances....
the Master bedroom and bath were ginormous.....
a very lovely house in the best part of town....
Actually My first choice for location...

None of these homes had pools.....
SO......Which one do you think we picked?????
Which one would you have chosen???

We picked House Number.......

The ultimate "coupon" purchase.....
We are Frivolous but not Stupid......
This house was built and was valued at over a Million Dollars and we basically got it
For Half off......
Our final Price was $537,000.00
enough left over to put in that pool and spa.....Yes, it will be heated!
And we have enough left over to furnish the Joint......
The Sub-division looks like it stepped out of Colonial Williamsburg....
Brick sidewalks.....every home is gated....wood shingled roofs....
Timeless Looking....
And let's talk property taxes.....
When the Boss turns 62 next month we will be exempt from school taxes....
The taxes should go down to about $2,000.00 for the year....
New Jersey do you hear that????

A small hint at what the kitchen looks like......It is unbelievable....and the Current
Homeowner is not a cook.....she has never used the Wolf Range or Oven....
The big Sub-Zero side by side was filled with Frozen Totino's Pizza
Which she cooks in the Microwave.......Oye!

I hope you enjoyed our Version of House Hunters......
"Boss and Wife" style....
I will enjoy over the next couple of months showing you how I decorate it....
The taxidermy deer head will be moving in along with our framed
daughter is humiliated at the thought but Hey.....that's our Personality....
A house has to have Personality.....

House Hunters does not know what they passed on.....
We still enjoy driving around our new Hood checking out and critiquing other
peoples houses....Good and the Bad.....
We own 9 cars so depending upon the exclusivity of the neighborhood we drive the
appropriate car. After all we have our reputation to uphold and we don't want the police
to be called....We even came up with a name should HGTV ever come calling.....


Ellen said...

Congrats on your home purchase. Can't wait to see your decorating pictures.

Just remember, you can take the girl out of Jersey, but you can't take Jersey out of the girl.

Jojo said...

OMG Sue! I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see it in person!!! It's fantastically gorgeous!

Kathleen Grace said...

Now is the time to buy with these low prices, and this home looks just gorgeous. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the place too! House hunters? Meh, who needs em?

Fairfield House said...


You're back! :) I will have to get caught up on all the posts I've missed.

CONGRATULATIONS on the purchase of your new home. It's stunning. What a steal. Don't even get me started on the taxes. You know ours are five digits. I thought you took the second home because you showed the kitchen when comparing and you're such a snob it seemed like a perfect fit. hehehe

I can't believe they turned you and the Boss down for House Hunters, no doubt because you're not a bi-racial or homosexual couple.

When is the move?

Your Friend,

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

OH!! I love your new house and can't wait to see you put your touches on it.

Salmagundi said...

You're right - you guys would have been great on HH. By default, I watch that show repeatedly; and it sure could use some spicing up. Oh well, we get to see the afters on your blog - their loss. I'm off to drive the grandson to his last art class in the city. It's been a long, hot two weeks. Sally

Sue said...

Sue, you're too good for HH!! Love the exterior of the home you chose; although I thought it would have been #2 because of the kitchen. Make your own shrine! LOL I absolutely abhor when parents put up a wall of pics of baby schnooks! Hello... Keep that in the kid's room to chronicle it privately. I'd sure love to decorate your house for ya! Maybe I should be the one taking a trip.... tee hee

Janet said...

I love that kitchen and especially that stove...can I come and cook with ( not for) you?

I can't believe those taxes! We have no exemptions for anything here in Mass whether you are 20 or 100.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

House Hunter's Loss is our Gain! Love your version and yes you picked a GREAT house. I can't wait for our tour and seeing the new pool and spa! So happy for you and the Boss and glad you are back in GA!! We missed you.

Deb said...

The house is beautiful, but Sue, did you not get the memo on downsizing at our age? Who is going to do all the cleaning, Girl?

Yvonne said...

Wow! By my standards you are living in total luxury, lol. What a steal and such a beautiful home. Can't wait to see how you decorate it all.

Neabear said...

Awesome house! Looking forward to seeing how you decorate it with your personality!

