Monday, July 6, 2009

SWEET MISS SALLY.................

I have a running joke with Greg our wonderful mailman about all the packages that the Boss has delivered all during the week....Every time Greg brings a package to the front door he says the same thing....
"When are you going to get package"
"John get everything".....
Well Greg has been on vacation in his home country of Viet Nam for the past few weeks and we have a substitute mail lady.....
The other day I went out to get the mail......we have rural delivery down at the street....and there was balanced on top of our curved mailbox...ready to hit the pavement....this big box you see below......
Lucky that someone didn't drive past and scoop it up I brought it into the house and promptly handed it over to the husband.....
To my surprise and delight the package was for me.....
and who was if from....none other then Everyone's Favorite Sally of
What a wonderful surprise........... not just one gift but three!!
And for no reason other then Sally is one terrific lady......
A reader of my wacky blog since the very beginning I can always depend on seeing her comments as soon as I post a new story.....
She always have such wonderful things to say about our Miss B and she pays attention to all the little bits and bobs in my posts.....
You'll see what I mean in a minute....

The Boss was highly impressed to see that our Sally is a published author....How cool is that...She sent me these wonderful books on for me and one for daughter after reading about us going to the Hoboken quilting class....
what an accomplishment to have written not one but two books.....
And for all that have seen her blog you know the quilts she makes are true works of art...

Then I opened this little gem.....Sally noticed in an old post my collection of green pitchers on my kitchen window.....
Her note said this one belonged with it's brother's and sister's......
She did one better then that....

He's back home with "Big Daddy"......
this pattern happens to be my favorite pitcher in my thing...
Mine is new....a reproduction of the original.....
Sally's is the real thing!!
Thank you so much my friend for making my day....
When I received a few weeks ago beautiful flowers sent by Miss Susie Q of Rabbit Run Cottage.....the husband swore I was having an online thing with a 70 year old lonely man.....
When this package came I think he finally realizes that there are some really special people out there.......called Lady Bloggers!!
How lucky am I to know you all......


alpinekleins said...

Ooooohhh! Lucky lucky you! How much fun and such a great surprise:)


KBeau said...

Fellow bloggers are just great. What a nice surprise.

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wow, writing two books is quite an accomplishment. I use to quilt, but no more. It is so time consuming, but the results are so stunning. I know you will enjoy the books. Your little green pitcher is just adoreable. What a thrill to have the daddy. Bloggers are the nicest people in the world aren't they!! Enjoy. Hugs, Marty

Kathleen Grace said...

What a sweet and generous gift! I need to run over and see who Miss Sally is:>)

Salmagundi said...

Your words are too kind!! You are also one of those special lady bloggers that send surprises! It's a bunch of fun, don't you think? Hope you enjoy the books, and look how cute "Bubba" looks next to "Big Daddy"!! Sally

Country Girl said...

Don't you love getting things in the mail! What wonderful gifts from a friend.
You worry me, though, putting your whole address out there! There's crazy people out here, you know. I may be one of them . . .

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh, I just love a package opening post! What wonderful surprises, Sue! How thoughtful of Miss Sally! I hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

What a great surprise! What a ridiculous mailperson!


Daryl said...

What fun getting surprises in the mail ... love the pitchers

Come Away With Me said...

What a lovely surprise, and what a lovely person Sally must be! Such special gifts are true treasures, and delightful.

Cathy said...

What a lovely surprise. I love getting packages in the mail.

I have a loaf in the oven, Sue. I'll have a report for you soon.

Mabry's Gamma said...

How lucky are you to have such a wonderful and thoughtful blogging friend to share such gifts. It is fun to get "surprises" like that. Enjoy them.


The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sue, that is SO neat. Sally is one wonderful lady, and she has good taste in friends meaning YOU!


Sheila :-)

Nouveau Stitch said...

Obviously, John doesn't have a clue what goes on in Blogland. We all know our true readers are 40 year olds named Antonio or Eduardo...with rock hard abs and a villa on the Sorrento Coast. They jump quickly out of the shower, not pausing even to dry off, for our latest RSS feed...

Uh, then again, there might be a few exceptions...

Love the pitcher!


Joyce said...

What fun to get a package from a writer of quilt books. The green pitcher was so sweet and I can't believe she saw your collection from a past photo. Now that is a sweet lady with an eye for detail.

Susie Q said...

Sally is just so of the best! And I feel that way about you too!!

Love to you...
