Friday, September 10, 2010

MEET US IN ATLANTA................

You all know how much fun we have down here in Atlanta....
Even when three bloggers meet we can turn it into a party.....So over lunch today in Midtown with everybody's favorite Ex-Blogger Joyce and
Cheryl of JoJo's Joys....
We discussed how much fun it would be if we shared our town with all you
Ladies out there in Blogland....
We realized how much stuff is going on in town this week....
The Yellow Daisy Festival over at Stone Mountain....
Not to mention great shopping and even better eating....

Here's a little sample of what I'm talking about....
She Crab Soup with a Southern Favorite
Pulled Pork with Slaw...
Homemade chips...

We actually did more eating then talking.....
I spared you all the deep fried Chicken Livers over creamed corn that I ordered...
The Boss asked if they had to "pay me" to eat that....
What can I say I love chicken livers...

We ate at South City Kitchen
And yes...this salad was as good as it looked....
That's candied pecans and chopped fresh peaches you see....
It was my attempt at dieting.....

So back to the Point of the Post.....
We talked about how much fun it would be to have a "Mini-Blogfest"
get together perhaps next September when
All this good stuff is happening...
We all have heard from alot of you lovely bloggers that you would love to come
to Atlanta.....
And we would love to have you!!
So before it's too late and Me and Joyce get exiled back to Jersey and
New York.....
Let us know what you think.....
Good Idea???
Baaaaaaaaaaaaad Idea??????????
"I have seen pictures of what you and Joyce do in Ikea....
And I wouldn't be caught dead around you two"


Sarah said...

Well, I think it is a great idea. Not sure I could get myself there, but I'll give it some thought. Atlanta is definitely on my places to visit. ~ Sarah

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

That sounds like a fabulous idea Sue! I have been to Atlanta many moons ago but would love to go back.
Oh and the food looks out of this world amazing! I could never stick to a diet with all that good stuff!

Jojo said...

With a year to plan, I hope a large group can gather! And BTW - I think there are more chicken liver lovers out there!!

Have a great weekend!

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

It sounds like a blast! I would try to see if I could make it. It is all about the timing of the moment for me. But I would definately try reall, really hard!

Nouveau Stitch said...

If I have to eat chicken livers, I'm staying in Michigan!! Otherwise, I'd have to check my social calendar....ha!


The Tablescaper said...

No chicken livers for me either, but I think it's a great idea. With a year to plan, I think we can pull it off. You'll have to assemble some kind of shopping map for us!

- The Tablescaper

Anonymous said...

LOL! Will have to send this to my chicken liver-loving friend.

What a fun idea! I should probably start dieting now to be ready.

Pondside said...

Hmmmmm - across a continent and then down half a continent.....but with a year to never knows.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

How fun that would be! I have so many blogger friends I would love to have come to Atlanta! We could show them a great time! Oh and that food looks wonderful! I haven't been to that restaurant,,,,yet!

Kathleen Grace said...

I would LOVE to come to this but the likelyhood is slim. In the meantime, can you send me some of that food?!

Donna said...

Sounds like a great idea although I'm not sure I could make it.
That food sure looks good!

Kat said...

Sounds like a great idea Sue. And that food looks great too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

It would be a lot of fun! I can't promise anything right now but I'll see what happens as the year progresses.

Cheri said...

Don't you girls look so cute. How fun that you were able to get together again. The blogfest sounds like a good idea and so many bloggers do things to get together with other bloggers and this sounds like a great idea...did you think of this, Sue?

Salmagundi said...

You know I would love to come to Atlanta, but after my trip to Germany and France next June, my budget will probably be depleted (and then some!). Have a great week. We have the big estate sale this coming weekend. Sally

Julie Harward said...

The salad sounds divine! And the fun time of meeting a blog friend sounds so great, I would love to do that! You all look great! :D

Chatty Crone said...

The food looked delish and it looked like you had fun.

I think that would be an awesome idea! (course I live here - lol).


Come Away With Me said...

Those chips and that mac and cheese are calling my name....

I know if you all put something together for a blogfest it would be great fun, and it has been years since I've seen Atlanta. I'd try to make it if I could.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Sweet Sue??

Chicken LIVERS??? How much DID they pay you to eat them? :-) The salad looks YUMM-O though...

Woooohoooo! A get together... It sounds like a good idea to me... Oh how I'd love to "Do The South"... I've never been and it's on my wish list.

I think I got the whole add a do-hickey link thing all figured out. Thank you so much for your help! I knew you were laughing like crazy. Some of us just are not as savvy as others. I am SO not techie.

Have a wonderful day!


Cass @ That Old House said...

OK, Sue first of all -- what DO you do in IKEA?

And if you love chicken livers, next time you are up Princeton way, look up a restaurant in West Trenton on Upper Ferry Road --
Paulie's Anna Rose. It's not far, really.

It's in a great big old house, with all sorts of old furnishings, in the middle of a residential area. The food is amazing.. When Alida was in college, we took crowds of her friends there for birthdays or other celebrations.

YOU HAVE to have the appetizer chicken livers. You will thank me for it.

That's the website. Really, it's a hoot, and it's amazing food. Never did lunch there, but I keep threatening to go back to that area again just for a visit to Paulie's.

Leave the diet at home. Order the spedini (sp?) appetizer, too. I'm just saying . . .

gail said...

You are killin me with that food!!!Yum!!!
How excited I was when I read your comment to me about Yankee Doodle Dandy. I KNOW I have seen it at least 50 times. The first when back in the day Million Dollar Movie ran the same movie 3 times a day for a week. I was a little kid home sick from school and watched it all week long! And yes, that tap dancing scene in Little Johnny Jones give me chills too. As does "Give My Regards to Broadway"....."watch for the skyrocket"! I read somewhere that that was his favorite of all the movies he did.
You are indeed a Kindred Spirit!!!

Kathleen said...

I would love to come! However, I don't buy green bananas, so we will have to see what develops!
The Eyes Have It

Sue said...

OMG what have you started? This could be like a bloggy convention without all the drama and competition! I bet you will have a turn-out! Thanks for the personal invite- you never know when I might show up places...... :-) Can you imagine the incidents we could create? Trouble sometimes follows me...
~ Sue

black eyed susans kitchen said...

Will there be mac and cheese? If at all possible, I think this would be a lot of fun!
♥, Susan

FairfieldHouse said...

I am there with bells on...hmm, don't ask me what part will be jingling.

By then, you and The Boss will be settled in another home and ready to rent rooms to bloggers attending this event.

Keep me posted.

Your Friend,

santamaker said...

Darn.........that looks SO GOOD ! So sorry I missed!

Rose said...

beeb busy with company and other things. hi!i think it's a great idea re mini blogfest. rose

Jennifer said...

Hi Sue, love the pics. I have been to South City Kitchen! Fab!
Check out my pics from Martha's Vineyard..We stayed down the street from where Patricia Neal lived. I remember you said you saw her this summer. She passed away in July : (
Thanks for all the tips about MV...they really helped!
Jennifer aka Gigi