Monday, August 16, 2010


But the Air Conditioning is so Delightful.....
And since I've got no place to go...
Let me Blog Let me Blog Let me blog...
I know...... how corny can I get but my gosh it is hot down here.....
So what does Sue decide to do in 90 degree heat.....Why cook cold weather comfort food!!
I had all the "fixens" (that's a Southern word) for Chicken Pot Pie so I fired up the oven
and in about a half hour I had this wonderful
hot and bubbly not meant for hot weather meal.... About 4:00 I decided to take the Boo Dog out to see if the mail had come and the minute
I opened the front door the air just took my breath away.....
Only showing 84 degrees in the shade the humidity was overwhelming...
We wandered down to the mailbox....limping with the broken toe..
Boo ready to have a coronary.....
I opened the mailbox to find a box addressed to me....
I never get anything in the mail so I was surprised to see my name instead of the Boss'
The Boss is always getting packages.....
So I do my best to drag Boops back inside before I had heat stroke
Back inside where the temp was a cool 68 degrees...
I opened the box and this is what I found....

Isn't is beautiful.....
And it came all the way from Long Beach California....
My friend Sara from
sent it to me and boy was I surprised.....
I love cold weather and nothing made me happier then the thought of wearing this as
soon as the weather gets a nip in the air....
And it's in my "Signature' color...
How did she know I love anything Red...
Coming on the perfect day when I was fed up with the heat and dead grass and high air conditioning bills.....
Cold weather is just around the corner and with cold weather comes.....
Getting to light the Fireplace.......
Hot tomato soup with a big grilled cheese sandwich...
Bulky fisherman knit sweaters...
My Ralph Lauren leather Riding Boots...up to the knee.
Osso Bucco....that's veal shanks for all you non Italians!! Cooking in the crock pot.
fuzzy blankets on the bed...
the smell of leaves burning...
hearing the high school band practicing from 2 miles away....
great holidays
And a warm and wonderful scarf from a wonderful
special blogging friend....
Thank you Sara...
You made my day!!


Come Away With Me said...

You make winter sound so appealing I wish it was here already! Aren't you glad the seasons change like they do...variety really is the spice of life. I'm so glad you like the scarf and I just knew you would look fabulous in red.

Neabear said...

What fun to get a surprise in the mail! I heard that the heat has been unbearable in some places. My cousin in Alabama has been complaining of the heat and humidity there too. Here where I am in California is having an usually cool summer. Got up to 93 though at our house. But the nights are down in the 50's. Hope the weather changes for you soon.


Linda @ A La Carte said...

I only ventured out to get the mail also. I also got a fun package from a blogger friend. It made it a very good day. Love the look of that casserole! Yum! Looking forward to cooler weather myself!

Jojo said...

I want to get excited about the scarf but I can't get over that pot pie!!! Yum! And I love the fact that you just happen to have the ingredients ready to make something so scrumptious.

How lovely to receive a handmade gift from another blogger. We'll all be waiting for cooler weather so that you can post a picture of you modeling your new accessory.

Joyce said...

The "P" pie looks amazing! Thank heavens for A/C and swimming pools and peach shakes. Love the scarf.

Kathleen Grace said...

I'd eat that nomatter how hot it was outside! I can't say I love cold weather though. I try not to think about winter coming, just enjoy the last of summer. We finally got a break in the heat and it is in the 60's this morning and all the windows thrown open. Perfect for pot pie:>)

Nouveau Stitch said...

What a nice post! Isn't it amazing how these things just all fell into place to make an awesome blog post! The scarf is so pretty and you'll do it proud when it gets down to a chilly 60 degrees in Hotlanta!

About the pot looks yummy but I don't believe for a minute you just whipped it up. Something that lovely took hours of preparation....


Cheri said...

Cute how your started out your post, I could hear the song and now it is forever in my head. LOL
Love the are making me homesick for the cold weather, I can't wait for Fall. I would have Fall temps. all year round.

FairfieldHouse said...

I'm with you Sue ...I prefer the cold over the heat any day. Let's rent a cabin on the coast of Maine next summer. Then you can wear your lovely scarf for the 4th of July! That chicken potpie looks delicious. What a sweet and generous gesture from Sara. I've 'met' some wonderful people through blogging (you included!)

Your Friend,

Debbie said...

Hi, you goofy girl! Reading your posts always brings a laugh to my mouth...and that pot pie got my mouth watering! Looks soooo yummy!
What a great surprise for you! How thoughtful was that?!
I know what you mean about all the heat and humidity...but I'm loving it! Winter will be here soon enough for me....brrrr.

The Sewing and Knitting Loft said...

Oh I hear you with the heat, today will make 18 straight days of 100+ temps. Awful I tell you!

Somehow I missed your broken toe, hope it heals quickly.

Lovely scarf, dream of FALL!


House and Garden Boutique said...

That chicken pot pie looks so good! My mouth is just watering from looking at the photo. I can't wait for some cooler weather and the chance to wear a nice comfy sweater. You are going to look wonderful in that red scarf! Hope to see you soon!

Average Girl said...

Do you know you are absolutely hilarious.... I stumbled across a comment that you made on the tablscaper's page and it made me giggle, so I had to come check you out! Thanks for the giggle!

Chatty Crone said...

Love the way you started the blog. And that pot pie - hope it is for tomorrow (lol). The gift was really a neat surprise.

But honey - winter is not right around the corner here!

Love, sandie

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I am playing catch up, after having company. I wish I could have been in Atlanta for the get together! You guys always have so much fun...

Love the red scarf! How sweet! I am waiting for cold weather to try some of those bread recipes!

Kat said...

Sue, I am probably one of the few people down here who loves the heat. I do not like winter at all. Thanks for stopping by and visiting. Enjoy the upcoming weekend.

black eyed susans kitchen said...

You have not been missing cool weather in Jersey was hot as hades here last week. Fortunately for me, we had a few cloudy days at the shore. I can't wait for cooler weather...maybe if we both send our energy out to the universe....sigh.
♥, Susan

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I have missed YOU! And what a delicious dish and a pretty scarf. Love them!

Hope things are well on the Rue Mouffetard. I am on a blog break due to a jealous house and Mr. Magpie's kidney stones (don't ask!), but I hope to be back after the first of September.

Keep a light on for me, otay?


Sheila :-)

Rose said...

what a great surprise in the mail. Hopefully get will get cool soon and you can start wearing the scarf. rose