Are you going to put your RED appliances in there too?


Chatty Crone said...

Oh my gosh - I loved all three - but my favorite was number one - GORGEOUS! You are so lucky. And a pool - a heated pool - do you have a bedroom for me? I'll be good!

Glad you area back in GA. Can't wait to see it and you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! Glad you're back and congratulations on your new home - it's gorgeous! You really did get a wonderful deal on it! I'm so happy for you.
Oh, poop! I'm getting very old. You're not the first one to tell me I typed April instead of August! :)
I went back and fixed it. Sorry you can link up for the party but I do hope you'll pop in and check out all the yard birds!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Julie Harward said...

LOL I agree, they missed out! I had picked house #2..wrong! You have a beautiful home now indeed! I didn't know that show was so fake, that explains all the dumb comments they make! Glad to see you around again :D

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Wow, Sue, this is gorgeous. Yep, really good deals on houses now. That is funny about the t.v. show. I did not know it was a fake.

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Sue,
OMG what a great post! But first of all, it's great hearing from you again!
Second of all, I can't believe you got snubbed by house hunters! Boy did they miss out on having a great show!
Third, I can't believe the size of these 3 homes! Did you say that some of us bloggers get to move in with you? LOL!!!
I think all 3 were amazing and really look forward to seeing how you decorate!!
Our home is only 1600 sq. ft and our taxed are 2,200 a year~ How are they so cheap there?
Congrats and happy weekend!

Susie Q said...

Wow sugar plum! I could fit my whole house in the kitchens!!!
But now is the time to buy such places for sure! I am green with envy! I know you will make your home filled with character and fun and warmth! Can't wait to see the photos! Email your new addy when you are ready...
House Hunters passed on something amazing...

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Sue, You're killin me here! I can't wait to see how you decorate this mansion. The curb appeal is off the charts. As to house hunters...I am so tired of that show! Congrats on the new house...last time we spoke, I don't think you had made a decision on the house.
♥, Susan

The Tablescaper said...

You purchased an amazing home. It is gorgeous. And I couldn't agree with you more, House Hunters was crazy.

I too can't wait to see how your decorate it. It's truly a magnificant home.

- The Tablescaper

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Sue, you are so funny! I liked your version better than the TV one! Hurry up and get that place furnished so we can have a party! :) It's beautiful! I liked all three of your choices...great houses!

Come Away With Me said...

I'll be interested to hear how the "snoring barrier" in the master bedroom works out ;-)

Congratulations on your gorgeous new'll be fun watching as you decorate it. It's really quite a house. Too bad for House Hunters; I know you and the Boss would have been very entertaining and won them lots of viewers!

Lisa Pogue said...

I am so very sad you and the Boss will NOT be on House Hunters. Big mistake...BIG! I think you are also on to something. Get ! Can't wait to see the pool!!

Jennifer said...

I am so happy for you! all your hard work the past few months has paid off!

Linda Lou said...

Wow Sue that house is stunning, that home here in San Diego at the coast where I live would go for over $2,000,000.00 -I am jeal for sure...who needs House got the house of your dreams!!!

Shannon said...

I love House Hunters! I can't believe they dissed you! Too good for them, I guess. I loved your bloggy version though. We love trying to guess which one people will choose. Looks like you made a fabulous choice!
It has been a while but I am back in the bloggy world and would love it if you could stop by again sometime :-)

Anonymous said...

That would have been MY choice, too.

What an adventure you have ahead! Forget House Hunters, you can still call Divine Design. :)

Cass @ That Old House said...

Well all I can say is ...
1) I guessed House No. 1 because COLD AIR SINKS so all the A/C would not go up to the bedroom ceiling, and to combat the snoring you could hang a cot from the ceiling for the Hubs.
3) 2000 DOLLARS. 2-thousand dollars? TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS???????????????

House is gorgeous, but what is even more attractive is that tax bill.

I weep.

Anonymous said...

We have similar programs here in the UK - what a shame...but their loss! I much preferred your version anyhow - and you definitely went for the best house of the 3 ;-)

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I would so totally watch "The New Italian House Owners of Cobb County."

