Saturday, January 29, 2011

HERE OR THERE..................

We have talked for years about someday moving back to the
That would be Jersey for some of you who don't know that is where me and the
Boss grew up....
It's where daughter and Miss "B" resides....
It's where Nunze and the Peeps live.....
Snow never really bothered us.....Well....that's a lie or we wouldn't have moved
to Fort Lauderdale all those years ago.....
But the Homeland has always beckoned us back....
The Jersey Shore.....Stewart's Root Beer....White Castle....good pizza....
Until now..... Central New Jersey....
December 26th...2010.
2 feet of snow.
January 28th.....2011....
64 degrees and sunny sunny sunny!

We may have to re-think this one..........

If you could live anywhere where would it be and why.....
Let's make it only in the U.S.
Because we all know if given the chance we would all live in
Paris or Tuscany!!


Julie Harward said...

I would go a bit further south right here in Utah where the temps are so nice and warm nearly all year round! (Very cute car, love it!) :D

Kathleen Grace said...

That's a tough one Sue. All our loved ones are here in Michigan, but Dang! Georgia's looking pretty good:>)

Cheri said...

If I knew the answer to that question I wouldn't be contemplating where to go when this house sells...

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I'm staying here in Georgia! My children are here and my Grandchild will be here so this is where I will stay. No brainer for me! Hard decision for you? It would be for me to be so far away from daughter and Miss B. Wasn't it a glorious day here in Georgia today!!

Kathleen said...

No, I wouldn't pick Paris or Tuscany, I love the US.
I'd probably stay here as that is where my family is. I wouldn't like being so far from them.
I wouldn't mind a lovely place to vacation though, Jan through March.
Ask me again after the next snowstorm Wed! :)
Enjoy your good weather!

Salmagundi said...

No contest for me -- there is no place better than right here in Colorado. The weather where we live is the perfect combination of seasons. It snows, but it usually melts by noon; the summers are warm, but no humidity, and the sun shines 360 days a year. Can't beat it, plus my family lives here!! Hope you have a great week. Sally

Yvonne said...

Even though there is more snow, I loved the years we lived in Colorado Springs; except I always felt since NORAD was there we would be the first to go in an atomic war, and there also was that talk about a toxic dump site near Denver. That aside, it was a neat place, all of the state had wonders to see, and Denver had a lot to offer when visiting. Gorgeous country!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

St. Augustine, FL or Sarasota, FL. I adore Florida. I love everything about it... sunshine, palm trees, great highways, shopping, restaurants, etc. I like living in a place that has tourist amenities and also beautiful water. I love my friends here, and I love the fact that we were the only state in the country that didn't get snow. I'm a sunshine girl.

Now if California didn't have earthquakes and mud slides and forest fires, I would consider living there because I like their mild temps and low humidity. Plus, the Pacific Ocean is glorious.

And if it didn't snow there, I'd like in Edgartown, MA (Martha's Vineyard whose radio station I'm listening to right now!)

If I were a multi-billionaire, I would live in NYC. I adore it. But I would want a big apartment, and they cost a fortune in Manhatten.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Oh, and one more place... Charleston. I adore it. My sister lived there for many, many years, and it's charming.

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

I don't think I do the cold and snow again. We are originally from Michigan. I think we will keep moving South. NC if fine for now and I guess it'll depend on where our kids end up so we'll have to find somewhere warm and somewhat close to them.

Moms Musings said...

It's hard to pick one place. I like the mountains, Montana or Washington, so I'd probably go out west to be closer to my son in Seattle. Then, if I could afford it, I'd get another place in Manhattan and divide my time between the two places.

Joan said...

I'm born and raised in NJ and like living here. Where I am in nw NJ I'm only 45 minutes from NYC and yet live in a semi-rural area with farms. The best of both worlds.

However... if I were to live anywhere else it would be Martha's Vineyard where I've been going since I was an infant. My roots are there and so is my heart...awwww.

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Lets see....I grew up in Michigan, lived in upstate NY for 10 years. Lived in Naples, Florida for 20 years, but I finally found the best place ever. North is too cold and grey. Florida is to hot and humid and no seasonal changes.

I love, love, love living here in the mountains of Asheville, NC. We get a little snow, georgous seasons and temperate climate. Yesterday was 67 and sunny here...

p.s. yes, day by day my shoulder is healing...thank you for asking!

Come Away With Me said...

Probably someplace like Santa Barbara or San Luis Obispo, California...still on the coast but away from the Los Angeles smog. We do have wonderful weather here in Southern California despite all the other problems....

On the other hand...I've always loved the beauty of the Pacific Northwest...I can't decide. Am I allowed two homes??

Chatty Crone said...

Well I am going to say Greece or Tuscany - I can dream can't I?

So what about you - where are you settling down?


Linda said...

It's funny that you should ask since we plan on moving "somewhere" within the next few years.

Colorado is my first choice but because of that darn four letter husband is putting up a real fight. We'll see what transpires.

Anonymous said...

{clicking my heels together}....there's no place like home, although I've decided once both kids are permanently settled I'll spend approximately six months with each. They don't know that yet.

What, now that you got some nice weather you've forgotten all about us northerners? Cat got your tongue?

Jennifer said...

Hi Sue...being near family is so great but the snow is really getting old here in Jersey...(Someone today said her spring fever is turning into a disease!) ... I want to figure out how to live in either Sanibel or the Keys...Jan-May...then come back to the shore for the summer and holidays and family...
now paris or tuscany for vaca~...a girl can dream! [[HUGS]] Jennifer
yep snowcoming AGAIN!

Joyce said...

Let's see. I have done North and South and coast to coast. I still am clueless as to where the perfect place would be for me to live but I just wish it was ONE place:-) I think as long as you can drive you have the perfect deal with Jersey and GA.

Rose said...

back to blogging i miss part of the issues of living up North but the South is my home . take care rose

Rose said...

i love some of the issues of living in the North but the South is it! take care rose

Peg said...

The other day while driving down the interstate, a cute little red VW passed me by... and I thought of you. This bug had a big wind-up thing attached to the trunk; do you have one of those? I'm sure if you do, Joyce would wind it up like the egg timers! Loved that post too... you and the Boss need a new dog and that was a cute black one!

With all the snow, definitely in the south. I'm pretty much happy where I am! As one of Elizabeth's NY friends asked her at the wedding, "So why on earth did you ever leave this place?"

Marianne said...

Someone already said Sanibel, but I second that. What a wonderful place that would be to live. Thanks to Pat Conroy, I've wanted to live on the outer banks of North Carolina. Mackinaw Island also appeals. I could stand living in Laguna Beach, CA. If someone told me I'd have to move to Taos tomorrow, I wouldn't be that unahppy about it. (See, if you had let me say Provense, this would have been easy!) Oh, and the Upper West Side, NYC, used to be home and still beckons me after 30 years away.

Marianne said...

a quick addendum ..... I can't believe I typoed Provence. Probably sealed my fate of never actually living there!!!

FairfieldHouse said...


I want you to post a photo in June or July -- Jersey Shore (showing the beach and ocean) vs Atlanta (showing sun beating down, wilted flowers, brown grass and lots of sweat) hehehe

I am a Jersey Gal but if I had to pick another place -- and if my property taxes go up any higher I just might -- it would be north to New Hampshire or Maine or a big square state out west, where I can carry a gun and put a cap in the seat of a woman who refuses to make room at a picnic table in the back room of a pizza joint!

Your Friend,