Sunday, July 4, 2010

More Vacation Fun with the Abernathy's

Who are the Abernathy's????
I'll be explaining that in a little bit....
But in the meantime I thought I would share some more pictures from
our recent vacation back to the Motherland....Along with going to Martha's Vineyard
for a week we also spent two weeks in
Jersey.....This wonderful sign greeted us....
We started out trip off with a little birthday celebration for.....
Our "Miss B".....

You all know that if it's Sophie's birthday a pony is involved....
This year there were two!!

Here she is giving instructions to the man pulling the horse.....
I say horse because this was just a small horse....not a pony...
Did you know that they can live to be 45 or 50...
This horse was 15 years old...
One Happy Little girl!

All the girls showed up.....even our resident "nose picker"
The child never and I mean never has her finger any place but up her nose...

The weekend included a visit from the Kenosha Grandparents.......
so we all took a drive down to our favorite beach...
Long Beach Island...
How many of you remember the Good Humor trucks of the 50's......
This truck was actually a fully restored version from
We followed it for blocks and then finally had to honk to get it to pull over
so we could buy a Toasted Coconut ice cream...
Our very favorite!!
One day me and daughter went out shopping.....
and we parked next to this guy....

He refused to look at me.....

No matter what I did....
I have a fond spot for Goldens...
Years ago we had 5 at one time!

Our main destination that day was to a candy store that my friend
Nunze told me about....
She said there was a room that had nothing but candy molds....
Boy was she right....
"Oye"........I heard the daughter saying while looking over the
4,000 different molds.....
If your a candy maker like me you'll appreciate this wonderful shop....
They sell all of these and more online at
Their shop is located in Somerville....New Jersey.
Grandpa did alot of babysitting....
One day me and daughter went here for a wonderful pedicure....
Hey...the girls have to have some mother-daughter bonding time...
A trip to Jersey just wouldn't be the same without a night out with
the Peeps....
Me and Marlene have been friends since grade school....
We were the original Lucy and Ethel...
There is always a drive past the childhood home....
it looked much better when the folks owned it...... Painted yellow with a split rail fence covered in roses and a
big tree in the corner of the driveway.....
We owned the house for a short time after they moved to Florida in the 70's...
And as I was driving down the street I saw a big sign for an
Estate Sale.....
Our lifetime family friends who lived two doors away had recently passed away...
And the house is being sold....
The Flemings lived there since the early 50's...
Phyllis or Phyl as we called her always had the most unusual name for me....
I was always "Sudie"....
when I saw the sign I had to stop.....
How sad it was when I asked the people running the sale about the family and
they didn't even know the name of the people who's belongings they were selling....
There was alot of jewelry for sale and I would have loved to have gotten a
piece of Phyl's jewelry.....Until I found out that alot of the stuff
for sale belonged to the people running the sale...
I did get the above little glasses because Jack was from England so it
was a good bet that these actually belonged to them....
Like I said....very sad.
Phyl was also very flamboyant and a dancer so when I also saw a big red Boa I knew
it was it came home with me also....
Oh No.....Not Ragtime Again!!!
Yes....Ragtime....Sue's favorite musical of all time.
When daughter suggested we go to the
Mercer County Community College
to see the
"Pennington Players" in this production.....well....I couldn't say no!
We bought our tickets online 15 minutes before tickets for that nights
performance closed....
And we scored two seats right in the front row....
we dragged along the MIL and daughter was nice enough to let us ladies
sit up front while she sat a few rows back....
Let me say it was spectacular....
Second only to the original Broadway production....
I was the only idiot at the end of the play to give the cast a
Standing Ovation.....
The man behind me hollered for me to sit down.....
Sure....that wasn't happening.....
There was also a trip one day to the coveted Christmas Tree Shoppe
Yes ladies.....if you don't have one of these near is all
that every blogger brags about....
This little lady was a gift from daughter...
And last but not least....
Kudo's go to the Virginia welcome Center on Interstate 81
For this.....
A miniature size toilet......
And now for the Abernathy's
That is a little name we call ourselves because nobody can pronounce out last name....
well....other Italians can....but regular people have a bit of trouble...
So years ago we began calling ourselves the Abernathy's....
It's actually
Think of the famous violin maker
"Stradivari"......and the "Stradivarius" violin........
And just take off the STR


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sue this was a really fun post! You did have some fun on this trip! That candy store is amazing!! That must be where you got the elephant mold!

Kathleen Grace said...

Hi Sue,
It looks like you had a fun filled family vacation. That little Sophie is the most adorably pretty child! Lots of shopping with your daughter and ice cream and beaches, sounds like the ultimate summer vacation:>)

Mimi Sue said...

Looks like you "Abernathy's" know how to have a good time! I'd love to go to the northeast sometime. I'd better do it while I can still get around;). Mimi

Linda said...

You sure know how to cover alot of territory in one vacation! You did so many fun and interesting things and that's just the way vacations should be!

