Monday, July 12, 2010

From Moldy to Magnificent.......

Well perhaps Magnificent is too strong a word for a pair of porch rockers....
But these chairs have sat on our front porch for the past
25 years...
Our first house purchase when we moved down South....
Because every Southerner with a porch has a rocker..
And we wanted to fit in.A little neglected over the years...
We maybe sat on them twice...
Because we are from the North and people from Jersey just don't
"Sit a spell"
You will see the real reason in a minute....
I finally decided to get out the spray paint....
4 cans was all it took
to take them from gross to gorgeous.....
okay....that's too strong a word for porch rockers...

Here they are back up on the porch.....
Keeping company with my new flag....a wonderful purchase from the
Christmas Tree Shoppes...
it has real embroidered stars!!
Here is the real reason we don't use the rockers....
Can you see how small the width of the porch is...
Our builder was only half right when he built it..... not thinking we would....
Heaven for forbid..... actually want to use it...
A panoramic shot....
We recently had wasps behind my flag window and I can see
that the "Boss" didn't hang it back straight...
The wasps have moved on to the Coke thermometer next to the door....

My first time joining Susan's
Met Monday
Between Naps on the Porch
Stop over at Susan's and see much more exciting transformations then mine...
it will be worth it...


Together We Save said...

Wow - these rockers look wonderful!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love that color and they do look wonderful on your 'mini' porch. Love the flag window it is very cute!! God job!

Julie Harward said...

They look very nice now...much better..and it does look like a nice porch! You'll have to give it a try with a good book! :D

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

I love the color, Sue! They look great even if you can't use them! lol Love your house! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

Kathleen Grace said...

I think the rockers look wonderful, amazing what a few cans of spray paint can do for a worn old rocker! I keep wanting to make myself one of those widows with a flag in it, so cute, but I dont have a window to do it yet. Your porch is beautiful:>)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love the rockers with their new paint job. I would sit in them for sure. They are wonderful. Even if the space is small, how fun to be outside and enjoy nature. Beautifully done. Love the flat too. Hugs, Marty

House and Garden Boutique said...

I am ready to sit and read a book on your porch.....really like the dark green color. They look really comfy & perfect for a little snooze.....Like the flag too!

Salmagundi said...

The rockers look great. If I was there, I would sit a spell - The grandkids just left, and I'm pooped! Take care, Sally

Donna said...

Your rockers look great! Good job.

Come Away With Me said...

Your porch looks good, even if it is a tad too narrow....and your flag with real embroidered stars is great...those are hard to find.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

You funny girl!

Love the rockers, Sue (you did a good job on them... and they are good props, even if you can't rock in them!), and the flag and the flag window and the cuter than cute dog.


Sheila :-)

Debbie said...

What a great porch! It looks so "all American"....very nice!!
Great job on those rockers.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

The rockers look all fresh and new in their new paint color. I don't have a front porch or rockers.

Nouveau Stitch said...

Well look at you! Getting all outdoorsy and stuff. At least I hope you painted outdoors what with the fumes and everything. They turned out great and you SHOULD be sitting on that lil porch. Stop and smell the roses, lady!


Kathleen said...

They look great! Happy rocking, we rock every morning with our coffee. We spill a lot! :)
I went to CTS yesterday. Got some patriotic stuff half off. Like I need more!
Speaking of wasps. We have recessed lights on our covered porch and they try to get it. So I sprayed one trying to get in, and a BAT flew out. Nearly had a heart attack! :(

Chatty Crone said...

4 cans of spray paint - not bad - the porch looks good enough to sit on now for sure - if you get rid of the bees and straighten the flag - lol

Deb said...

So Americana looking!

Vintagesouthernlife said...

You did a great job on the rockers. They look all fresh and new, so inviting. Annette

Anonymous said...

I have a rocking chair too - though it's on the shared landing for the simple rreason that I have no room at the moment. I would like it in the bedroom behind the screen and next to one of the windows so I can sit in it and read. Yours look great painted! The flag looks fab too - my parents have a huge UK and Irish one in their garden too to represent their nationalities. Hope you're well - speak soon - Al x

~CC Catherine said...

Hey Sue! Love the Chair makeovers! The green looks great on the porch! Hey - so sorry I couldn't make the last GA get together in June. I ended up not being able to get off work and then had to leave that very day to go to NC for the birth of our grandson that happened a few days later. We were on baby watch. He's two weeks old now and I just can't believe how he's grown! I so "missed" seeing everyone! Will life ever slow down? Hope you are well and enjoying your little beautie granddaughter. Hugs~ ~CC Catherine

Rose said...

the rockers look great, love green. theprch does look narrow, but if you like porch time go for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sue! Oh, your rockers do look pretty gorgeous! That's a great color too. Your porch looks sweet even if you do have those pesky insects! :)
Thanks for popping in to see me.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

FairfieldHouse said...

Your porch and rockers look great. I say break out the martini shaker, have a seat and watch a sunset with the boss! Cocktails on the veranda.
I have that same dog cutout (cairn terrorist) on my side porch!

Your Friend,

Sue said...

Hi Sue- You have to let me know how the paint wears on the rush seats of your rockers. I have 4 chairs that desperately need a makeover. I don't want to pay to have new rush seats put on and I don't think I could ever do it myself. Paint, I could handle! I hope you are enjoying your summer, toots.
:-) Sue