Tuesday, December 7, 2010

SMALL TOWN THEATRE..............better then Broadway!

Sundays during Football Season are like my own
"Little Vacations"....
As long as the Boss is left food I can pretty much go away for hours
without him even knowing I am gone....So this past Sunday I did just that.....
After reading in our local paper that the Musical
"42nd. Street"
would be playing at the newly refurbished Strand Theatre on
The Marietta Square
I secured myself one really good seat....
3rd. Row Seat one!!
I had not paid much attention since they opened the old movie theatre awhile back
But I am quite fond of music from the 30's and 40's so I was very excited to
see this play......
And after last years Fiasco on Broadway of the Revival of
I figure how bad could it be.....
A very Chilly 30 degree Sunday.....I wandered around the Square
before making my way inside the theatre....

with a very small town feel....Marietta is actually huge compared to our
Hometown back in the Motherland....
I think we have 7 or 8 High Schools at last count....
This beautiful Square is actually inside the city limits......

Inside the Strand there is art work from local artists everywhere you look....
I was surprised how lovely it was....
Much nicer then the Neil Simon Theatre in Manhattan...
Where you might remember it as being the scene of last years crime
When I snuck a photo of the final curtain call and was almost
ousted out by the
"Usher Police"

The place was packed with a varied assortment of Locals....
Young.....Old.....Men and Women....a few children...
Every seat was filled...
Being a Huge fan of Tap Dancing....
I sat in awe of these performers...
There had to have been 25 or so people in the cast and a more talented bunch of
Folks you would not want to meet....
The "star" of the show.....that tiny little thing in the blue dress was the
most amazing dancer I have ever seen.....Anywhere!!
Casey Leigh Thompson is her name
and she could sing..... she could act and Boy could she dance....
The Playbill showed that she has been in all sorts of musicals including
Legally Blond on Broadway....

But after reading through everyone's Bio it appears they are local performers and others who travel all over the country to perform
doing all sorts of theatre.... One of the chorus members is a local high school student.....
Miss Thompson is destined to be a Broadway Star.....

So next time your thinking of going to Local Live Theatre but wonder if it will be just
Think again......This play was by far as good if not better then plays I have seen on

If you are in the Atlanta area "42nd. Street" is Playing through
December 19th.....
and is being presented by
The Atlanta Lyric Theatre

It was the best 2 1/2 hours I have spent in a very long time!


Julie Harward said...

I love local theatre and and have sung many a lead in them myself, so you know how much I love them and they are the best! Wish I could have been there! ;D

Linda @ A La Carte said...

What a fun thing to do. I love live theater and local shows are often awesome. Let me know next time you want to go!!

black eyed susans kitchen said...

You are so my kind of girl...so to speak...that is exactly what I would do. Usually it is a movie in Red Bank or if I am lucky a show at the Count Basie Theater. I just love going to the small town theaters...there is something warm and happy about them.
♥, Susan

House and Garden Boutique said...

Sounds like a fun winter afternoon outing! Nothing better than some good old theatre for the soul! Hope you are doing well and keeping warm!

Joan said...

I love "42nd St" it's my all time favorite musical...and I too am a big fan of tap dancing although I can't tap worth a lick.
Love local theaters, more people should go to them and see the unbelievable talent that's off-off-off Broadway.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you! Broadway is a very small stage so it's no wonder there's tons of talent throughout the rest of the country. Glad to see you made extra good use of your free time....better than football any old day!


Kathleen said...

That sounds like a wonderful Sunday afternoon! But in December how do you get to rest and relax...baking, shopping wrapping decorating??

NanaDiana said...

Oh I love local theater. I used to do costuming for our local music theater for several years. I do miss it sometimes. That show sounds like it was wonderful. I hope that little girl makes it big! Hugs-Diana

Julie Harward said...

Hi Sue...I went in and made the instructions a bit more clear. And the potatoe just gives it body and moisture. It's not hard, good luck with it! ;D

Cathy said...

I sounds like you had a wonderful time, Sue. I am often amazed by how good our local talent is. It's nice that you got away for a little break during this very busy month.

Come Away With Me said...

A fabulous production like this appears to be makes for a truly enjoyable evening. You leave the theatre with a song in your heart and dancing feet.

Chatty Crone said...

Sounds like you had a great time - bravo for you going alone. If you ever want company - call me!