I'm cracking up over the dog not wanting to look at you. Too funny!

Chatty Crone said...

This all happened on your trip - plus everything else? You had a great time - with so much to do. Miss B is so cute and so brave on horses. I know you liked that candy mold shop. Happy 4th. sandie

Jojo said...

What a wonderful vacation! Okay, I admit the tick-infested part wasn't so good but these adventures looked like so much fun. Thanks for the post Mrs. Abernathy.

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

What a fun post of all the summer activities you have been enjoying!
I would love a trip to the candy store, myself!
Your little birthday girl is adorable, and the images you captured of her~ just darling!

Lisa@Pickles and Cheese said...

That was a jam packed vacation. And you got to do it all. Visit with friends, family, squeeze in a few days at the beach etc...Fun post to read today! Love the photo of the restored Good Humor truck. We had one exactly like that and the driver's name was Happy. :)

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sue, I thoroughly enjoyed this trip with you! And that store! Oh, my! I think I might have been tempted to make candy had I been in a place that neat! I hope you got lots and lots of molds.

Love the inner tube lady! And I loved the birthday party!!! Such a precious birthday girl. LOL! about the nose picker. ;-)

Okay, I've been on vacation now. This is as close as I'm coming to getting away this summer!


Sheila :-)

Mimi Sue said...

Glad the boss likes my little airplane. I bought if for $10.00. The seat has a little tear in it and a little bit of rust on the wheels and some fingernail polish on the tail. But really in pretty good shape. I found one just like it on ebay, here's the link: A little more pricey but it's new and in perfect condition. Looks like it's a reproduction but totally made of metal and very heavy like they used to make things when we were kids. I got the picture for the 4th of July decoration from a box of reproduction postcards I found at a gift shop. I could probably have found one very similar to it online at graphic fairy or one of those sites that let you download their images for free. I forget that you can find just about anything online. My brain still lives in the 1970's! Anyway, if you're interested in that exact image I could scan it and send it to you if you'd like. Just let me know. Have a great week. Try to stay cool. Mimi

Mimi Sue said...

OK thought it was ebay, it's Amazon! Duh! Mimi

Jennifer said...

love the pics of the birthday party & lbi...never thought of a pony ride! Enjoyed your vaca pics and the tribute to your parents! thanks!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Sue,
You really had a fun time! I felt like I was right there with you. Very nice post, I love reading about your adventures!
And I want one of those Christmas Stores near me, they look so awesome!

Joyce said...

What fun especially in the candy mold shop. I love the little statue the daughter picked up for you at the C T shop. Estate sales are always a bit sad when you know the owners of the items. Sophie's dress is the same one I sent to my friends little girl for her birthday this year...loved it so much I could not resist buying it at Kohl's. I bet you bought that dress for her. Good Humor truck brings back fun memories of sitting on the curb on a hot summer day waiting for him to show up with those bells ringing:-) Thanks for sharing.

Debbie said...

Oh Sue, you always give me a giggle with your posts. What a fun person you are!
Looks like a wonderful vacation to me.
Our Kayla is the one with her finger up her's like..attached to that opening on her face! Maybe she thinks her face will deflate if she removes the finger????
Hugs to you,

Rose said...

soundslike such variety of activities that keep you tired but happy. the candt store would be on of my places to go. sorry this post is late. had to get husband ready for a 2 week trip to texas.

Julie Harward said...

LOL...what a cute potty! I think your little Sophia is so sweet...we are getting a Sophia about 2 weeks! Looks like a great vacation! :D

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What a wonderful vacation! To spend time with family and do these fun things!

Kathleen said...

You are hysterical! What a narrative!
I loved it all, and saw that figurine in the CTS!
Sounds like a very busy time. Wonderful you could be there for Miss B's birthday, she is adorable!

Cheri said...

How the heck did I miss this post???? Must have been camping. Love your old homestead, was that your bedroom at top with the A/C? I'll have to check out that candy shop...oye!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Oh Sue... What a wonderful trip... and I'm sure the best part was getting to see your little Miss B....She just couldn't be more adorable! And, she's getting so grown up....the picture of her smiling, on the horse, is a PERFECT Kodak moment! Toooooo cute. :-)

Loved getting the tour too.


Come Away With Me said...

Your beautiful Italian last name seems pretty easy to pronounce to me (the "Stradivarius" helped of course!)

I enjoyed hearing all about your adventures...and I love your hair, by the way. Wish mine would do that (behave and look perfect).

FairfieldHouse said...


Sounds like you had a wonderful time visiting friends and your daughter and her family. The next time you visit LBI we will have to meet up. I too think it's sad when a persons possessions lose the story that tied them to it. So glad you were able to get something that reminded you of Phyllis and Jack. A day at a spa sounds divine. Does the B (in Miss B) short for beautiful? She has such an angelic face with a little bit of hell raiser in her eyes...just want to squeeze her!

Your Friend,